Chapter 156
Zijin just fell asleep crying and crying like this, her small body was still twitching, she huddled in the corner, it was very pitiful!
After Li Zichen and Li Zijun returned to the prime minister's mansion, the joy on their faces faded a bit.

"Elder sister, the spies are here to report that that old man of the Hu family actually used the third child to find the killer, and he even wants to do tricks on Zijin!" Li Zijun gritted his teeth and whispered in Li Zichen's ear after hearing the news from his subordinates. side said.

"His Highness Eighth said that Mrs. Hu is going to meet up with that person tonight. We just need to go and catch the turtle in the urn." Li Zichen raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Zijun. This Mrs. Hu dared to do things under her nose. That is really impatient to live.She will get rid of all those who have hurt Zijin, and when the prime minister's mansion is peaceful, she will take Zijin home and reunite their family.

On a dark and windy night, Li Zichen and Li Zijun changed into black clothes, huddled behind the big tree at the back door of the prime minister's mansion, and stared closely at the people entering and leaving the door.

"Sister, is that old thing from the Hu family coming out?" Li Zijun said, trembling with cold, it's already spring, how could it be so cold at night?Her snot bubbles are freezing!

"Wait a little longer! I guess it will be soon..." Li Zichen stretched out his hand and patted Li Zijun's shoulder and whispered, then moved closer to her, and the two warmed each other.

Just when the two were about to give up, the back door was gently pushed open, and a man who covered his eyes with only his eyeballs left followed behind Li Zimeng in black, and came out from the back door like a thief. The steps are small, Li Zimeng has to help him as he walks aside, Li Zichen and Li Zijun are sweating anxiously behind them, if they walk like this, will they be able to reach the place at dawn?

Finally, they came to the gate of a ruined temple at the corner of West Street, where a carriage was parked. Li Zichen and Li Zijun looked at each other, Li Zijun nodded and turned to leave, while Li Zichen continued to follow.

The carriage rattled towards the outside of the city, leaving two deep marks on the small road outside the city, and the clanging sound was very clear in the cold night of early spring.Li Zichen followed behind the carriage with light work, jumped up, climbed onto the roof of the carriage, and clasped the sides of the carriage tightly with both hands, until the carriage reached a small forest ten miles outside the city, Li Zichen jumped off the roof and hid Into the depths of the woods.

"Woo..." The carriage stopped around an empty small pavilion, and Li Zimeng jumped out of the carriage first, and then helped Mrs. Hu from the carriage.

"Daddy, the road is not easy to walk, so be careful." Li Zimeng whispered in Hu's ear.

"Don't call my daddy later, be careful not to be overheard!" Shi Hu nodded indiscriminately, suddenly remembered something, and said in Li Zimeng's ear again.

"Yes!" Li Zimeng immediately bowed down and answered, but his arms were tightly protecting Hu Shi beside him. If Hu Shi was at this age, if he fell in this night, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of bed for a year or so!

Li Zichen curled his lips in the depths of the woods. This Hu family is also capable, and he can find a fool like Li Zimeng back!
"哗啦啦..." The breeze blew, and the green shoots on the top of the tree also danced.Li Zichen immediately held her breath, she was very skilled in martial arts, so she could tell that someone was coming.

I saw three men in black with masks on their faces, only showing indifferent eyes and sharp jaws, making people feel cold all over just looking at them like this.Seeing them walking without making a sound and appearing like ghosts, one can imagine how unfathomable their martial arts are.

Even Li Zichen, who has always been confident, felt a little panicked. This Hu family is really brave enough to find such a killer organization. It seems that he is going all out for his own son!
Thinking of Li Zijin, Li Zichen couldn't help but sigh in her heart, now she was avoiding him all day, not knowing how to face him.The younger brother she had spoiled for 13 years turned out to be the real son of the man who made her own younger brother homeless. She couldn't forgive them. Thinking of how much wronged Zijin had suffered, she wished she could strangle Mrs. Hu to death. Li Zijin knew that this matter had nothing to do with him, but still couldn't help but blame him. Without him, their own brother would not have suffered so much since childhood.

"Several heroes are here. We brought the bank notes. This is our buyer." Li Zimeng said immediately when she saw the three women in black.

"Then let's follow the rules and inspect the bank notes first!" the leading woman in black said coldly.

"The bank notes are here, but let's talk first, the person we want to kill..." You must not miss a few words before being interrupted by the woman in black.

"My dark night rule is to take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. If you don't believe me, then let's forget about this business!" After the man in black finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a few heroes... We didn't mean that..." Li Zimeng shouted anxiously, and Hu Shi was also a little anxious behind him. Is this killer so angry?He didn't say anything!

As everyone knows, the three women in black are laughing in their hearts right now!The master really predicted things like a god, and there really were two fools who came to give them money on their own initiative!The leading woman in black pursed her lips and turned around again.

Hu hurriedly took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and handed them to the man in black. The man in black took the banknotes and checked them one by one, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead. ah?She didn't have a few banknotes left in her hand, so how could they hold back these two later?

When the woman in black had only the last silver ticket left in her hand, Li Zijun finally rushed over with someone. Hu Shi and Li Zimeng were a little flustered for a while. He clenched the bank note in his hand and was about to leave, but thought of his master's confession that he would leave after exposing the purpose of these two people, so he took back the step he had just taken half a step away.

At this time, Li Zijun, who had gone back to call for help, arrived in a hurry. Li Zichen immediately jumped out from the depths of the woods, and put the scarf on his face, revealing only a pair of eyes.

"Hey! This is the stolen goods!" Li Zijun said while pinching his throat.

"No, my lord has long received news that there will be thieves buying and selling tributes here, and our sisters have been caught!" Li Zichen said in a hoarse voice, turning the long sword in his hand.

"My lords have learned that we, we are not buying and selling tributes, we..." Li Zimeng hurriedly stood in front of Hu, explaining nervously.

"Hehe! If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing in this wilderness? Are you waiting to see the sunrise?"

(End of this chapter)

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