The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 174 The 8 Palace will always be your home

Chapter 174 Eight Princes Mansion Will Always Be Your Home
"Mo Han, you like me?" Zijin murmured softly when her blushing little face was held in her arms like this, feeling extremely beautiful in her heart.

Knowing that no one would answer his question, he still couldn't help but be distracted.

After getting married, will they sleep together like this all the time?Will she hold him like this for the rest of her life?
But...she is the eighth princess!There will be countless servants in the future, will she hug other men like this?Just thinking of that possibility, the pain of being abandoned in Zijin's dream came to his heart, and he couldn't help feeling flustered. She had another husband, so she would never spoil him like this again.

No, he couldn't let her marry someone else, he couldn't bear that kind of pain for a moment.

Zijin was thinking wildly like this, but at some point he closed his eyes, smelled the familiar breath, and had no dreams all night.

In the early morning, under the urging sound of rooster crowing, the sun lazily stretched out its arms, smiling and emitting the first ray of brilliance.That golden light shone warmly into the room, turning the whole room golden.A small half-round of purple-red flames immediately illuminated the dim sky, behind the bright morning glow, it seemed to stretch an endless blue silk.

When Mo Han woke up, he felt soft in his arms. When he opened his eyes and saw a little person lying in his arms, his warm heart almost melted.

Mo Han pursed his lips and chuckled, thinking that the child must be leaving soon, and he was reluctant to part with himself, so he slept on her bed.If Zijin knew that she looked at him like this, he would be so angry that he would jump up. He is a reserved man!

Because Zijin slept late at night, she was still sleeping soundly with her small mouth open, and her little nose was twitching, so cute!Mo Han couldn't help but want to pinch his pink and tender little face to see if he could pinch water out. As soon as his raised hand touched the slippery and soft place, he stopped again. It was rare for him to sleep so soundly. , It's not good to pinch him awake.Thinking like this, Mo Han put down his raised hand again, just lying on his back, not daring to move.

Because Mo Han is still young, she has never thought about her marriage. She can't remember what she said to Hades in the underworld, but she seems to remember that Hades saved a matchmaker for her. In this life, she has to wait A man, but who is that man?Will it be Zijin?
Mo Han looked down at the little man in his arms. If it was Yan Wangbao's matchmaker, he would not be so easy to miss. If he wanted to come, if he was destined, that man would eventually appear.At present, this child has the deepest fate with me, if that person is him...

"Hmm..." Mo Han interrupted Mo Han's wild thoughts, and the little man in his arms squinted his eyes and rubbed in front of her Yuexiong, wrapped his two calves together, and then slowly opened my eyes...

The goal was Mo Han's doting smile, Zi Jin thought he was dreaming, and gave her a big smile back, but Mo Han's greeting made his smile freeze on his face.

"Are you awake? Did you sleep well last night?" Mo Han asked with a smile.

"I...I..." Zijin crawled out of Mo Han's arms with a blushing face, and got into the quilt, covering his head and feet tightly. He was so ashamed, how could he take advantage of his drunkenness? Taking advantage of others!It doesn't look like a boy's house at all...

"Come out quickly, aren't you afraid of suffocating yourself?" Mo Han stretched out his hand to pull Zijin's little head out of the quilt, and said amusedly.

"I don't know why I fell asleep here yesterday, I... I didn't mean to..." Zijin explained with a blushing face, she should believe herself!well!Obviously, he fell asleep because he was reluctant to leave her embrace and was greedy for her tenderness!
"It's okay, I don't mind!" Mo Han said with a smile and rubbed his head.

"You don't mind?" Zijin didn't know whether she was happy or unhappy when she said that, but she didn't mind sleeping like this with her all night?Still don't mind if you share a bed with a woman all night?oops!Forget it, anyway, he took advantage of others!

"Well, get up quickly! You still have to pack your things after breakfast, I'm afraid the Li family will come to pick you up soon!" Mo Han stretched his waist and was about to get up.

"I don't want to leave here..." I don't even want to leave you.Zijin said softly that he was afraid that if he left, a little servant would come in to live in his small room.

"Isn't it all agreed? Fool, you are now the son of the prime minister, so why not go home?" Mo Han nodded his head while sitting beside the bed with a smile.

"Are you in a hurry to let me make room for the little servant next to me?" Zijin asked aggrievedly when she saw that she didn't keep him.

"Where is there any waiter next to you? What's in your little head?" Mo Han smiled helplessly.

"But, last night, a servant really came! Will you let him lie on your bed like me? Will you also..." The more Zijin thought about it, the more frightened she became. Are you about to lose her?
"I promise, after you leave, I will issue an order in the mansion that no servants besides you are allowed to enter this inner room, okay?" Before Zijin finished complaining, Mo Han interrupted him and promised .

"Really?" Seeing what Mo Han said, Zijin's face softened a little, and he got up wrapped in the quilt and asked.

"Really!" Mo Han nodded affirmatively, and Zijin stood up in satisfaction, and said while arranging his clothes.

"Then I won't pack my things, I'll put them here, anyway, no one lives there, so if I want to come back someday, it will be more convenient, won't it?"

Mo Han looked at Zijin's "little man's success" appearance, and felt that he seemed to have fallen into his trap. Did he set a trap and wait for him to jump into it, just waiting to give him a trap so he wouldn't have to use it? What about an excuse to move stuff?That's all!As long as he likes it!

"The Eight Princes' Mansion will always be your home!" Mo Han took out a small gold medal from the bedside cabinet and handed it to Zijin, "This is the token of my palace, if you want to come in the future, you can bring this token with you That is, seeing the token is like seeing the main hall, and if you have any difficulties in the future, you can also take it to the Eight Princes Mansion for help." Mo Han was not afraid that the gatekeepers would not let him in, but he was afraid that Zijin would leave due to the staff turnover in the mansion After a long time, people who don't know him will embarrass him.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zijin took the token carefully and held it in his palm like a treasure, overjoyed.Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he pulled out a red string from his neck and tied a piece of jade pendant on it. This jade pendant was the birthday gift she gave him on the day he and Mo Han met for the first time. He always regarded it as his life. , worn next to the body.

 Thank you Shuyou Yan for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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