The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 224 What's the deal with Han'er?

Chapter 224 What's the deal with Han'er?
"Is there anyone who thinks there is too much money?" Wen Zhao, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, stepped forward and said with curls. She is also very arrogant, she has always been a supporter of Zhang Huairen, a typical Six Emperors Party, so she is not afraid of tearing her face apart with the Crown Princess.

"Old minister, I heard that the eighth princess has been immersing herself in the Yihong Courtyard for the past few days, spending money like water. Everyone knows that her highness loves her sister like life. If it wasn't for the help of her highness, where would the eighth highness who has not yet received a salary come from?" The silver goes to that kind of gold den?" Wen Zhao continued, their purpose today is to bring the Eighth Emperor's daughter in, and let her lose her sacred heart first, so that they can catch them all in one go in the future.

"What? Only Mr. Wen is allowed to go to that kind of golden nest, and the Eighth Prince is not allowed?" Li Xiang, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke. She is the future mother-in-law of the Eighth Emperor, and the mother-in-law has not blamed her daughter-in-law yet. You're playful, so what's your business, Wen Zhao?
Li Xiang's indifferent words actually slapped Wen Zhao in the face, making her face flushed with anger. She had never seen a mother-in-law so supportive of her daughter-in-law looking for a young lady!

"No, His Highness the Eighth Highness is the Holy Majesty's own daughter, and she is about to become an adult, so why not go and see it? What? How can Mr. Wen dare to say that the people standing in the hall have never been to that kind of place? Of course, I really haven't been there before." General Mu's words made everyone laugh, General Mu has always been afraid of internal affairs, but he is not ashamed and proud of it, and this is the only one in the entire Qi Kingdom.

Her Majesty the Empress, who had a bad complexion, couldn't help but sighed when she heard what everyone said. How could Han'er hide what the child was thinking from a mother like her.As Han'er grew older and became extremely intelligent, many royalists set their sights on the eighth princess who was about to enter the imperial court. Han'er did this only to ensure her sister's position as the princess.Since she has no intention of being the throne, as a mother, how can she be willing to force her?
"Wen Shilang is probably old and a bit confused. The empress is in charge of disaster relief. What does it have to do with my Han'er? If Wen Shilang feels that he can no longer continue to be qualified for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, I don't mind changing to a young official. "The emperor finally spoke, but Wen Zhao was so shocked that he immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty. Everyone knew that the eighth prince was the lifeblood of the emperor. Even Zhang Changming didn't dare to say it. Wen Zhao, an idiot, dared to talk about the eighth prince. It really is true. Zhang Huairen was used as a gunman.

"Your Majesty forgives the sin, and the lower official's slip of the tongue is not aimed at His Highness the Eighth Highness! These words... These words are also discussed by the common people." Wen Zhao could only come up with such an excuse in order to get rid of the crime.

"Oh? The common people even went to Mr. Wen to talk about the private matters of the eighth princess? The little granddaughter is inseparable from the eighth princess every day, but she only says that the eighth princess loves poetry, and won the honor of the Huakui of the Yihong Courtyard like smoke." The young master invited me to write poems, neither stayed overnight nor married him back to the mansion, how could a child less than 14 years old's playfulness be transferred to the empress dowager's disaster relief at the mouth of Wen Shilang? It's vicious enough!" Taifu Lin, who had never spoken much, finally spoke, and among her students, Mo Han was the one who satisfied her the most, and she naturally didn't want others to slander her favorite student.

(End of this chapter)

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