The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 175 Chapter Family

Chapter 175
"Do you still wear this jade pendant?" Mo Han saw that the jade pendant looked very familiar, and then remembered that he had given it to him many years ago. The child cherished it very much and kept it very well.

"Well, this is the first gift you gave me!" Zijin nodded with a smile, his face full of happiness, "Can you help me hang the token on this red string as well, I want to wear it next to my body on."

"Where is someone hanging so many things around their necks, how heavy are they!" Mo Han was a little puzzled by the child's thoughts. He is not afraid of cervical spondylosis!

"It's not heavy, you can hang it up for me!" Zijin doesn't need to take anything else with him, but he wants to wear the hairpin she gave him on his head and the two treasures in his hand every day. .

"The neck will be broken!" Mo Han took the small gold medal in his hand, untied the pouch around his waist, stuffed the gold medal in and tied it back for him, then said with a smile, "Here! Isn't this very it is good?"

Zijin stretched out his hand to touch it, then tightened the belt on his waist, then nodded reluctantly: "Then let's tie it like this!"

Nuan Feng had been wandering outside Mo Han's door for a long time, but he didn't dare to enter the door to disturb her sleep. Finally, he heard a voice coming from the door, Nuan Feng hurriedly knocked on the door, and asked softly: "Master, wake up!" Yet?"

"What's the matter?" Mo Han asked.

"The Li family—here we come..." Nuan Feng shouted loudly outside the door, as if he wanted Zijin to hear it on purpose.

"Yeah." Mo Han responded softly, then blinked at Zijin who was still kneeling on the bed and fiddling with the purse hanging on his waist, Zijin stood up reluctantly, and first served Mo Han to change. Clothes, arrange the washing water, and then go to tidy yourself.

Mo Han pushed open the door, raised his head, took a deep breath, and let out a long breath, instantly refreshed and full of energy.

All four members of the Li family came to pick up Zijin, which is enough to show how important they value Zijin.

When Zijin stood there with only a small package in Sanyue behind him, Li Zhengjun's eyes were red again. What kind of life is his son living?Why do you only have such a small amount of property?
"Zijin! Why do you only take such a small amount of stuff?" Li Zijun was straightforward, and when he saw this, he suddenly shouted. Fortunately, she even assembled five carriages to move things for him, thinking that His Highness the Eighth Prince would treat him so well. Rewards are indispensable, why is this such a small burden?
Mo Han looked at Zijin innocently, his eyes were full of grievances, as if to say, look, look!Your family must think that I abused you!
Zijin grinned at Mo Han, then turned to Li Zijun and said, "I only brought a change of clothes, and I left the rest here, in case I have to come back in the future!" Li Zijun couldn't recognize Zijin. Li Xiang and Li Zichen understood the implication, this kid probably still wants to occupy the land!
"Haha... that's fine, anyway, our house has everything prepared for you, nothing bad." Li Xiang said with a smile.

"You—won't you see me off?" Zijin looked back at Mo Han and asked, he wanted to stay with her for a while.

"Then let's go!" Looking at the situation, if he didn't send him off, he wasn't going to leave.

Seeing that Mo Han doted on Zijin so much, Li Zhengjun couldn't help but be filled with joy. It turned out that the Eighth Emperor would be so patient when facing the person she likes. No wonder she was not very close to Jin'er before. It seems that there is really no fate!
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

  thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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