The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 168 Hu's Death

Chapter 168 Hu's Death
Li Zhengjun saw that Zijin was so alienated from him, tears flowed even bigger, he was confused!She even hurt her own son for the sake of the enemy's son!
Li Xiang staggered to Zijin, yes, this was her son, the red cinnabar mole on his forehead was the same as when he was a child, it was not that she hadn't wondered why the cinnabar mole on Jin'er's forehead disappeared, but At that time, she was in a hurry, and she thought she was delusional, but now that she saw Zijin, she was sure that this was her son.

Li Xiang pulled Zijin's hand, and there was a small black mole on the index finger at the same position as hers, which was a symbol of her Li family's descendants passing on from generation to generation.

"My son!" Li Xiang suddenly choked up.

"Wife master..." Seeing Li Xiang's gaffe, Li Zhengjun confirmed Zijin's identity even more.

"Nonsense, you can't just use a servant to pretend to be the son of the prime minister just because you want to punish me." Seeing that things were different from what she thought, Mrs. Hu was in a hurry.If this servant is really Li Zhengjun's son, what about his Jin'er?
"Then you really overestimate yourself. When Zijin was born, the Japanese palace, his father, and the queen were guarding outside the door of the delivery room. I saw it with my own eyes. When he was born, he wore this red cinnabar on his forehead. Don't you think so?" No matter what, I didn't think that this palace met him earlier than you, did you?" Mo Han sneered disdainfully, this Hu's mind is full of dirty thoughts.

"Impossible, you are only a hundred days old, how can you remember this? You are lying, you are lying!" Hu shouted out of control at this time.

"That's because you forgot—this temple is early wisdom!" Mo Han silently rolled his eyes at Hu Shi and said, if she said that she remembered things since she was born, she wouldn't scare them to death!

"No, no..." Mrs. Hu still couldn't believe it. How could a child of a hundred days remember this? Could it be that their marriage was really destined?
"I can testify. Zijin, he is my real brother." Li Zijun who had been sitting there without saying a word suddenly stood up and said.

"Zijun?" Li Zhengjun looked at Li Zijun with red eyes.

"The night my mother and father came back from the palace, I secretly went to see my younger brother. I can be sure that the red cinnabar on his forehead cannot be wiped off. Zijin, he is the child of my Li family, and my son. My younger brother is the fiancé of His Highness the Eighth Prince." Li Zijun looked straight at the crowd and said sternly.

"Zijin, my son... Daddy was wrong. Daddy shouldn't have treated you like that before, Zijin..." Li Zhengjun regretted the stupid things he had done, and wondered if Zijin would forgive him.

Zijin looked at the members of the Li family with some helplessness. He suddenly changed from an orphan to a son of a family, and he couldn't adapt for a while.Mo Han patted his head lightly, encouraging him to go to Li Zhengjun's side, but when everyone was warm, Hu pulled out the hairpin from his head and stabbed at Zijin.

Hu knew that he would definitely not survive, so he would hold Zijin even if he died, and he wanted his son to be the only son of the prime minister's mansion.

"Your Highness, be careful!" A reminder came from An Yi in the dark, and Mo Han immediately pulled Zijin into his arms, ready to block the hairpin for him.At any rate, he is well equipped with martial arts, as long as he raises his energy and protects his heart veins, he will never die.

"Pfft..." It was the sound of a knife piercing into the flesh. Mo Han didn't wait for the pain he imagined, but Zijin, who was protected by her, screamed loudly "ah"...

"Zijin, but where did you get hurt?" Mo Han thought it was something wrong with the Hu family, so he quickly grabbed Zijin and checked it up and down.

"No, it's him!" Zijin pointed at the person behind Mo Han.

When Mo Han turned around, he saw a knife stuck in Hu's back, and Li Zimeng, who had been silent all the time, was looking at Hu with trembling hands, eyes full of despair.

"Zimeng, you..." Hu looked at the cowardly daughter she snatched back in disbelief. She actually killed herself?
"I have always respected and respected you, but you were the murderer who killed my whole family. No wonder you didn't like me since you were a child. I endured beating and scolding me. I always try to do my best, but you never Satisfied, it turns out that all of this is just a scam, and I am just a tool you use to confuse everyone! This knife was originally intended to be inserted into my own chest, I have already thought about it, if the matter is revealed, I will take all responsibility It's nothing to do with you, but I'm overthinking! You don't need me to take the initiative, so you put all the blame on me. Haha... It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! In my life, I have been a What a joke! Haha..." Li Zimeng cried and laughed a little madly.

Zijin shrank back in fear, Mo Han covered his eyes with one hand and protected him in his arms.Li Zijin looked at Hu Shi who was bleeding profusely, Zijin who was protected by Mo Han in his arms, and his father, mother and two sisters who surrounded him. All those favors were once his!He thinks he is a joke now...

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Hu Shihong looked at Li Zimeng, he did this for his son!
Thinking of her son, Hu turned to Li Zijin again: "Jin'er, Daddy—I'm sorry—you...Jin'er, my Jin'er..."

Li Zijin looked at Hu Shi with some fear, and shrank behind Li Zijun. When Hu Shi saw this, he immediately closed his eyes, a stream of tears slid down his cheeks, and his body slowly moved like a fallen leaf in the wind. fall down.

Li Zijin closed her eyes a little unbearably, but thinking that her current embarrassing status was all thanks to him, all her feelings for him were replaced by hatred.

"Your Highness, this..." Lord Wang looked at the farce and looked at Mo Han in embarrassment.

"Master Wang, please don't get mixed up with the official affairs of Li Xiang's family." Mo Han looked at Mr. Wang pointedly and said.

"Yes, yes, I understand!" Lord Wang immediately replied in a low voice.

"Our private affairs are over, and the rest of the business affairs are up to Mr. Wang!" After Mo Han said, he took Zijin and walked out, she didn't want Zijin to see these bloody scenes.

Li Xiang glanced at Li Zimeng, who was kneeling on the ground, and opened his mouth. After all, he didn't say anything. He sighed and walked out.Li Zijun supported Li Zhengjun and closely followed Li Xiang, they were anxious to pick Zijin home.Only Li Zichen and Li Zijin remained where they were. Li Zichen kept looking at Li Zimeng, who was kneeling on the ground. The bravest thing she has ever done!

"My lord, although Li Zimeng was instigated by the Hu family to make a mistake, but he also made a contribution to saving His Royal Highness just now. The merits and demerits are equal, and the crime is not worthy of death. I hope that the lord Wang will deal with it leniently." Li Zichen cupped his hands towards the lord Wang who was sitting on the throne.

 Thank you book friend Nina (Li) for the monthly pass!
  Thank you for your votes and red beans!

(End of this chapter)

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