The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 157 The Nightmare Reappears

Chapter 157 The Nightmare Reappears
When Li Zijun saw Hu Shi behind Li Zimeng, he was furious, and his tone was a little more disdainful.

"No, it's not...we..." Li Zimeng was always stupid, but after being so frightened, she couldn't speak.

"My lords, we are really not buying and selling tributes. I'm afraid the person you're waiting for hasn't arrived yet!" said Hu, poking his head out from behind Li Zimeng. Li Zijun's stare made him shrink back immediately. went back.

"Stop talking! A man is out in the wilderness with a group of women in the middle of the night. I don't know what he's doing. It's not buying and selling tributes, could it be that he's buying and selling men?" Li Zichen shouted sharply.

"You..." Mrs. Hu blushed from Li Zichen's words, and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Be honest, tell me! What are you doing?" Li Zichen turned to look at the woman in black and asked.

"I didn't expect you, a man, to find people from the government? If that's the case, if you don't put your trust first, our business will be fine. You should find someone else to kill the servants of the Eighth Prince's Mansion!" the man in black said. After all, without waiting for Hu's reaction, he disappeared from everyone's eyes without a trace.

Hu was worried, but he didn't dare to shout loudly, his money!These killers who killed thousands of knives not only beat him up, but also took away his bank notes, which were all his belongings!

"Oh! It turned out that they bought murderers to kill people! When they were arrested, they dared to plot against the Eighth Prince's Mansion and sent them to Dali Temple!" Li Zichen saw that the man in black gave such a good excuse, and immediately ordered Hu and Li Zimeng to be arrested. Grab it!

After a lot of tossing, when they returned to the capital, the sky had already turned pale, and the hawkers who got up early and set up stalls had already pushed their carts and walked towards the West Street entrance. Li Zichen and Li Zijun also quietly returned to the prime minister's mansion, but the other people in the prime minister's mansion didn't find out when the two young ladies went out and when they came back.

Zijin couldn't sleep all the time, he just felt like there was a knife in his heart, twisting him so painfully.

"When I come back, eight palanquins will welcome you through the door! In this life, I will neither marry a king nor accept servants, but only you." The woman in white said to him with a smile.

"Okay! I'll wait for you, no matter how long, I will wait for you!" He was ecstatic, she was going to marry him, and she said that he would be the only one in this life.

But when the picture changed, the woman threw away his hand and turned her back to him: "Forget about me! Find someone who suits you and marry, don't wait for me anymore!"

He stood at the gate of the city and watched the woman ride away on horseback. The broken jade pendant on the ground was a token of love he gave her. It was his life!
"No! Don't! You can't leave me behind, you said you would take eight palanquins to welcome me! No..." The pain in the dream made Zijin yell loudly, tears streaming down his cheeks , wet his entire skirt.

Mo Han, who was still sleeping soundly, seemed to hear someone crying. He opened his misty eyes and listened carefully, and he really heard Zijin's cry.

Mo Han flinched and jumped off the bed. He didn't even bother to put on his shoes, so he rushed into the cubicle next to him. He saw Zijin huddled in the corner crying and trembling. She immediately jumped onto the bed and took him Take it into your arms.

Mo Han knew that Zijin would have nightmares. When he first came to the palace with her, he had a nightmare. At that time, Zijin also cried heartbreakingly. She still remembers it vividly.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

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(End of this chapter)

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