Chapter 179
"I've seen Your Highness, Eldest Sister!" Li Zijun took the lead to greet the two of them, and then pulled Zijin who was standing silently at the side, and sat on the stone bench that had already been covered with soft fur cushions by his servants.

"Zijin has seen that yard before, but do you still like it?" Li Zichen asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Zijin nodded with her head down.

"Second Sister..." Seeing the two of them approaching, Li Zijin immediately stood up, called Li Zijun carefully, and looked at Zijin again.

"Xiaojin is here too! It's good that you can come out. We are very worried about you if you don't eat or drink these two days!" Li Zijun said to Li Zijin with a smile. She was the second sister, and even though she knew that Zijin was her own younger brother, she couldn't erase her love for Li Zijin.

"I'm sorry, Second Sister." Li Zijin said with red eyes, Eighth Sister was right, they treated him as before, he shouldn't be so self-pitying.

"As long as you are fine, sit down!" Li Zijun pulled Li Zijin to sit down, and handed him a pastry. She is the person who knows Li Zijin best, knowing that he hasn't eaten for two days, he must be very hungry of!

Li Zijin took the cake with a blushing face, and ate it in small bites. Looking at the scene in front of her, Zijin felt that her return might have really caused Li Zijin a lot of trouble. But he still couldn't forget the scene of her hugging him.

If Mo Han knew what Zijin was thinking at this time, he would definitely yell that he was wronged. She didn't hug him, but she just lent him his shoulder to comfort him!
"Zijin, you also have a piece of cake to pad your stomach." Mo Han picked up a piece of pastry and handed it to Zijin. She has been with Zijin for four years, how can she not see that he is very unhappy now?

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zijin reached out to take it, bowed his head to thank him, he didn't want her to see his tears, and he didn't want to be so jealous, but he just couldn't see Mo Han being kind to the man next to him.

"Zijin, now that you have returned home, you have to slowly adapt to life in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Ajin and you are blood brothers, and there are only two young masters, you and Ajin, in the Prime Minister's Mansion. He gets along well, his nature is pure and kind, and I have explained the things with him clearly, I believe he will not harm you again, and you should not blame him for the stupid things he did to you before, How are you?" Mo Han leaned close to Zijin's ear and said softly.

Zijin raised her head because of her sentence "I have explained the matter with him clearly", and saw that Mo Han's eyes were full of his shadow, so he nodded silently, and the heavy stone in his heart was also lightened. A lot, he didn't blame Li Zijin at all, he only said that he was a spoiled child, besides, Li Zijin didn't do anything evil that really hurt him.

"Don't be unhappy. Now that you have two families, mother, father, sister, and brother, who else in this world can be happier than you?" Mo Han straightened up and smiled when he saw that his expression had softened. He also reached out and rubbed his fluffy little head naturally.

"It is thanks to the kindness of His Highness the Eighth Highness that our siblings are able to meet in the mansion today. Why don't we toast His Highness with tea instead of wine!" Li Zichen saw that Li Zijin and Zijin seemed very embarrassed staying together, so he thought In order to ease the relationship between the two, he stood up and smiled while holding the steaming teacup in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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