The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 213 So What If Our Hall Robbed Someone

Chapter 213 So What If Our Hall Robbed Someone
Mo Han was stunned by his words and stood there in a dilemma. His stubborn temper was somewhat similar to Zi Jin's. It is rare to have such a disposition in this den of wolves, tigers and leopards!
However, Mo Han thought about it, since he wants to keep his innocence, he needs to poach him away. They each have their own needs, how about a deal?

Mo Han, who was about to leave, turned around again, ready to have a good talk with the leading man, and try to trick him to his side, if he can't be cheated, then he can be coaxed, as long as he can come.

Just when Mo Han was thinking about how to speak, and Ru Yan was delighted at her return, someone knocked on the door of the private room where they lived.

Wen Xin's face immediately turned cold, who dared to bump into their master.

"Open the door... open the door..." The voice from outside the door made Ruyan's body tremble. He was just thinking about how to get acquainted with Mo Han, but he forgot that the woman he used was not a good stubble. Thinking about it, I was a little scared.

Seeing that Ruyan's body was a little stiff, Mo Han pulled his sleeve and let him sit beside her. She wanted to see, in this bright world, at the feet of the emperor, who has such a great ability to "force a good man into prostitution"?
At this time, Mo Han had completely forgotten the identity of the young man in white beside him!

Sitting beside Mo Han, Ru Yan looked at her fingers still on his sleeves, his eyes were full of joy, he knew she was kind, just like when he was a child, he would never ignore him, and be protected by her The feeling turned out to be so good!

On Ruyan's usually calm face, there was a flower-like smile, if you look carefully, even through the veil, you can see the beauty smiling happily.

"Hand over Ruyan! Hand over Ruyan!" As soon as the door opened, someone rushed in, shouting for Mo Han to hand over Ruyan.

"Yo! Who do I think is so arrogant! It's Miss Zhang! I wonder if Zhang Xiang is too busy to take care of you recently. Are you going to let me teach you how to behave?" Mo Han had heard the voice before. Familiar, I didn't guess wrong when I saw the person who came, it was Zhang Run who had been doing nothing all day long.

When Zhang Run saw Mo Han sitting there, his originally angry face immediately showed nervousness and uneasiness, but he secretly sighed in his heart that it was unlucky. He really had a conflict with the fate of the eight emperors. She was born to restrain her. Whenever I do some "good" things, I can meet her, and I can't escape her clutches no matter what.

"Your Highness is joking, but my courtiers don't dare." Zhang Run wiped the sweat from his forehead in embarrassment, and said with his head down.The group of cronies behind her had already fled when they saw Mo Han's face clearly. They had seen how the eighth princess dealt with Zhang Run. Who would dare to offend the eighth princess in Qiguo!

"This hall is very daring to see you! The robbery has come to this hall..." Mo Han just stared at the fan in his hand, did not look up at Zhang Run, and could feel her uneasiness.

"Your servant is not...just...just Your Highness, you just heard Mr. Bustard say that the guest selected by Mr. Ruyan today is my servant, you..." Zhang Run is now doing it for the sake of beauty and doesn't care about facing each other. Who is it, she is right, what is she afraid of?Thinking of this, Zhang Run straightened up Yuexiong Yuefu again, what is the so-called righteousness!

"What? Do you think this palace is the one who robbed you?" Mo Han raised his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Zhang Run was always afraid of her, but he was a little more courageous for the beauty, and he dared to fight himself. A few words of theory!

"No, no... It's just that the three questions that Mr. Ruyan won tonight were won by the courtiers! Your Highness will not let Mr. Ruyan break his promise, right?" Zhang Run said with a playful smile. Although the princess is powerful, she has always been righteous and upright, and she will never bully others.

"If my hall remembers correctly, Mr. Ruyan only promised to accompany him for a glass of wine. Now that he has fulfilled his promise, what should he do? What's wrong with you? What? Do you still want to use your power to snatch someone back and become your husband?" Mo Han said solemnly Said, "Of course, if Mr. Ruyan agrees, and you can make the decision to give him the position of righteous husband, this hall is also happy to be an adult..."

When Ruyan heard her words about the beauty of an adult, her joyful face immediately became stiff, and then replaced with self-mockery.

"This... this..." Zhang Run rubbed his fingers and didn't know how to answer. If she dared to say that she married Ruyan as her husband, her mother would have to skin him, constrict her tendons, and break her legs, it is impossible to drive her out of the prime minister's mansion.

"Why? Can't it be done?" Mo Han raised his eyebrows and asked, but he felt funny in his heart, this Zhang Run!She has a wicked heart but not a guts, and has never been able to be her own master. If she really took Ruyan back, she probably wouldn't need these legs!
" daughter...I..." Zhang Run didn't want to lose face in front of the beauties, and he didn't dare to lose faith in front of the Eighth Emperor. of.

"Since it can't be done, why do you want to take up the innocence of the young master for nothing?" Mo Han hurried home, unwilling to talk to her, but saw her standing there speechless for a long time, with a tone of voice A little more impatient.

"But the courtier is indeed a guest he personally chose! She is just a young lady in the Red Chamber, so what is there to say about her innocence? It is not worthy of your Highness's concern!" Seeing Mo Han's unkind expression, Zhang Run immediately sneered She stepped forward and said, in her eyes, Ruyan will always pick up customers sooner or later, rather than taking advantage of others, it is better to take advantage of herself.

"Then since you say that, do you mean that you have to take this person away from the main hall today?" The corner of Mo Han's mouth twitched with sarcasm, Zhang Run is planning to die for the beauty?

Ruyan, who was already chilled, twisted the handkerchief in her hand nervously behind Mo Han, she probably wouldn't hand herself over, would she?
"His Royal Highness has always been wise and upright, and he would never make trouble with his courtier's daughter because of a young lady, would he? Everyone in the Yihong Courtyard knows that Mr. Ruyan tonight is... a courtier's man!" Zhang Run began to put a high hat on Mo Han, trying to keep her from minding her own business.

"What? Are you threatening the hall?" Mo Han put away the fan in his hand, and looked at Zhang Run with displeasure, "Since Ruyan has made a toast to you as I said before, I have nothing to do with you , even if there is, the person who robbed you from this palace today, so what can you do?"

"The courtier dare not! Since His Highness likes it, the courtier dare not compete with His Highness." Zhang Run said regretfully and flatteringly.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
(End of this chapter)

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