The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 214 each with their own minds

Chapter 214 each with their own minds

Isn't the eighth princess always self-disciplined and doesn't bother to bully others?Why would you make things difficult for yourself today because of a little girl?

Could it be that the eighth princess was also bewildered by this Ruyan's appearance?

Why!That's all!Compared with beauties, life-saving is more important.To save yourself from offending the Eighth Emperor, it would be bad if you really do something to yourself!Unexpectedly, these eight imperial daughters would be so sympathetic and sympathetic to jade. They are only 14 years old, but they have fallen in love with such a man in the red building. They feel sorry for the young master of the Li family.

"Then why don't you hurry up! Are you waiting for me to invite you to dinner?" Mo Han really couldn't figure out how such a shrewd person like Zhang Huairen gave birth to such a silly daughter. He really didn't have the slightest sense of vision, and he wasted so much time what!

"The courtier is resigning..." Zhang Run bowed and reluctantly withdrew, full of regret, finally being able to be alone with this Mr. Ruyan, and even met the overlord Eighth Queen, this Ruyan is quite powerful what!If the eighth princess is held back, who will dare to touch him in the future?It really is a man's heart, a sea needle!
"Thank you, Your Highness, for your help." Seeing that Zhang Run had already left in despair, Ruyan stood up and thanked Mo Han.

"It's just a little effort! It's getting late today, and it's inconvenient to stay in the hall, so I'll go back first. You're also shocked, go back and rest earlier!" Mo Han said and walked towards the door, not knowing that Zijin was there today. Didn't come to the palace!It's not a problem that I always hide like this.

Ruyan watched the white back disappear from her sight, and sat back again, as if she had exhausted all her strength, lying on the table weakly, her eyes were moist, but she forced herself not to cry, Since the day he was sold to Yihong Courtyard nine years ago, he no longer has the right to cry.

"What's the matter? But someone bullied you?" When Mo Han came back, he saw the boy lying on the table and shrugging his shoulders. It turned out that he also had such a sad time, everyone has their own Unknown vulnerability.

"You...why are you back?" Ruyan heard the expectant voice in her ears, thought she had heard it wrong, raised her head hastily, saw that it was really her who came back, and immediately "smiled through tears", He rubbed his red eyes and said.

"Ahem... this hall... I decided to send you back in person! To save you from being harassed by that Zhang Run again." Mo Han clenched his hands into fists and put them to his lips, coughing lightly.

In fact, after she went out, she found that the scourge of Zhang Run hadn't left, and was still drinking with people downstairs. She was afraid that she would bully the poor child again when she saw him go, so she thought about sending him back in person, and by the way, made love. It will be convenient to poach him in the future, right?Mo Han felt a little guilty, and he wanted to take advantage of his concern for others.

But, after all, he is someone he admires, and now Mo Han, who is protecting his shortcomings, has put him under his wings!

Ruyan's depressed heart immediately jumped up again, such a feeling of joy and sadness made him a little suffocated.She said, to take him back to his room... Will they...

It has to be said that Ruyan was thinking a little too much at this time, and the two left the door with their own careful thoughts.

Wen Xin and Nuan Feng didn't follow in with a wink, because it was a man's boudoir, and it was not easy for them to go in.Secondly, it was rare for their master to be interested in a beauty, so they didn't dare to bother her.

(End of this chapter)

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