The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 206 Don't Be Beautiful, Only Listen to Music

Chapter 206 Don't Be Beautiful, Only Listen to Music
"Eh...Master, if the sons here are like that bustard father, I don't think you have to pretend to be cynical, it's better to be cold and aloof!" Nuan Feng couldn't help but curled his lips and said.

Could it be that she can't appreciate such a man, or that the servants in their palace are good-looking, at least they look like human beings!This bustard is completely fine flour, she loses powder when she speaks, and there is an unspeakable strange smell, the master is really foresight, she always carries a fan wherever she goes, pity her nose!
"What? Could it be that Nuan Feng is not interested in beauties, but in women?" Mo Han looked at Nuan Feng narrowly and smiled, Nuan Feng felt that her master was really beautiful. Women are interested, and they are only interested in the master alone.

Bah bah bah!Nuan Feng withdrew his staring gaze, and looked at Mo Han with grievance: "The master will make fun of his subordinates, and the subordinates are doing this for your own good!"

"Haha..." Mo Han leaned on the back of the chair and laughed heartily.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door...

"Miss, I'm here to serve you!" Xiao Er held the tray in one hand and knocked lightly on the door with the other, followed by two handsome young men, holding Guqin and Pipa in their hands, covered their faces with light gauze, looked It looks really neat and clean.

"Come in!" Mo Han flicked his fan and looked left and right curiously. No wonder the ancients liked to spend time in this gold-cutting den, and they would even go bankrupt.If you are a person with poor self-control, it is indeed easy to get lost in this "beauty den"!

When Mo Han raised his hand, he saw that the waiter put the food on the table with his head down. He never glanced at the guests from the beginning to the end. His steps were light, and he could tell that he was well-trained. It seems that this Yihong The people behind the scenes in the courtyard are extraordinary!

Mo Han also thought of the red buildings under his dark night banner. He had never been there before, so he wondered if their management and operation were so orderly.

"Miss, if you need anything else, just call me, I'll go down first!" The little girl left the room with her head down, not forgetting to close the door.

The two remaining boys had already secretly looked up at the woman leaning against the window, and saw that the woman in white was a bit prettier than Mr. Ruyan in the building, and couldn't help but blushed. They had never Served such a beautiful lady!

"I have seen Miss Zhu'er!"

"Nujia Lan'er has seen Miss!"

Seeing that Mo Han had been staring at them, the two of them immediately turned red and greeted them. If the guest didn't speak, they would never dare to approach them, not to mention that this young lady is such a beautiful woman. Dare to be as casual as before.

"Get up! Light makeup is always suitable. Such a clean look is indeed much more attractive. I wonder what songs the two young masters will play?" Sweeping the moth eyebrows, it was not obvious that the face was wiped like that of the bustard, so he couldn't help admiring.

"Miss Hui, I have learned pipa since I was a child, and I can play all the popular songs in the capital." The little boy called Lan'er said first, his voice was very soft, and the hearts of those who listened softened.

Mo Han nodded, then turned his gaze to another man.

"My family has learned Guqin since I was a child. I wonder what tunes Miss likes to listen to?" This Zhu'er is straightforward, instead of playing carelessly to annoy the guests, it is better to ask clearly before playing.

 Thank you book friends, only have your coffee without sugar lollipops!
  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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