The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 164 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 164 The Truth Comes Out
"What did you and the Hu family do outside the city in the middle of the night?" Mo Han asked, staring at Li Zimeng closely.

"Your Highness, my daughter and father are going to meet with the killer organization..." Li Zimeng replied tremblingly.

"Why do you want to meet the killer? But you want to buy the murderer to kill the temple?" Mo Han asked sharply.

"No, no! Your Highness, my servants would never dare to murder His Highness, my servants and father are going to buy murder, buy murder to kill the servant next to you..." As soon as Li Zimeng finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Mo On Zijin beside Han, Zijin was scared by everyone, and hid behind Mo Han in fear.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." Mo Han comforted softly, and then asked, "Why did you kill the people in this hall?"

"Because, because my daughter and father heard that he stole His Highness's heart, His Highness wanted to cancel the marriage with Jin'er because of him, and Jin'er was unhappy in the mansion all day long. Just trying to vent my anger on him, I started to have such vicious thoughts, I know I was wrong, please forgive me, Your Highness!" Li Zimeng kowtowed again, bloodshot eyes already appearing on her forehead.

Li Zijin sat there in embarrassment, eighth sister, she wouldn't think that she instigated this matter, would she?Thinking of this possibility, Li Zijin felt uneasy.

"Haha...a joke! You can decide who this hall likes?" Mo Han laughed at the stupidity of Li Zimeng and Hu Shi. What a stupid father and daughter pair they are!

"Your Highness, forgive me, my daughter shouldn't be obsessed with such evil thoughts. Please forgive me, Your Highness!" Li Zimeng knelt there trembling, she had already explained everything, and I don't know how His Highness will deal with her .

"Negative girl! I don't have such an unfilial girl like you!" After hearing this, Li Xiang was so angry that he picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at Li Zimeng. He dared to raise his hand to wipe away the blood.

"Msg Li, don't worry, there are more exciting things to come!" After Mo Han said, he turned to Mrs. Hu, "Mr. Hu, you came up with the way to kill Zijin?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness is clearly aware that this idea was conceived by this rebellious girl, and the slave family was also deceived by her!" Hu cried and pushed all the blame on Li Zimeng.

"Daddy..." Li Zimeng looked at Hushi with despair, but Hushi lowered his head and didn't dare to look at her.

"Tsk tsk... What a dad! I have committed a capital crime and put all the responsibility on my daughter? Hehe..." Mo Leng laughed, "That's right! This Li Zimeng is not your biological daughter at all, but It's just a wild child picked up outside, how can I get you to protect it sincerely? Right, Mrs. Hu?"

Mo Han's words were like a bolt from the blue, and everyone's eyes widened in shock. What did the eighth princess mean by these words?
Except for Li Zichen and Li Zijun, everyone else seemed to have been poked at. The back house of the Li family is so messy?Could it be that Miss Li San belonged to Mr. Li and others?Li Zimeng was the most surprised. This series of blows completely stunned her.

"You... how do you know?" Hu was stunned by Mo Han's words and collapsed on the ground. After asking subconsciously, he raised his hand to cover his mouth belatedly.

"In this world, as long as it is something that this hall wants to know, it will definitely be known." Mo Han twirled a fan in his hand, looking cynical.

(End of this chapter)

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