Chapter 153

Seeing that Mu Ci finally ate the food she gave him, Lin Shuang was so excited that she didn't care about herself, she just took care of Mu Ci, as long as Mu Ci had an extra bite of food, Lin Shuang would pick up some more food for him. The meal was a delight for both the host and the guest.

After the meal, everyone went to the warm pavilion in the back garden to talk about poetry and Fu, play the piano and draw pictures. They were so happy!

It wasn't until Zijin played "The Soul of Plum Blossoms" that Li Zichen and Li Zijun had to believe that he was really enjoying a good life with the Eighth Queen, who actually trained him to be a master of all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. My son, the kindness that their Li family owes to the eighth emperor's daughter may be hard to repay even if they die.

The crowd continued to laugh until evening, and left after an early dinner.Mo Han personally sent them to the door, and after everyone had left, Li Zichen brought Li Zijun to kneel in front of Mo Han.

"I thank His Highness on behalf of the Li family. If His Highness needs anything in the future, everyone in the Li family will die!" Li Zichen lowered his head and said sincerely.

"This palace doesn't need any repayment from you. It's just that when Zijin returns to the prime minister's mansion in the future, you just need to treat him well. He has suffered enough. Don't let him be wronged." Mo Han didn't reach out to help him kneel on the ground She was a little angry with the Li family for the two people who were holding her. A group of people couldn't protect a child!
"Your Majesty, please remember His Highness's instruction!" Li Zichen and Li Zijun replied at the same time.

"Go back! I'm afraid that person in your mansion will make some noise tonight, so keep an eye on it, and be careful not to jump over the wall in a hurry and hurt others!" Mo Han turned around and walked towards the mansion, but he still kindly reminded After talking to their sisters, Anye received the news that the person behind the scenes had already prepared the money, and they were waiting to use the money to arrest people!
Mo Han slowly walked back to the bedroom, Zijin was waiting inside.

"Your Highness..." Seeing Mo Han coming in, Zijin immediately stood up to meet him, his joy was beyond words.

"Why haven't you gone to rest yet? How happy are you today?" Mo Han entered the inner room, and stood by the screen with open arms, and Zijin followed Mo Han to help her change clothes.

"Well, thank you, Your Highness!" Zijin was happy in his heart, and his voice was a little more delicate, but Mo Han couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Zi Jin, have you thought about the future?" Mo Han asked, looking down at the boy who was squatting on the ground to help her take off her boots. He should also be sitting there for others to serve!

Zijin's hand that was holding Mo Han's boots suddenly stopped, why did she ask such a question, Your Highness?Don't you want him?

Zijin's happy mood suddenly sank, not because he was thinking wildly, but because he was always worried that the Holy One and the Queen Feng would blame him for the eighth princess's divorce from Li Zijin, and make him leave her... …

"I want to take care of you all the time..." Zijin clenched her fists and mustered up the courage to say this. As long as she doesn't reject him, he will always be with her like this, looking at her...

"Hehe...fool!" Mo Han stretched out his hand and rubbed Zijin's head. He is the son of the Xiangfu, how could he be her servant all the time?
"You, don't you want me?" Zijin's eyes were already red when she asked this. If she doesn't want him anymore, what should he do?
"How could it be? Zijin is so good, I can't wait to keep you by my side. But..." Seeing that his eyes were red, Mo Han held his wrist and pulled him to his side, coaxing him softly.

Mo Han felt sorry for him, and couldn't bear to see him being wronged again. She didn't want to let him do what a servant would do. He should enjoy the life of a noble son.

Zijin, I will clear everything up for you and send you home—there is the place where you should live.

Hearing what she said, Zijin's complexion got better. He sniffed his little nose and pouted his little mouth, but he looked extremely wronged!

"But, Zijin, do you want to go home?" Mo Han tried to ask.

"Go home? Where do you go home?" Zijin asked dissatisfiedly clasping her fingers, why did she ask him to leave every word?She clearly knew that she had no family, so she made him very unhappy!
"It's to go back to your biological parents' house!" As soon as Mo Han finished speaking, Zijin stood up and continued to pack her shoes and socks. She was a little strange today, and he didn't understand at all!
"Your Highness knows that Zijin has no family!" Zijin muttered aggrievedly, and quickly went to get hot water for Mo Han, and grabbed her feet to soak in the water.

"I'll do it myself. It's your birthday today, so I don't need you to do this." Mo Han put his feet into the water basin and sat back beside him while he said, "If you find your biological mother Father? Will you go home? Go back to them?"

"Your Highness, why do you say that?" Zijin finally found out that something was wrong with Mo Han, what she meant - did she find a family member for him?
"Or - I, I have already found a family member for, would you like to go back?" Mo Han thought that he would not be able to stay by his side as a servant for the rest of his life, since the person who harmed him back then had already shown his feet Son, then there is no danger for him to go home, and he can't hide it from him anymore.

"My family..." Zijin was shocked. Ever since he met Mo Han, he never expected to find his family, but has she been thinking about this for him, Your Highness?

"Yes, I'm sure who you are. Then, are you willing to go home?" Mo Han nodded affirmatively. In fact, she knew Zijin's identity a long time ago, but she never spoke because she was incapable of eliminating his troubles.

"I, I..." Zijin clasped his fingers nervously, he couldn't believe that she had actually found his family, so he could act like a spoiled child in his father's arms like others, right?When he was wronged, his father and mother would stand up for him and protect him from growing up...

"Don't worry, they all love you very much. I believe that after you go back, they will definitely treat you with care." Seeing his red eyes, Mo Han thought he was worried about his future situation, so he comforted him.

"Your Highness, thank you!" Zijin twitched his little nose, so sour that he couldn't help but want to cry. He was used to gossip since he was a child, and he could treat everything in a calm manner, except when his life experience and Mo Han's life were involved. Only then will he be heartbroken.

"Since I was destined to save you back then, I was obliged to find your family for you. Zijin, although they lost you back then, they didn't mean it. You have to believe that all mothers and fathers in this world love their children Yes, your parents are no exception, they were also deceived by traitors, so you were replaced by someone with a heart, don't blame them." Mo Han wiped the water from the corner of Zi Jin's eyes, this child has a relationship with Ah Jin She was afraid that he would blame Li Xiang's wife and husband, not to mention that Li Zhengjun had made things difficult for him because of Ah Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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