The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 159 The Dusty Pearl

Chapter 159 The Dusty Pearl

"Yes, it's you, it's you from beginning to end!" Mo Han nodded.

"Woooo..." As soon as Mo Han finished speaking, Zijin lay down in her arms and began to cry again. This time, he wept with joy, but Mo Han was a little at a loss.

"You, don't cry anymore. If you don't want to marry me, I'll go and ask my mother to accept the marriage edict. My eyes are swollen into steamed buns. If you cry again, you will be blind!" Mo Han said helplessly Seeing the wetness on her chest, she ran here wearing only obscene underwear, but when he cried like this, her clothes felt cold on her flesh.

"You just said you wouldn't abandon me, why did you cancel your engagement with me?" Zijin suddenly raised his head and stared at Mo Han and asked, his eyes full of grievances, as if Mo Han had bullied him.

"I...I..." Mo Han was a little speechless when asked by the quilt, and could only sigh silently.The boys in this life are just like the girls in the previous life, they will always act willfully and act like a baby occasionally.

Seeing that she didn't answer his question, Zijin began to sob and cry again.

"Hey? Don't cry! I didn't say anything! Don't cry, it's really ugly!" Mo Han quickly grabbed his sleeves and wiped his tears. His movements were clumsy, but his tone was full of helplessness.

"Do you hate me that much?" Before he returned to the prime minister's mansion, she was about to cancel the engagement with him. He was happy for less than half an hour, and she let him fall into the abyss again, and said that she was ugly...

"I don't hate you. Really, don't cry, as long as you don't cry, you can say whatever you want!" Mo Han gently patted Pai Zijin's back and gave him a pat on the back, the child cried so much Hiccup came, because I didn't notice his emotions, I just thought he was excited because he found his family, but I didn't know that he still had grievances in his heart.

"Are you serious?" Zijin raised her red eyes to look at Mo Han, seeing Mo Han nodding, she broke into a smile, and laughed out a snot bubble.

Mo Han pursed his lips, holding back a smile, but Zijin blushed, and didn't care about anything and directly wiped it on Mo Han's obscene clothes, and then lay back in Mo Han's arms according to the posture just now, closing her eyes. Mo Han closed his eyes and started snoring after a while, Mo Han shook his head helplessly.

Zijin fell asleep until noon, and Mo Han just sat and adjusted his breath with his eyes closed, without moving at all, and Zijin was still lying in her arms like that, but the two of them had an indescribable harmony. nature.

When Zijin opened his eyes, he was still a little confused, and the warmth in his hands told him that he had stayed with her like this all night, Zijin blinked helplessly, a little shy, a little joyful, a little nervous...

Mo Han felt the change in the breath of the person in his arms, and asked, "Are you awake?"

Zijin heard Mo Han's voice and quickly closed his eyes tightly again, but the trembling eyelashes still betrayed him. Seeing his tightly clenched fists, Mo Han couldn't help curling the corners of his lips.

"Aren't you hungry after crying all night?" Mo Han leaned into his ear and whispered, "You're not hungry, but I am!"

Zijin immediately opened his eyes, reluctant to crawl out of Mo Han's arms, then nodded and said: "Then Zijin help His Highness change clothes!"

"No, I'll do it myself, and you should pack it up quickly! Let Sanyue send you some delicious food later to make up for it. After all, crying is a labor-intensive job!" Mo Han leaned over to Zijin In front of his nose, he grinned and disappeared in front of him.

Only Zi Jin was left flushed with embarrassment, twisting her fingers a little at a loss. She really lost her composure last night, but fortunately she didn't seem to hate him because of it.

When he thought that he was Mo Han's rightful fiancé, a big smile appeared on Zijin's face again. To him, this was the happiest thing in his life!
"Come on, eat more, why are you always so thin?" Mo Han was dissatisfied with picking up vegetables for Zijin, thinking that he is not very picky about food, but he doesn't gain weight!
"You eat too!" Zijin shyly picked up a chopstick dish for Mo Han. After last night, Zijin felt that a subtle change had taken place between himself and Mo Han, but Mo Han didn't feel it. .

"The person who harmed you back then has been arrested. When you are ready, I will send you back to the prime minister's residence..." Mo Han sipped his soup and said.

"I, I don't want to go back..." Zijin said softly with her head down.

"Zijin, that's your home. You are supposed to be the son of a noble family, how can you be a servant all the time?" Mo Han felt that the child might be afraid of strangers, but no one can take away what should belong to him. .

"But I want to stay by your side more..." Although Zijin was happy that he was her fiancé, she was still unwilling to leave her.

"Fool, if you don't want to be a good noble son, do you have to be an inconspicuous little servant?" Mo Han smiled, but her heart warmed up. His dependence on her gave her a sense of accomplishment.

"But, compared to being the son of the prime minister, I want to be with you every day!" Zi Jin muttered in a low voice, and Mo Han spit out the soup in his mouth with a "poof", this child - won't fall in love early Bar?
"Zijin, you are the moon in that day, you shouldn't always be buried in the mud. If you like the palace, you can come back anytime in the future, this will always be your home!" Mo Han smiled sincerely, Zijin stared at the palace. After watching her for a long time, he nodded silently.

A pearl is a pearl, even if it is covered in dust, it still has a dazzling light.Just like Zijin, even if he had been a beggar on the street, he couldn't hide his nobility as the son of the Xiangfu.Some people are born different, no matter how many hardships they go through, they must return to their own position.

"Then can I still live here?" Zijin asked with blinking watery eyes.

"I'm afraid..." Mo Han smiled and shook his head.

"You lied! You can't live here, and you said this will always be my home!" Zijin's eyes filled with tears immediately, look!look!He knew that as long as he left, he could no longer be with her like before.

"Zijin, you are still young, and you don't know what people say. How can you live in a strange woman's house with a man who hasn't left the court?" Mo Han thought that he didn't care so much about the defense between men and women. Zijin has no biological father to teach him, so he must not understand these things!
"Strange woman? Could it be that you and I will be strangers in the future? You clearly said that I am your fiancé bestowed by the Holy One!" The chopsticks in Zijin's hand fell to the ground. Home, is going to part ways with myself!Then he would rather not go back to that so-called "home" and not recognize the lofty parents.

(End of this chapter)

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