The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 158 You Are My Righteous Fiance

Chapter 158 You Are My Righteous Fiance

"Zijin, don't be afraid, I'm here! I'm here!" Mo Han held Zijin's wrist with one hand, and gently patted his back with the other. The child has been crying for a long time, and the whole skirt is soaked. Said that the body is also cold, without a trace of temperature.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me!" Zijin seemed to be haunted by a nightmare, no matter how Mo Han coaxed him, he could only say this sentence.

"No, I won't leave you behind! Zijin, I'm here, I'll always be here!" Mo Han hugged his cold body even tighter, and pulled the quilt beside him Wrapping the two of them together, he kept comforting the little man in his arms.

Mo Han thought that the reason why Zijin often dreamed of being abandoned was because Zijin had no parents since he was a child and was ridiculed. She thought it was only because he dreamed of his biological parents that he suffered so much. Therefore, Mo Han thought that he should speed up a little, let him go home earlier, and go back to his mother and father.

After feeling the temperature around him, Zijin's emotions finally stabilized a bit. He was trapped in a dream and couldn't wake up from the pain. He could only hear someone calling his name all the time, and someone keeping him warm.

Zijin finally saw the light, he walked along the light, and finally opened his swollen eyes.

"Zi Jin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. You still have me, and you still have me!" Mo Han's soft voice sounded in his ears, caressing his heart like a feather, itching and numb of.The pain in my heart finally eased a little!
Zijin stretched out his small arms tremblingly, hugged Mo Han's waist, lay in her arms and sniffed fiercely, then closed his sore eyes, and inhaled forcefully, the whole tip of his nose was filled with her smell , this is a bit better.

Seeing that the person in his arms finally stopped crying, Mo Han felt relieved. He just hugged him, patted his back lightly, and pulled up the quilt that had slipped down, wrapping him tightly. live.

"Will you not want me?" Zijin, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly made a voice, muffled and full of grievances.

"No!" Mo Han was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded with a smile.

"But if you marry another man, you will leave me behind." Zijin thought of the figure in the dream with his back turned to him, holding the other man's hand and leaving, leaving him screaming in pain , but the man didn't even look back.

"Fool! You are my rightful fiancée! If I didn't break the engagement with you, who else could I marry?" Mo Han said with a smile, raised his hand to remove the hairpin from his hair, and his black hair fell to the ground. After laying it down, the smooth strands of hair slid over Mo Han's fingertips, which felt very cool and comfortable.

"You—what did you say?" Zijin opened his mouth wide in shock. Was he just dreaming?He heard her say that he is her rightful fiancé?

"I said, you, Li Zijin - are the fiancée of the eighth princess Mo Han. You were the young husband promised by the Holy Majesty for this palace! Then tell me, who else should I marry first?" Mo Han He smiled and said, seeing his swollen walnut-like eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little more distressed, how wronged this child is!How can you cry like this?

"Your fiancé is me, not Li Zijin?" Zijin asked while holding Mo Han's arm tightly, not daring to blink for fear of missing the answer she said.

(End of this chapter)

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