The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 227 Misunderstanding

Chapter 227 Misunderstanding
"Sister...sister?" Bustard felt a scrutinizing gaze on him, and immediately pretended to be surprised to look at the two imperial daughters opposite.

He had actually thought about the identity of the lady, but he didn't dare to think about it. If it was the younger sister they said, then there would only be the eighth emperor daughter born by the Phoenix Queen and the nine emperor daughter born by a servant. The nine emperor daughter was young , since he is not so big, then... this person can only be the youngest daughter of their Qi Guosheng—the eighth emperor, Mo Han, Ruyan!Do you know that you are hugging Qi Guo's thickest thigh!

Bustard was active in his mind, but he didn't show it on his face, he just coaxed the two princesses in front of him to rest well, and called the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum to come out to serve, coaxing them not to make trouble.

Until Mo Han sent Ru Yan back, Mo Bai and Mo Lin did not leave.

In fact, when Mo Han took Ruyan out, he took the opportunity of taking him shopping, intentionally or unintentionally, brought him into a few stores under his own banner, and bought him some small things!

Mo Han thought to himself, since he wants to poach people away, shouldn't he buy people's hearts first?But she never thought that the moment the two of them stepped into the Yihong courtyard, they were stopped by the bustard.

"Ouch! My little ancestor! Why did you come back? The two princesses upstairs came here in the afternoon, and they called to see Mr. Ruyan! No, they haven't left until now. Ruyan! Daddy I also know your rules, it’s just the two of them, we Yihong Courtyard can’t afford to offend you!” Bustard said this to Ruyan, but in fact he wanted to tell Mo Han, the two of them Only the little ancestor in front of him dared to mess with his identity!
"Since Ruyan still has guests, I won't send you in. I will come to see you when I have a chance in the future." Mo Han said with a smile. She is already Ruyan's guest. Although she intends to poach Ruyan's corner, she has no right to organize Ruyan to accompany other guests.

"You..." Ruyan's trembling lips could only utter this single syllable, and the little sugar man she was holding fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.His heart, which was originally happy, was suddenly pierced by a sharp knife. Did she actually think that she was the kind of young lady who picked up customers casually?
When Mo Han was about to turn around, he heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Turning his head, he found that Ruyan's eyes that were originally happy were covered with mist. Did he cry?

"What's the matter? But you don't feel well?" Wasn't everything fine just now?Mo Han didn't understand why someone who was fine after walking with her all afternoon got sick right after he came back.Are you tired from walking with her too much?Thinking of this, Mo Han came back again, "I don't think Ruyan is in good health, let those two distinguished guests come back another day!"

"Ouch! Miss! Do you think that people like us can tell other guests what to do? They said that if they don't see Ruyan today, they won't leave!" How could he fail to understand Ruyan's changes?This child is probably attracted to others, but such a noble person, Ruyan followed her, I don't know if it is luck or misfortune!
"Miss Eight, Ruyan is fine, don't embarrass Daddy. Daddy, Ruyan will go see them now." Ruyan tried her best to put away her small thoughts and pretend to be indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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