The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 192 The Eighth Highness Who Protects His Shortcomings

Chapter 192 The Eighth Highness Who Protects His Shortcomings
"Then since you said you didn't push me, who can testify?" Wen Ge asked preemptively, fearing that Mo Han would favor Li Zijin.

"Jin'er, you come up first and then talk." Zijin came to Mo Han and hurriedly shouted at Li Zijin who was still staying by the pond. He just stayed there, what if he accidentally fell down? ?
Li Zijin didn't move, just stared at Wen Ge, then bit her lip and looked at Mo Han.

Mo Han sighed helplessly, and flew over to pick off the lotus pod that had been beckoning to Li Zijin, and took Li Zijin's arm to lift him to the shore.

"Ajin, but you want to pick this?" Mo Han stuffed the lotus pod into Li Zijin's hand, and then took the opportunity to put down his rolled up sleeves.

"En." Li Zijin nodded silently, tightly holding the lotus pod in his hand, he knew that Eighth Sister would definitely believe him!
"I saw it with my own eyes. Ah Jin didn't push you. It was you who slipped into the water by accident. If my hall hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Mr. Wen would go back wet today. This hall can see clearly, you Why did you wrong Ah Jin?" Mo Han was not as sympathetic as Wen Ge imagined, but mercilessly exposed him in public, and his face turned green with fright.

"Eight...His Royal Highness...Ge'er didn't lie, it was really Mr. Li...he pushed me..." Wen Ge was still stubborn at this time, insisting that it was Li Zijin who wanted to harm him.

"Then what do you mean—my hall lied?" Mo Han glanced at Wen Ge disdainfully.

"No, it's not... His Highness the Eighth Prince... I..." Wen Ge shuddered in shock from Mo Han's tone. Why is the Eighth Prince different from what she imagined? She really protects Li Zijin like this, But obviously Li Zijin is her fiancé, hum!Even if I fell into Li Zijin's hands today, the eighth princess would plant a thorn in Li Zijin's heart if she protected Li Zijin so much. It would be nice if their brothers turned against each other, and I just waited for the fisherman to win Good.

"This hall has said it, even if the people in this hall really pushed you, it should be!" Mo Han leaned close to Wen Ge's ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "What's more, you are so bloody!"

"His Royal Highness, you..." Wen Ge never expected that Mo Han would be so defensive as a princess, so he walked away in anger.

"Although Ah Jin is not the fiancée of this hall, he is the younger brother who is regarded as a family member by this hall. If anyone deceives him and has no one to protect him, and wants to make trouble, then he is against this hall. Ah Jin, he will always be the son of the prime minister's family." , is the person that the palace wants to protect!" Mo Han looked at the group of young masters watching the theater around and said word by word, even if she was ruthless to Li Zijin, she was righteous, and these people were acting on the basis of wind. The master of the rudder, in the future, in a place where he can't see, he may not know how to bully him!

"Jin'er will always be the most favored young master in my prime minister's mansion. I hope there will be no next time for what happened today." Li Zichen who came with Mo Han also looked at the crowd and said, she didn't know yet, they When did the young master of the Li family become so bullied?

The young masters watching the excitement all looked at each other in blank dismay, and their previous thoughts of watching Li Zijin's jokes faded away.Although this young son of the Li family was not born to Li Zhengjun, he grew up under his knees anyway, and has some affection for the eighth princess.I just feel sorry for Mr. Li who just came home!On the contrary, it seemed superfluous, and everyone turned their attention to Li Zijin.

"Eldest sister, second sister!" Li Zijin saw that her two older sisters were also there, so she stepped forward and called out.Li Zijin's original joy of being protected by Mo Han disappeared because of her "brother". He would never be with her again in his life.

"Jin'er, are you okay?" Li Zijun took a step forward, looked Li Zijin up and down and asked with concern.

Li Zijin shook his head, still holding the lotus plant tightly in his hand. Fortunately, the eighth sister was there to restore his innocence.

Watching the interaction between the four of them, Zijin suddenly felt like an outsider. The four of them grew up together since they were young, and the tacit understanding and naturalness between them was something that he couldn't get into no matter how hard he tried.

"It's fine, there's a banquet ahead, if we didn't volunteer to call you, we would have encountered such a thing!" Li Zijun said with a smile.

Rong Yue immediately greeted all the young masters to the front hall for the banquet. He was only interested in chatting with a few friends, but he didn't pay attention to what happened to Li Zijin and the others. Fortunately, it was all a false alarm. Fighting, they are already familiar with it, and no one takes it to heart.

"Zijin, are you okay?" Mo Han walked beside Zijin, seeing that his complexion was not very good, he asked concerned.

"I'm fine, but Jin'er was surprised just now!" Zijin said with a smile immediately.

"This kind of thing happens all the time, and you'll get used to it in the future. Just stay away from those people. It's not certain what they will do too much!" Mo Han whispered.

Zijin nodded lightly. After all, she cared about him, right?Even if he has never been involved in her past, he will work hard to accompany her in the future.

What happened in the back garden also spread to the ears of the lords, and everyone just laughed it off like a child.On the contrary, when Li Xiang heard about it, he frowned. She and her husband once went to the palace to beg the Empress Feng because of Li Zijin's matter, but now the eighth princess has such an attitude.

"The Li family is very honored that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince can come here. Zijin has suffered a lot since he was a child, so, regarding his marriage to you..." Prime Minister Li looked at Mo Han at the dinner table and said, she was reluctant Zijin got hurt again because of emotional matters!

"Li Xiang doesn't need to worry. I promised Zijin that his marriage is up to him. If he meets the person he loves in the future, I will let him be happy. If...he wants to marry into my Eighth Prince's Mansion, I won't embarrass him, he is still the Eighth Prince of Qiguo. But, I don't plan to get married too early, so there is no rush!" Mo Han knew what Li Xiang was thinking, she was nothing more than I was afraid that I would take my anger out on Zijin because of the fact that their husband and wife went to the palace to find Queen Feng and withdraw their marriage. Although Mo Han doesn't know what love is, she really doesn't hate Zijin. If the person who will accompany her for the rest of her life will be him If so, it might be fine.

"The old minister has thanked His Highness on behalf of Zijin!" Prime Minister Li said with eyes a little sore, the Eighth Emperor's daughter really had a kindness to rebuild the Li family.She, Li Shan, was loyal to the emperor and patriotic all her life, and she was only loyal to the emperor, but... if the eighth emperor wanted to be the emperor, she would leave her eternal infamy and turn to help her.

 Thank you book friend Nalan Qingshu for the monthly pass!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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