Chapter 207 Mr. Ruyan
"Then let's play what you are best at!" Mo Han doesn't like these things very much. Most of the music scores in this era have a single tune, and it just sounds like passing the time to deceive people's eyes and ears!

"Yes!" After the two answered, they sat on the small stool behind them and began to play. The tune was melodious, but it was pleasant to hear.

Mo Han greeted the warmth and warmth behind her and sat opposite her, then took a sip of the wine in his glass, and continued to look around outside the window. The two who did not watch the sonata made them very disappointed. , does this young lady look down on them?In the past, the guests listened to the music for a while and then let them serve them. Some of them were in a hurry, and even moved their hands and feet when they were playing. Today, this lady doesn't even want to look at them. At a glance, the tune of the two couldn't help but feel a little more sad. Thinking about it, this lady has a noble status, so she must despise them!
Mo Han didn't care what they were thinking, it was just his first visit to the ancient red building, in order to satisfy his curiosity, he wanted to take a look at everything, even the guests coming and going at the door.At this time, the downstairs was already full of people, even the aisles were full of servants, as if they came to bid for antiques, and there were even many familiar faces Mo Han appeared in.

One or two of these officials all looked serious in the courtroom. Unexpectedly, they would come to this kind of place together in private. Seeing how familiar they were with the bustard, Mo Han disdainfully I curled my lips, this is the red flag at home, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside!

When Mo Han was thinking wildly, he heard the commotion downstairs. Listening carefully, they seemed to be shouting "Young Master Ruyan". Mo Han also looked down curiously, wondering how beautiful the oiran in the ancient red building could be. what!She is used to seeing beauties, not talking about others, just talking about her own father, even though he is already the father of two children, he still has a look that makes people blush and heartbeat. But he only loves his father and queen.Let's talk about Zi Jin who is so beautiful, Mu Ci who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, and A Jin who is cute and charming, which one is not one of the most beauties in this Qi country.Therefore, Mo Han wanted to see what this beautiful folk boy looked like, so that he could make everyone lose their composure.

In fact, it wasn't just Mo Han who poked his head out to look down at this time, but everyone in the private room upstairs was looking out attracted by the cheers.This is blocked by a white gauze, otherwise, these temporary "neighbors" of them might still be old acquaintances!After all, there are only a few people in high positions, who doesn't know who?
"Master, is this Young Master Ruyan really so good-looking? Look, these women are like crazy!" Nuan Feng looked at the crowd below and curled his lips, could he still look better than their future princes?In Nuanfeng's heart, this Zijin is the most beautiful man. Not only is he beautiful, but he is also kind and gentle. Not tweaking.

The reason why Zijin is different from other men is thanks to Mo Han's careful teaching. Mo Han doesn't like the kind of man who walks with small steps and speaks softly, so he indulges Zijin too much, which makes him compare with other men. The little boy is much more generous and decent!

"Perhaps! The world is so big, there are so many things we don't know. It is said that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. I think this oiran is not too bad-looking, otherwise, it will lose the face of the entire Yihong Courtyard, so what? Can it attract so many rich and powerful people?" Mo Han said indifferently, and Wen Xin and Nuan Feng couldn't help but nodded slightly after hearing this.

When everyone was cheering, there was a sudden sound of breathing, and the so-called Mr. Ruyan finally came out after a thousand calls, but he covered his face with a light veil.Although he only showed a pair of watery eyes, even so, he could still draw everyone's eyes to him.Wearing white clothes on his body, it seems to be tailor-made, and the delicate moon in his grasp seems to be broken if someone touches it lightly. Such a man like a banished fairy can indeed make people crazy .

Wen Xin stared at the man holding the guzheng below for a second, then turned her gaze to the master at the side. For some reason, she always felt that Mr. Ruyan had the same indifferent aura as the master, and he was dressed in the same white clothes. Piao Piao, with the same charming face, she suddenly had a premonition that this man must have something to do with their master.

Even Mo Han, a modern soul who has never been used to ancient men, looked straight at him. She is indeed a beauty. Just standing there like this is a pleasing painting, as if it can seduce people's souls. The temperament of the whole body is unbearable to be profane.Mo Han couldn't help sighing in his heart how beautiful he was, and thought how much more An Ye would earn if he could be dug over!With this in mind, she began to look for opportunities at any time, and decided to get close to the beauty first.

"Master, this subordinate of Mr. Yan feels familiar..." Nuan Feng was still frowning and staring at Bai Ying'er downstairs, holding his chin in his hand, and said with pursed lips.

"Haha... Nuanfeng, you have been fascinated by the beauty! You even used deja vu... What? Are you tempted? Then the master redeemed him to be your husband with your lifetime moon silver." How are you?" Mo Han couldn't help laughing, and even made a joke about Nuanfeng.

"Master... this subordinate is serious with you! How can you still make fun of this subordinate?" Nuan Feng blushed at Mo Han's words, how could she have the kind of thoughts that the master said?If you still use a lifetime of monthly money to redeem him, then you can drink the northwest wind for a lifetime!She is not the kind of woman who ruins her entire family for male sex!She plans to find a man who can live a life to be her housekeeper in the future!It is best to be like Zijin who can cook and be virtuous, hehe...

"Master, we have indeed met this Mr. Ruyan!" Wen Xin has always been the most sensible one. She just glanced at the Mr. in white and then looked away. For her, the most important thing in this world is her Master, except for the place where the master is, she can't stop her eyes, but Wen Xin's ability to recognize people is excellent, and she can remember the characteristics of this person just by looking at him.

"We've seen him?" Mo Han looked at Wenxin in confusion, and then at the young man in white downstairs who was still playing, but he still couldn't think of when he had seen such a good-looking person.Mo Han is good at everything, but face blindness cannot be cured. After staring at the beauty in white for a long time, she still shook her head. She really couldn't remember.

(End of this chapter)

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