The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 219 Going to Yihong Courtyard Again

Chapter 219 Going to Yihong Courtyard Again

"Young master, why do you have to be so presumptuous? Our young master is beautiful, unparalleled in talent, and kind-hearted. He is worthy of everyone's cherishment. It's just... If you enter an ordinary family, you still have some chances, but if you enter a high-ranking family, Hou Men's mansion, what does the young master rely on to compete with those noble young men? How long can a woman fall in love with one person?" Although Xiao Yu's words are not pleasant, they are absolutely true, without background background, without the support of her mother's family, how can she A foothold in the high gate compound?

Xiaoyu is like Yan, who is a few years older, and his words are more mature. He was sold into Yihonglou by his family since he was a child. Fortunately, because of his vulgar appearance, he was arranged by the bustard to serve Mr. Ruyan. Keep my innocence forever.Although the status is low, it is always better than those sons who were tortured to death.

Every year in the building, there are many young masters who were redeemed by women and then injured. Which one of them didn't die in the end?None of them can last long... No matter how nice the woman said at the time, in the end, time will make her forget her promise.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry! I understand..." The wry smile on the corner of Ruyan's mouth hurt Xiao Yu's eyes.

"It's good that the young master understands. Xiaoyu just can't bear to see the young master's miserable life!" Xiao Yu forced a smile on the corner of his mouth, even if the young master is sad at the moment, it is much better than ruining the rest of his life.

"My lord, hurry up and eat, it will be cold later!" Seeing that Ru Yan's expression was not good, Xiao Yu hurriedly changed the subject with a smile.

"You too!" Ru Yan beckoned Xiao Yu to sit down. All these years, thanks to Xiao Yu's care, he understood that what he said was for his own good!


After school, Mo Han hesitated whether to go home or not, but she still couldn't bear to see Zijin's aggrieved face, that's all, since she claims to be romantic, let's go to the beauty's place for tea!By the way, cultivate and cultivate feelings, and find a way to poach him away earlier.

"Go to Yihong Courtyard!" Mo Han jumped into the carriage as soon as he lifted his skirt, Nuanfeng and Wenxin followed behind, looked at each other, and followed into the carriage.

The breeze in April is very light and refreshing, and Mo Han is rarely in a good mood to look at the scenery outside the window. People are coming and going on the street, shouting one after another, it is very lively!Suddenly, a sweet smell came to his nostrils, Mo Han changed his mind, and immediately yelled to stop.

"Warm Wind, go to Dessert House to buy two packs of dim sum." Mo Han said while looking at the steaming dim sum shop in front of him, thinking to himself, all men seem to like these!
"Yes!" The warm wind disappeared in front of Mo Han like a gust of wind, and the carriage drove slowly, waiting for the warm wind to return.

"Master, why did you buy two cakes for Mr. Ruyan? It won't taste good when it's cold, how can he eat so much by himself?" Panting, Nuan Feng stepped into the carriage with three snack bags , put the two packs aside, unpacked one pack, and put it on the small table in front of Mo Han. After Mo Han picked up a piece, she hurriedly stuffed a piece into her mouth. She also smelled the smell too much. It was so fragrant, I couldn't resist buying an extra pack for them to eat by themselves.

"Well... you go and send that bag to Xiangfu." Mo Han picked up another piece, and said while eating, this warm air habit is a favorite, and the taste of the selection is quite good.

"Come on!" Nuan Feng picked up a bag of pastries in one hand and a handful of pastries in the other, and disappeared into the carriage again.

At noon, Yihong Courtyard was very quiet, and there was no one in the hall. The princes in the building should still be resting, and Mo Han had already stepped in with cakes.

"Oh... why did Miss come here so early today? None of the gentlemen in our building are ready yet!" Seeing that it was the handsome lady who came last night, the bustard immediately greeted her with a handkerchief , this lady is a big spender. I heard that she snatched Ruyan from Miss Zhang last night. He knew the identity of that lady. If she could snatch someone from her, it might be Ruyan this time. Hug a big tree!

"It's okay, I already made an appointment with Ruyan yesterday, and I don't need others to accompany me." Mo Han stretched out his hand and popped out a golden bead, so happy that the bustard nearly grinned to the base of his ears.

"Miss, you really have vision. Our family is Ruyan. He is definitely the most beautiful man in the capital. Up to now, no lady has ever entered Ruyan's boudoir! Miss, you are the first one. We Ruyan She is still innocent now! Miss is so lucky..." The bustard took the gold beads and led Mo Han to the backyard, chattering excitedly.If there was such a powerful and rich young lady who bought Ruyan, wouldn't their Yihong Courtyard make a lot of money every day and become the largest red building in the capital? Thinking about it, I feel happy!
"I'm sorry, I'll just go in by myself, you go!" Mo Han came to Ruyan's door and signaled the bustard to leave.

"Miss, please do yourself!" The bustard cast a wink at Mo Han, and then twisted the water snake's waist and left with a swing.

"Dong dong dong..." Ruyan, who was staring at the mirror in a daze, was thinking about when Mo Han would come and whether he would like his outfit today, so when she heard the knock on the door, she immediately stood up and trotted to open the door , also disregarding the calmness in the past and the doubtful face of Xiaoyu beside him.

"Eight... Miss Eight, you're here..." Ruyan immediately cheered up when she saw the person coming, and said in surprise, her eyes were full of joy, and the beauty's smile really made all the flowers look pale, and everything was ashamed, and it also sparkled. cold eyes.

"What? Are you not welcome?" Mo Han joked with a serious expression.Today's Ruyan didn't wear a veil, she was still dressed in white clothes better than snow, very clean.

"Ruyan is overjoyed, Miss Eight please come inside." Ruyan immediately stepped aside and let the man in.

"Here! I brought you the cake, eat it while it's hot." Mo Han handed the cake in his hand to Ru Yan, and then looked at Xiao Yu behind him who was staring at her like a wary pervert, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Thank you, Miss Eight." Ruyan took the snack from Mo Han's hands flattered, and hugged her tightly.There are many women chasing his looks, but Mo Han is the only one who may send him a package of hot pastries like this. The temperature of this package directly warms his heart.

"I don't know if Ruyan has lunch here? My stomach is growling with hunger!" Seeing that he was holding the pastry and not eating or moving, Mo Han could only speak first. This meal is the biggest, and the others None of them matter.

"Xiaoyu, hurry up and prepare meals for Miss Eight, and take this lady to a room to rest." Ruyan was even more happy to hear her say that, so she came to her place right after school.Then he stood up immediately, and gave orders to Xiao Yu who was standing there staring at Mo Han.

 Thank you book friends for the monthly ticket full of happiness!

  Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!
  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and red beans!

  September is here, and the author still has the cheek to ask for monthly tickets, favorites, and recommendations!If you have tickets, please hold a ticket hall, if you have beans, please hold a bean field, and if there are people, please hold a personal field!
(End of this chapter)

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