The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 167 He is still alive

Chapter 167 He is still alive
"Jin' son!" Mrs. Hu looked at Li Zijin sadly. His son, who had worked so hard, didn't want to recognize him!
"Heaven's crimes are still forgiven, but self-inflicted crimes cannot live. Hu, you have done many evil things for your own self-interest, and what have you got in the end? Wife and children? Family ruin? Life is lost? Or let your son become the king of the world? The laughing stock of people?" Li Zijin went from heaven to hell in one day, all of which were bestowed by the Hu family.

"No, Your Highness, you and Jin'er grew up together, please protect him! All this is the fault of the slave family, and the slave family is willing to apologize with death, but please don't hurt Jin'er because of the slave family, Jin'er He treats you sincerely!" Mrs. Hu climbed up to Mo Han again, kowtowed and pleaded.

"Jin'er is implicated by you, but you only know that your son is innocent, and other people's sons have been displaced by you since childhood, homeless, so what?" Mo Han didn't want to look at Hu Shi more, He loves his own son, but he shouldn't harm other people's children!

"All this is the fault of the slave family, and has nothing to do with Jin'er! Please treat Jin'er kindly, Your Highness!" Knowing that he would die, Hu only wanted to do something for his son in the end.

"Haha... Your son is innocent, what about my son? Mrs. Hu, I think I treat you kindly, but you hurt me like this. You are so vicious!" Li Zhengjun finally couldn't hide his anger. He was actually blinded by this bitch for 13 years!His son had been missing for 13 years, but he still tried his best to raise his enemy's son and call him brother and brother!
"Brother, I'm sorry for you, but it's none of Jin'er's business!" Mrs. Hu knew that Li Zhengjun was soft-hearted. After his death, as long as Li Zhengjun treated Jin'er kindly, Jin'er's life would not be too rough Disaster.

"You give me back my son! You give me back my son! You give me back my son! Ah..." Li Zhengjun cried, with a heart-piercing look that made Zijin's eyes turn red, his father really loved him his!
"Father, don't be impulsive, my brother is not dead!" Li Zichen stepped forward to hold Li Zhengjun's arm, comforting him in a low voice.

"Where... is he?" Li Zhengjun asked, holding Li Zichen's arm tightly.

Li Zichen turned his gaze to Mo Han, but Mo Han looked at Li Xiang.

"Although Mr. Li is working hard on state affairs, you should pay more attention to family affairs. Not every one of your children is so lucky, and they will always meet noble people!"

"What Your Highness said is true, the old minister is ashamed!" Li Xiang bowed his head in shame and said.

Mo Han stood up, pulled Zijin over to Li Zhengjun.

"Li Zhengjun's son is here. It's just that you have hurt him. Whether he is willing to forgive you or not is up to me." Mo Han said, holding Zijin with one hand and swinging the fan with the other.

"Chenfu...Chenfu...have you seen him?" Li Zhengjun looked nervously at the child behind Mo Han. He remembered the forehead wipe, but he couldn't believe that the child could be his lost son for 13 years.

"Zijin, come here." Mo Han pulled Zijin to him, gently tore off the veil on his face, and then pulled down his forehead. Li Zhengjun's tears also rolled down along with the dropped veil. It turned out to be his own son.

"My son..." Li Zhengjun stepped forward and reached out to touch Zijin's face, but Zijin took a step back and hid behind Mo Han.

(End of this chapter)

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