Chapter 165
"You, you spitting blood!" Hu immediately retorted.

"Oh! Bloody mouth? You think too highly of yourself! This hall doesn't bother to waste time on people like you. Not only does this hall know that Li Zimeng is not from the blood of the Li family, but this hall also knows that you were killed 13 years ago. The fiancée of this palace—the real son of the Li family!" If Mo Han's previous sentence surprised everyone, then this sentence almost killed everyone, why does this involve the royal family?They know too much, they won't be silenced, right?

"Your Highness, what do you mean by saying that?" Li Zhengjun lost his composure when he heard Mo Han's words, he stood up and walked to Mo Han's side, and asked anxiously.

"Father, don't worry, Your Highness will definitely give our family justice." Li Zichen grabbed Li Zhengjun with quick eyes and hands.

"You mean, you also know about this? Isn't Jin'er your real brother?" Li Zhengjun looked at his eldest daughter and asked.

"Yes." Li Zichen nodded silently.

Li Zhengjun looked at Li Zijin again, Li Zijin was already in a daze at this time, the eighth sister said that her fiancé was killed by Hu Daddy 13 years ago, so who is she?No, he is the son of Xiangfu, the future prince of Eighth Sister, none of this is true.Li Zijin looked at Mo Han pitifully, but Mo Han didn't look up at him.

Li Zhengjun looked at Mo Han anxiously. He wanted to know what Mo Han meant. Did she mean that his son was killed by Hu Shi 13 years ago?Then who is Jin'er?
"You—who are you? How do you know this?" Mrs. Hu seemed to have seen a ghost. He didn't know what he did at the beginning, and the only person who knew about it was as early as 13 years ago. She died just before, and the eighth emperor was just a girl who was not even 14 years old. How did she know what happened back then?
"Why does this hall know? Hehe... because——you are harming people from this hall!" Mo Han didn't even want to look at Mrs. Hu, his mind was full of dirty thoughts, except for intrigue and murder, he didn't know that Li What did Xiang see in him!
When Zijin heard the phrase "people from this hall", she couldn't help feeling warm, even if everyone abandoned him, she was always by his side...

"Hehe...Your Highness, I'm afraid you made a mistake? You don't think so much of the slave family and you shouldn't wrong the slave family like this! Your future eighth prince is the son of my Li family who was bestowed by the sage, isn't he sitting there? "Hu pointed to Li Zijin and said, he thought that as long as he refused to admit what happened many years ago, no one would have anything to do with him.

"Who is Ah Jin, I'm afraid no one in this world knows better than you?" Mo Han looked at Hu Shi disapprovingly, as if everyone else was as stupid as him!
"Eighth Sister, what do you mean? Isn't Ah Jin from Eighth Sister?" Li Zijin became anxious when she heard that, Eighth Sister didn't want to marry herself, so she shouldn't use such an excuse to perfuse him!
"Ajin, how does the Hu family treat you in the mansion?" Mo Han didn't answer Li Zijin's question, but just asked.

"Daddy Hu...he - treats Ah Jin very well!" Li Zijin didn't want to lie to Mo Han, and he couldn't, as everyone knew that the Hu family treated him like his own.

"Then, have you ever thought about why Mrs. Hu treats you better than her own daughter? Even more than Li Zhengjun treats you?" Mo Han asked again.

"Eighth sister, I..." Li Zijin didn't want to think about the worst outcome, it definitely wouldn't be like that!He is the son of the Xiangfu, the fiancé of the eighth sister, he is not the child of the Hu family, no!
"Mr. Hu took advantage of the time when you entered the palace to celebrate the [-]th day of the palace, and after learning the news that Li Zhengjun was about to give birth, he asked a doctor to prescribe birth-inducing medicine to force his child to be born early. Before returning to the mansion, he gave birth to a boy. He thought of what his mother said, if Li Zhengjun gave birth to a son, he would be the future king of the palace, so he thought of replacing his son with the newly born son of the Li family. Then he asked his concubine to take the real son out of the mansion and kill him. Fearing that the matter would be exposed, Hu bought the phantom, the number one killer organization back then, to kill the concubine. He found a personal servant to go to the village outside the city Li bought the newborn Li Zimeng to pretend to be his child, worried that Li Zimeng's biological parents would come to the door, and burned their family of six to death. In the end, what you saw, your family People are so happy!" Mo Han looked at Li Xiang's wife and husband saying every word, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"No, it's could my son be killed by him? No!" Li Zhengjun didn't want to believe Mo Han's words. People are killed!

"Father, don't worry, the matter is not over yet!" Seeing that Li Zhengjun had started to cry, Li Zijun rushed forward to comfort him.

"Bitch, is what His Highness said true?" Li Xiang came to Hu Shi angrily, and slapped him with his hands.

The reason why Li Xiang believed Mo Han's words was that after Li Zijin was born, a guard did disappear in the mansion, and Hu's personal servant also committed suicide by jumping into a well. With a strict order not to disclose it, the Eighth Emperor would not know about it, but now—doesn't it mean that what the Eighth Emperor said was true?The Hu family has been hiding it from him for 13 years...

"Haha... Everyone said that the eighth emperor's daughter is unparalleled in intelligence, and my family believed it today. My family thought that this matter was done without anyone noticing, but I didn't expect to be found out by you, a yellow-haired girl. Are you a human or a ghost? "Seeing that the matter was brought to light, Mrs. Hu no longer concealed it. He must not survive, but he pityed his son!
"Who is this hall, you can go down and ask Hades! But before you die, this hall will tell you a piece of good news. Back then, your concubine wanted to kill Li Zhengjun's child, but thanks to you, Saved that child!" Mo Han raised the corners of her lips, even if she wanted Mrs. Hu to die, she couldn't rest in peace.

"No, it's impossible! I can't wait for him to die, how can I save him?" Hu yelled madly, as long as the child died, his Jin'er would be the only son of the Xiangfu. I won't treat him badly.

"If you hadn't sent a killer to hunt her down, she wouldn't have changed her original intention to save that child just to get revenge on you! Hehe... Hu Shi, you have done a lot of evil, but—do you believe in retribution?" Mo Han laughed.

"No, that scoundrel died 13 years ago, and my Jin'er is the son of Xiangfu, the Eighth Prince who has not been married to you!" Hu shouted loudly.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

  Thank you book friends for waiting for the monthly ticket to bloom!
  Thank you book friends for your tickets and red beans, I love you~(^з^)-

(End of this chapter)

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