Chapter 166

"Do you know why the Queen Mother bestowed a marriage for this hall? Do you think any man can take his place and become the king of this hall? It's a joke!" Mo Han didn't understand that such a stupid person could take his place. The whole Xiangfu was playing around.

"Why?" Mrs. Hu was also very curious about how the eighth princess, who was only a hundred days old at that time, knew this?
"Because, at the beginning, this palace liked the child in Li Zhengjun's womb, and the emperor mother bestowed on this palace Li Zhengjun's son, who was almost killed by you. If you change your own son, will this hall like him?" Mo Han's words were true, she remembered that the king of Hades did make a marriage for her before reincarnation, it seems that it should be the child in Li Zhengjun's stomach!
When Zijin heard Mo Han say that he was her destined husband, she was so happy that her smiling eyes narrowed.

But Li Zijin's heart ached unbearably. It turned out that she really didn't like herself at all...

Indeed, everyone knows that the Holy Majesty bestowed the marriage on the grounds that the Eighth Prince, who had just turned [-] days old, stared at Li Zhengjun's stomach and giggled. The Holy One said that the child was destined to be with the Eighth Prince. If it was a girl, it would be her companion. Er is the future Eight Kings.

The ancients always believed in ghosts and gods, and Mo Han said so, they all believed it!
"But so what? That scoundrel might have died a long time ago, and now there is only Jin'er in the Li family. Don't you still want to marry him? Jin'er! My son! Daddy did all this For you!" Mrs. Hu looked at Li Zijin with tears in her eyes, and Li Zijin looked at him with trembling lips, why did this happen?He has nothing now!

Li Zijin's current situation is indeed embarrassing. He is not the fiancé of the eighth emperor, he is not Li Zhengjun's biological son, and he is not the younger brother of the two sisters.His father was a murderer, the fiancé who killed the person he loved the most...

Oh my god!What's going on.Why?why?He is the high-ranking son of the prime minister's mansion, he is not the son of a murderer, he is not!

"Daddy..." Li Zijin turned around to shake Li Zhengjun's hand, but Li Zhengjun avoided it.

Li Zhengjun didn't know what kind of feelings he had for Li Zijin now. He had devoted his whole life to this child and devoted all his efforts to him. Now, he is not his own son. How ironic and ridiculous!Ha ha……

"Daddy...don't you want Jin'er?" Li Zijin asked in tears, her voice trembling.

The father who loves him the most doesn't want him anymore...

"Xiao Jin, father can't accept this news for a while, so don't force him!" Li Zichen couldn't bear to see Li Zijin sad, so he explained.Even if Hu is at fault, Li Zijin is still her half-brother!

"Eldest sister..." Li Zijin looked at the elder sister who had spoiled him so much and shouted.

Li Zichen just nodded at him, signaling him not to get excited.

"Jin'er, my Jin'er..." Seeing that Li Zijin didn't look at him, Mrs. Hu crawled to Li Zijin's feet. Everything he did was for his son and for his Jin'er to be superior to others in the future. Can be prosperous and rich!
"No, I'm not your son, go away, go away!" Li Zijin cried, kicking her legs to refuse Hu's approach.

(End of this chapter)

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