Chapter 228
Since she doesn't have herself in her heart, he shouldn't force it.But I can't offend those two princesses, and implicate the whole Yihong Courtyard.

"Where are you all right? Look, now that your hands are shaking so much that you can't even hold a sugar figure, how are you going to chat with those two people? It's my fault, I forgot that your man is weak, I'm exhausting you!" Mo Han's original intention was that he was exhausted from walking too much, but when he heard the bustard's ears, he thought it was...the two of them were exhausted, and he couldn't help but feel distressed, and he still expected the first night of the auction to be like smoke Big bucks!That's all!When the eighth princess asked him to redeem her, he had to ask for more money.

Ruyan felt better when she heard the word "Zhou Xuan". Since she knew that she was going to Zhou Xuan, why did she say those words that hurt his heart?
Mo Han, I never expected to marry you, but I want to be your confidant, and I just want you to care about me more and care about me more.

Ruyan is smart and her status is embarrassing, so just be a good friend with her.Friends are the most permanent companions.

"Since you are not feeling well, you simply refused. Why? How dare they force you?" Mo Han felt that this was at the foot of the emperor, Ruyan was a prostitute, and they dared to do what others didn't want thing?
"Ruyan's status is low, how can he have the right to choose?" Ruyan smiled wryly, if he was not afraid of ruining her reputation in this filthy place, how would he be willing to let her go!

"Don't worry, I'll go there with you." Seeing his reluctance, Mo Han finally decided to meddle in his own business, after all Ruyan will be hers in the future!
"Thank you...thank you." Ruyan lowered her head and said, a gleam of joy and a bit of cunning flashed in her eyes, she was still as soft-hearted as she was when she was a child.

"Let's go!" Seeing that Ruyan didn't follow, Mo Han lowered his head to pick up the broken candy figurine on the ground, "Don't take it if it's already broken, and you can't eat any more!"

"But you gave this to me..." Ruyan lowered her head and mumbled. Mo Han asked the peddler to make this candy figurine. He liked it very much, but it broke just now. .

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to do another one." Mo Han pulled up the little figure on the ground and went upstairs, Ruyan stared closely at the back of the man holding her arm, what she meant Are you going to take him out tomorrow?At this time, Ruyan's heart was full of mixed feelings, he was afraid that he would become more and more greedy and forget his identity...

The bustard looked at Ruyan who was dragged away by Mo Han, and sighed silently in his heart. He was used to seeing the fate of the sons who lost their hearts for so many years. He thought that Ruyan was different, but it turned out that his indifference before It's just because I didn't meet the right person!

Mo Han pulled Ru Yan behind him and pushed the door open. The two people who were hugging left and right were taken aback by Mo Han's sudden intrusion. Seeing that the person who came was the little overlord, they restrained their anger. All the people in the room were sent out.

"Where did the eighth sister take the beauty? But let the elder sister wait so long!" The sixth emperor's wife Yang said angrily.

"What? Since when did the Sixth Sister become interested in my little sister's affairs? She even came here to look for me? I'm afraid the ulterior motives are not in the bar?" Mo Han said pointedly, she was just mocking Mo Bai It's nothing more than hitting the elder sister of the princess by making troubles for herself, it's useless!

"Haha... my sister came here to see the beauty, but I heard that you were a step ahead of me." The sixth princess leaned her head on the soft couch behind her and squinted her eyes.

"Sister? Hehe... I'm afraid that the Sixth Sister Huang has forgotten her identity. The only elder sister in this hall is the current Crown Princess! What qualifications do you have to call yourself the elder sister of this hall? This hall calls you Huangjie because of the emperor's mother." I've given you a little bit of shame, and please don't forget the sixth princess—there is no difference between superiority and inferiority!" Mo Han looked at Mo Bai with a face full of contempt, but actually looked at her through Mo Bai's face Maureen behind him.

Although they are the same mother, Mo Han's words are not wrong. People in this era attach great importance to bloodlines. Mo Han's father is the current Queen Feng, the Queen's wife, while Mo Bai and Mo Lin are just It's just the children of the side lord and the servant lord!To put it bluntly, they are Mo Han's sisters, but to put it bluntly, they are just concubine daughters born in the concubine!It's just that the status of being born in the royal family is a bit higher than that of other concubines. If it is in an ordinary family, it is just a small slave born by a big slave, and it is indeed not qualified to be compared with Mo Han.

"You... old eight, don't bully me too much!" Mo Bai blushed with anger when Mo Han pouted in front of the beauty, and wished he could step forward and strangle her to death.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Mo Han didn't want to talk to her anymore, she just wanted to provoke them, a dog would only jump over the wall when it was in a hurry!
Mo Han glanced at Mo Lin who was gnashing her teeth but holding back, and saw that her hands under her sleeves were trembling all the time. Presumably the clenched fists at this time wanted to greet Mo Han?
Maureen, aren't you the most tolerant?She followed Mo Bai all day, pretending to be magnanimous and honest, but Mo Han knew that her identity was the biggest knot in her heart. Among the few imperial daughters, her father was the least favored. Because of her low status, she has had low self-esteem since she was a child, and she can't understand how her other sisters are always aloof and get what they want.

Mo Lin has such ambitions, but it's just to satisfy her own selfish desires!She wants to trample down those who look down on her, she wants her mother to look at her more, so that her father can also enjoy the treatment of Queen Feng and Xianguijun, she calls for herself It's unfair!

"This hall has never thought of bullying others, but there are always people who like to take the initiative to come to the door. How can this hall not accompany you to the end?" Mo Han retracted his gaze from Mo Lin, stared at Mo Bai and said, " People don't attack me, I don't attack others. If people attack me, cut the grass and root out!"

Mo Bai's face turned pale in an instant, she didn't know when this little girl who had never been as tall as herself had grown up, and she seemed to be exuding the aura that only a queen mother would have!

"Eighth Sister is probably overthinking. Sixth Sister and I have no intention of embarrassing Royal Sister. Today, we are here with Sixth Sister. We have heard about Mr. Ruyan's name for a long time. Come and experience it!" Mo Lin deserved to be Being able to bear it, he quickly recovered his complexion, and said to Mo Han with a smile.

When Ruyan heard what she said, she couldn't help but shrink back and hide herself behind Mo Han.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you for your recommendation tickets and Xiaoxinbao's red beans!
  It's autumn again...


(End of this chapter)

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