The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 225 Dissatisfied

Chapter 225 Dissatisfied
"What Taifu Lin said is true, even if the Eighth Highness really redeems people, so what if you bring them back to the mansion? It's not like no one in our Qi Kingdom has ever done this before!" General Mu said in shocking words, After saying a word, the sixth princess almost jumped up in anger. The prince who was redeemed by General Mu was her, but she didn't marry back to the mansion after she was redeemed!Isn't it because of her disappointing cousin Zhang Run?
The court, who was still discussing disaster relief, actually chatted about the gossip about the Eighth Emperor's daughter visiting the Red Mansion. The princess Mo Fan secretly rolled her eyes. In terms of method, this is also good, the empress is so blatantly protecting her, the sixth child will not dare to attack Han'er easily, he should find out the traitor inside as soon as possible.

"Emperor Mother, this minister is guilty! Due to the lack of strict governance, there was a loophole in the disaster relief funds, which caused some refugees to flee around and affected the normal life of other people. Please give the minister a little more time. I will find out the murderer and give an explanation to the people affected by the disaster." When everyone was arguing about the eighth princess, Her Royal Highness suddenly stood up and said.

What the emperor is most satisfied with about this daughter is that she is responsible. She never shirks responsibility when things happen, and she never uses any means to harm others. On the contrary, that child Han'er has no tolerance for sand in her eyes. Today you framed her and stole One needle, and tomorrow she will let everyone in the world know that you stole a piece of gold from her.It's just that Mo Bai's temperament became the emperor, and he was afraid that he would be used by those who wanted to. Therefore, Han'er will definitely go to the court to assist her sister in the future.I believe that the two sisters will surely preserve Qiguo's century-old foundation and make people's lives better and better.

"My son has worked hard, but merit is merit, and demerits are demerits. The mistakes you made today, after you have cured the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, I will calculate them slowly with you." After all, the emperor still couldn't bear to punish this simple and honest man. However, she didn't let everyone talk about her, she just said that her fault will be counted in the future, and it will be counted as an explanation to the people.Now that the Holy Majesty has made a verdict, the other ministers dare not say any more. After all, disaster relief is the most important thing now, and nothing else is important.


"Eccentric! The Empress is really eccentric!" After the sixth princess returned home, there was the sound of porcelain breaking, followed by her roar.

"The Queen Mother has always been like this. Aren't we sisters already used to it? Sister Sixth Huang is still cautious in her words, and be careful that the walls have ears." The Seventh Queen whispered to the side, but when she said these words, it was more like adding fuel to the fire. !

"Why? We are all the daughters of the empress. Why can the crown prince and the eighth child make mistakes and not be punished, and the palace will be punished for anything wrong?" the sixth emperor gritted her teeth angrily.She still remembered that when she followed Zhang Run to Yihonglou for the first time because of curiosity, she was taken to the empress's place by that old woman Zhang Changming. When it comes to Lao Ba, the Empress not only ignores her, but also protects her?Obviously they are all her daughters!
"Who would let someone be a concubine!" The Seventh Emperor said with curled lips, but the dissatisfaction all over her body was hidden in those Danfeng eyes.

"My daughter, my daughter... Do you think this hall is not angry? Why are they the daughters of the first wife and we are the daughters of the second wife? They are both the same mother, and my father is lower than him?" Once stimulated, you dare to say anything nonsense, and the Seventh Princess flashed a sly smile from the side, Mo Bai, with your brain, you dare to compete with the Crown Princess, it is really beyond your control.

No matter!With you, an idiot, standing in front of us, our hall can easily become the ultimate beneficiary in the future. If you let the snipe and the clam fight, I will just wait for the fisherman to reap the benefits!
"Sister Six, calm down, there is no conclusion until the end." Mo Lin persuaded Mo Bai after seeing that Mo Bai had said everything that should be said and should not be said.Thinking about it, Mo Bai's complaints just now will soon reach the ears of the empress and empress dowager.

"Hmph! Old Ba, doesn't she want to enjoy the warm, fragrant and nephrite jade? I'm not as good as she wants. Since Lao Ba has fallen in love with Mr. Ruyan, this hall is going to rob her. Let's see if she can help me. What?" The sixth princess thought that that ice-like beauty who had always treated her with no pretense, actually made Lao Ba, that yellow-haired girl, his guest of honor. She was really unlucky!

"Sister Six!" Mo Lin didn't expect that the idiot, the sixth, would have such a courageous side, and would dare to take the initiative to provoke the eighth?She knows Mo Bai well, even though she is four years older than Mo Han, she is still a little afraid of her!

"What? Could it be that she is only allowed to have a beauty in her arms, and we are not allowed to be chic?" Mo Bai became angry when he thought of Mo Han.

"Sister Liuhuang, now is not the time to fight with the sixth son. The princess is now looking for the spies we have planted in. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for us to go to Yihong Court without thinking about it." Although the seventh princess was also very dissatisfied with Mo Han, But he was not blinded by jealousy, knowing what is the most important thing at this time.

"We didn't leave any evidence, no matter how much she checks, she can't find us." Mo Bai looked indifferent, they just found some beggars to disturb the hearts of the victims, where did she go to check?

"Sister Six, what the emperor means is the relief money..." Mo Lin leaned into Mo Bai's ear and whispered.

"With my aunt here, we don't need to worry about it. My aunt will take care of it." Mo Bai couldn't help sighing when he thought of his scheming aunt. Although she was not smart, she could still see her aunt's ambition. I don't agree with myself taking the risk of taking the position of the princess, but my aunt disagrees!
"Sister Six is ​​protected by heaven, and with the help of an aunt like Zhang Xiang, the day when she will achieve great things is not far away!" The Seventh Princess stood up and flattered Mo Bai. This kind of flattery also brought a bit of joy.

"The Royal Sister's loyalty, I know in my heart, I will not treat you badly in the future!" Mo Bai looked as if he was determined to win, as if he had already sat on the high throne.

"The imperial sister should do the work of a dog and a horse for the imperial sister, and help the imperial sister to achieve great things." Mo Lin bowed and lowered his head and said humbly, but his eyes slowly showed disdain and anger. You are all relying on your father. Those with high status are self-righteous. In the future, I will definitely trample you all under my feet.

"Let's go, my sister will wait for you to be cool at night." Mo Bai stood up, shaking her hands and walking in front, she really wanted to see how the old eighth who hadn't even grown a hair fell into the eyes of Mr. Ruyan.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!Support all the way, the author will keep it in mind!
  Thank you for the recommendation tickets from several book friends!

  Books will have transitions. Although it has been a little deserted recently, I still thank the book friends for their perseverance!

(End of this chapter)

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