The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 220 Playing Chess

Chapter 220 Playing Chess
Seeing Xiaoyu looking at him with some concern, he nodded slightly to express that he knew his identity and would never do something he shouldn't do, so Xiaoyu reluctantly left with warmth.

"I took the liberty to come here and cause you trouble!" Mo Han said so, but he didn't mean to cause trouble to others at all in his actions.

"Your Highness's words made Ru Yan feel ashamed, and Ru Yan is flattered to be remembered by His Highness." Ru Yan was always holding the bag of pastries in her arms, unwilling to let go.

"It's a great honor to be remembered by a beautiful woman." Mo Han looked at his boyish appearance, and couldn't help but want to tease him. The best way to promote people's relationship is to start with jokes.

Why did Mo Han dare to joke with Ru Yan like this? Firstly, she believed that Ru Yan grew up in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion since she was a child, and knew what was true and what was false.Secondly, she knows that Ruyan is an extremely smart man, who knows what she can pursue and what she can't extravagantly ask for.Therefore, she will not worry about any sparks with Ru Yan at all.

If it was anyone else, Mo Han would be right to think like this, but she is not someone else, she is Mo Han, the light that has been hidden in his heart like smoke for nine years.

Fortunately, Ruyan knows that the identities of the two are very different. He doesn't want to ruin Mo Han's reputation, and he won't play tricks on her. Otherwise, no one can say what the ending will be. After all, in the face of love , everyone is selfish.

"Your Highness, would you like to play a game with Ruyan?" Ruyan gently put the pastry in her hand on the dressing table, and then asked Mo Han.

"Okay. Then I ask Mr. Ruyan to be merciful!" Mo Han must have heard that some of the young masters in the red building are talented and talented. Presumably, Ruyan was trained as an oiran since he was a child. It's not a problem.

"Your Highness is ashamed like smoke, Ru Yan is only superficial, I hope you don't let His Highness down!" Ru Yan took out the flag neatly.

Mo Han rubbed the chess pieces in his hand, each one was shiny and plump, it seemed that the owner of this chess piece did not use it often.

While Mo Han was in deep thought, a pawn in Ruyan's hand fell to the ground. He immediately squatted down to pick it up, then looked at Mo Han with a blushing face and said in embarrassment: "Your Highness is the first one to talk to Mo Han." Ruyan is a girl who plays chess, Ruyan is a little nervous."

"It's just for entertainment, as long as Ru Yan is happy, don't be nervous." Mo Han helped him arrange the chess pieces and daily throws in his hands, and said comfortingly, and picked up the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea, and handed it to Ru Yan cigarette.

"Thank you... Thank you, Your Highness..." Ruyan took it with both hands, the warm tea was still steaming, and Ruyan's eyes were a little moist from the steaming.No one had ever treated him like this. Others looked down on the men in their red building, but in Mo Han's eyes, he had never seen contempt and disdain. She naturally respected him.

"Let's start!" Mo Han stretched out his hand to signal Ruyan to go first, and handed him the black chess piece in his hand.

The two remained silent, only the sound of the chess piece falling to the ground. Mo Han admired Ruyan's thoughtfulness and fortification everywhere.Ruyan admired Mo Han's ability to attack and defend without leaving any traces.For a while, the two were inseparable.

"Accepted..." Mo Han dropped the last chess piece and said to Ru Yan with a smile.Although she won, she still has to admire Ruyan's chess skills. It's really rare for a man to play so well with her.

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(End of this chapter)

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