The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 152 The man in the dream

Chapter 152 The man in the dream
The most excited ones are the two sisters Li Zichen and Li Zijun. This is the first time for the two of them to celebrate Zijin's birthday. Their hearts are filled with joy and their faces are full of happiness.

"Zijin, happy birthday! This is a gift from me. I hope you like it." Li Zijun couldn't hold back anymore. As soon as Zijin sat down, she took the box from Erjin's hand and handed it to him. Zijin.

Zijin looked at her with a bright smile on her face, not easy to please him, but she couldn't go to pick up her gift, so she looked at Mo Han with some embarrassment. From Zijin's point of view, these noble ladies are willing to come to participate His birthday banquets were all for the Eighth Emperor's daughter's face, so he didn't dare to dream that he had such a great ability.

Mo Han nodded with a smile, and Zijin thanked Li Zijun, then took the box in her hand, and Li Zijun immediately smiled.

With Li Zijun at the beginning, everyone also sent gifts one after another. Zijin was very moved for a moment, and Sanyue had already hugged a lot in his arms. The warmth and warm wind could only help him send the gifts back to Zijin first. residence.

Zijin looked at everyone, and finally fixed her eyes on Mo Han. She gave all of this to herself. She really did what she said back then, and would always protect him and treat him well!

As he grew older, Zijin dreamed less and less of the woman in white, but if he dreamed once in a while, the appearance of that person became clearer.Her figure, tone, and movements were all the same as Mo Han's, and Zijin became more and more certain that Mo Han was the person he had dreamed of since childhood.

You said that I am the only one in this life, and I will never let me watch you get close to another man and feel heartbroken again, Mo Han, will you?
Mo Han took a piece of chicken and put it in front of Zijin. Seeing that he was still in a daze, he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his little head.

"Eat more, you are too skinny!"

It was the doting smile in the dream again, and the same movement of the person in the dream again, Zijin couldn't help but her eyes were red, she lowered her head and ate slowly.

Mu Ci looked at the two people on the opposite side, feeling like a knife was being twisted in his heart, he lowered his head, only to see that the same piece of chicken was also placed in front of him.

"Eat more, you are too skinny!"

Mu Ci looked up happily, but the person who said this to him was not her.I saw that Lin Shuang was eating the vegetables with her head down, and didn't look at him, but her red ears confirmed that it was she who had brought the vegetables for him just now.

Mu Ci gently moved the piece of chicken aside, feeling so lost in his heart, he just ate the vegetables on the plate in front of him self-consciously, Lin Shuang took a sneak peek, his eyes dimmed, no matter how delicious the food in front of him was, She also tasteless.

"Xiao Ci, you should also eat more." Mo Han raised his head just in time to see the embarrassment and silence between Lin Shuang and Mu Ci who were facing him, so he hurriedly said that she still wanted to match them up.

"Yeah." Mu Ciben's still depressed heart became happy just because of her caring words. He doesn't ask much, as long as she can see him, that's enough...

"Cousin, Xiaoci has short arms. If he can't reach the dishes, you can help me pick them up! There are no outsiders here, so you don't have to be cautious, just eat happily!" Mo Han blinked at Lin Shuang, and said nothing. It goes without saying that Lin Shuang's dim eyes lit up immediately, and he began to arrange the dishes on the table for Mu Ci again.

Mu Ci looked at the round meatball that Lin Shuang picked up on the plate, thinking that Mo Han also cared about him, and couldn't help but feel happy, so he picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth, full of fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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