Chapter 180
"Okay!" Li Zijun immediately stood up and responded, she is really grateful to Mo Han now, and she also admires her completely.Li Zijin and Zijin also stood up and picked up the cups in their hands.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"After drinking this cup, everything in the past will disappear. I hope that from today on, you brothers and sisters can help each other, unite and love each other!" Mo Han also stood up with a smile and said sincerely.

The so-called laughing away all grievances, Zijin's suffering, Hu has already used his life to make up for it. He has been kind since he was a child, so how can he let the innocent Li Zijin bear the anger of the public?

Li Zijin held the cup in his hand and looked at Zijin nervously. He never thought that Zijin would take the initiative to fill him with tea. It was obviously his father who caused him to be homeless for so many years, and almost killed him. Why doesn't he blame himself?

"Jin'er, can I call you like this?" Zijin looked at Li Zijin and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Li Zijin nodded a little embarrassedly.

"Jin'er, thank you for being a filial piety at home for me these 13 years, and thank you for always being with my father and sisters. I respect you for this cup!" Zijin's words surprised everyone, but the most unbelievable thing was The person involved is Li Zijin.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Li Zijin's eyes suddenly became hot, or Eighth Sister was right, it wasn't that he lost his family, but that he had an extra brother.

"Okay, okay, we are all relatives with broken bones and tendons, why do we need so many polite words? Haha..." Li Zijun couldn't help being anxious when he saw the two chattering endlessly.

"You have reached the age of marriage, why are you still so reckless all day long." Li Zichen reached out and tapped Li Zijun's head and said.

"Elder Sister..." Li Zijun covered the painful place, pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Although Zijin and Ajin were born on the same day, after all, Ajin was born prematurely and is actually two months younger than Zijin, so in the future, Ajin should call Zijin brother!" Mo Han saw Li Zijin. Looking at Zijin, Jin didn't know what to call her, so she said.

"What Your Highness said is true, Xiao Jin, you will have another brother in the future!" Hearing Mo Han say this, Li Zijun immediately forgot the pain in his head, and said in front of his two younger brothers.

"Brother..." Li Zijin called with a blushing face, Zijin also nodded shyly.

When several people were talking happily, a servant hurriedly ran towards them.

"Your Highness, Eldest Miss, Second Miss, hello, two young masters! The Patriarch said that the reception banquet for the young master has been set up in the front hall, please come over now!" The waiter came up to greet him first, and then said with a smile.

"Let's go! Speaking of food, I'm really hungry!" Mo Han said with a smile, standing up first, and everyone followed her to the front hall.

Zijin deliberately walked last with Li Zijin, although he was a little cautious, but after all, he would be a family in the future, and he didn't want to take Li Zijin's favor as soon as he came back, making him feel lonely.

"Jin'er, I can let you do anything in the future, but Mo Han, no!" Zijin saw Li Zijin beside him staring at Mo Han's back without blinking, and pulled him to stop. He stepped down and said seriously.

Zijin didn't want their brothers to turn against each other because they fell in love with the same woman in the future, so he would rather explain his words in advance to avoid any misunderstanding in the future.

"Brother, do you know that I love her for many years more than you?" Li Zijin smiled wryly.

"But even so, I can't give her up to you! Except her, you can have anything you want!" Zi Jin shook his head with some guilt, Mo Han is his life!

"But, I don't want anything but her!" Li Zijin murmured softly, and then showed a big smile to Zijin, "Although I like her very much, brother, don't worry at all, she doesn't have me in her heart at all! Everything is just Jin'er's wishful thinking!"

Seeing Li Zijin's forced smile, Zijin stepped forward to hold his hand, and led him to walk slowly: "I don't know if she will like me, but I will never give up on her. Jin'er, Sorry, only her, I can't give it to you."

"Brother was joking. You were originally her fiancée, and Jin'er was just a dream for 13 years in vain taking up your identity. To Eighth Sister, Jin'er is nothing. She treats her brother well." , I never gave Jin’er a single point.” Li Zijin smiled and burst into tears, he always deceived himself and thought that one day he would marry her and be her husband, but now, I’m afraid You may not even be able to see her in your dreams!
"Jin'er, don't underestimate yourself like this!" Zijin could only comfort him like this, and he couldn't say anything else. If he were to persuade him that he would meet the person who was in love with each other one day, he would not believe it.After all, if it were me, I am afraid that I would not be able to accept this kind of thing.

Li Xiang and his wife were already sitting at the table waiting for their children. Li Xiang was chatting with Li Zimeng about his recent studies as usual, while Li Zhengjun was happily teasing his precious granddaughter.

"Yu'er, you have to say hello to the two uncles when they come over later!" Li Zhengjun has told Li Yu the tenth time, he is afraid that Li Yu is too young to remember, and only knows Li Zijin but neglected Zijin who just returned home.

"Grandfather, Yu'er remembers that! Both uncles are Yu'er's biological uncles, and Yu'er should respect them well when she grows up." Li Yu said with big innocent eyes blinking.

"Hehe... Grandfather's lifeblood! It really makes people feel distressed..." Li Zhengjun was so annoyed by Li Yu's words, this child is smart, just like her mother.

"Hehehe..." Li Yu was amused by Li Zhengjun's kiss, while Li Zichen's husband, Rongyue, smiled and watched the interaction between the grandparent and grandson.

When Li Zichen and the others came in, they happened to see the joyful scene, and they couldn't help but put a smile on their faces. The so-called grandchildren, the family happiness is nothing more than this!
After seeing the ceremony, everyone invited Mo Han to sit on the main seat. Li Zhengjun asked Zijin to sit next to Mo Han winkingly. Zijin nodded with a blushing face, and then sat down on Mo Han's right side. Sitting on the left side of Mo Han.

"Uncle, uncle, I'm Yu'er!" Seeing that Zijin finally sat down, Li Yu shouted, stretching her small arms.

"Yu'er is so good!" Zijin blushed when Yu'er called her uncle, he had never been called like that by a child before!
Mo Han gently shook out a round jade bead from his cuff, secretly stuffed it into Zijin's hand, and motioned Zijin to give it to Li Yu as a meeting gift.

(End of this chapter)

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