Chapter 193 Returning to the Palace
"Li Xiang is very polite. Although our country is becoming more and more prosperous, barbarians have emerged in recent years, and there are still many problems on the border. The mother is worried about state affairs every day, and the emperor's sister is also a headache. Mo Han has nothing to do. I only hope that Li Xiang can lead the ministers of the court. It is Mo Han's greatest wish to relieve the worries of the Queen Mother and the Royal Sister, and to restore the peace of the people of Qiguo and the safety of the country!" Mo Han is such a smart person!Just from Li Xiang's flickering eyes, one could understand what she was thinking.

When Mo Han said this, he expressed his position. She did not want the country to be in turmoil, internal and external troubles, and she did not want the throne. She just wanted to live in peace and stability, and being a rice insect princess was enough.Struggles for power, intrigues, and intrigues are nothing more than gambling with one's own life, and if the bet is lost, the life is gone.If you win the bet, you will be put in shackles for the rest of your life, and you will be thankless for your hard work every day, and you have to think about not being killed by others all day long.

Seeing that Mo Han's expression didn't look like a joke, Li Xiang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, the Eighth Highness—has great wisdom!


Mo Han has never been to Li Xiangfu since he participated in the flower viewing banquet. He either returns to the palace to practice martial arts after school, or goes for a walk in Xianfu, and occasionally goes to a few teahouses and taverns. Checking in secret, the little days are fulfilling.

Mo Han had a good time there, but Zijin couldn't sit still anymore.No, just after breakfast, he took Sanyue to Li Zhengjun's yard. After hesitantly explaining his intentions, Li Zhengjun smiled and ordered the housekeeper to prepare a carriage for Zijin, and Zijin thanked him happily. Afterwards, he wobbled towards the Eight Princes' Mansion in the Xiangfu's car.

The guard at the gate saw the Xiangfu's carriage approaching from a distance, and bowed to meet it.Their master had already explained that if Mr. Li from the prime minister's mansion came, let him directly enter the mansion.

"I've met Mr. Li." The guard first saluted the people in the carriage.

"Is Your Highness in the mansion?" Zi Jin asked after getting off the carriage. Now it was the first time he came to the place where he used to live as the son of Li Xiang's mansion, but his state of mind had changed completely.

"Returning to Young Master Li, Your Highness has not returned to the mansion yet. However, Your Highness has already told his subordinates that if the Young Master comes, just go in and wait." The guard also had a wink, knowing that the person who came was from the future palace. Master, speaking also hides a bit of skill.

Hearing what the guard said, Zijin's face became a little more happy. She really cared about him, and even left a message for him to the gatekeeper.Zijin happily led Sanyue to Mo Han's dormitory, his cubicle was still the same as when he left, and everything was in place, Zijin couldn't help being a little happy, she really didn't Make people live here.

Zijin quickly changed into his nobleman's attire, and still put on the clothes he wore in the palace before, and came to the small kitchen with his sleeves rolled up. He hadn't cooked for Mo Han for a long time. I don't know if she missed him. The taste of rice.

"March, go and get some plum petals we collected in winter." Zijin rubbed his face with his hands, wiped the thin sweat off his cheeks with his arms, and then said to March with a smile.

"Yes, young master." Sanyue fumbled through the treasures they had collected before. Although he hadn't lived here for too long, he was very familiar with every place.Although the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion treated him very well, he still felt that the Wang Mansion was more like his own home.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

  Thank you for your votes and red beans!

  happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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