The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 233 Moths to the flame

Chapter 233 Moths to the flame
"Your Highness, thank you..." Ru Yan said, tears could not stop streaming down, no one in this world has ever cared so much about him.

Mo Han sent someone to bring bath water, and Ru Yan tidied it up, so Mo Han asked him to rest first, but Ru Yan always looked at her with tears in her eyes.He didn't dare to close his eyes, as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with the humiliation of being suppressed by Mo Bai. Not only was he afraid, but he also felt disgusted...

"Your Highness, don't go..." Ruyan finally opened her mouth to keep the woman who was about to leave, let him be selfish this time!He was afraid that once she left, he would really lose his mind...

"I won't leave, I'll stay here with you, don't be afraid, close your eyes and sleep, everything will be fine!" Mo Han sat by the bed, quietly watching the person on the bed finally close his eyes , eyelashes trembling, obviously frightened.

Men in this life are not only weak, but their status is not high. It is even more difficult for a man like Ru Yan who was sold into the land of fireworks since he was a child. I hope this child can come out of those pains earlier and live a normal life. man's life.

When Ruyan woke up, it was already the morning of the second day, and Xiao Yu was standing by his side.

"My lord, you've finally woken up. I'm going to bring you water to wash your face." Seeing his lord opened his eyes, Xiao Yu immediately said excitedly, his voice was a little hoarse, he must have cried so hard yesterday!
"Yeah." Ruyan was very surprised that she had no dreams all night after being frightened yesterday. She looked around and realized that she was not in Yihong Courtyard, but on the territory of the Eighth Prince.

"My lord, let me take care of you to wash up!" Xiao Yu didn't know why, although her voice was hoarse, she seemed to be in a good mood, and she was always bouncing around when she walked.

"Your Highness... where did she go?" Ru Yan sat in front of the vanity mirror, looked at Xiao Yu combing his hair in the mirror, finally couldn't hold back, and asked.

"Your Highness, she stayed with the young master for a long time yesterday. Seeing that the young master was asleep, she ordered the servant to come in and watch over him. She said that after school today, she would take the young master to Yihong Courtyard to move things. Young master, Your Highness, she... But Redeem you to come out?" Xiao Yu's eyes were shining like stars in the sky, Ruyan had never seen him so happy.

"Yeah!" Ruyan nodded with a blushing face, his wish finally came true, he missed her nine years ago, and now she is still willing to save him from the sea of ​​suffering, she really is the kindest person in the world.

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something..." Xiao Yu hesitated looking at the pretty little face reflected in the bronze mirror.

"There is nothing you can't say in front of me!" Ru Yan smiled and patted his hands, he understood Xiao Yu's sincerity in treating him, thanks to Xiao Yu's company all these years!
"Young master, the Eighth Emperor's daughter is certainly good, but everyone in Qiguo doesn't know that she was married by the sage on the day of the hundredth day, and her fiancé is the son of Zuo Xiang's family. She has a respected status and is also His Highness." Her childhood sweetheart, I am afraid that you will be wronged and neglected if the Eighth Prince enters the door in the future..." Xiaoyu often goes out on weekdays, so the information she knows is naturally more accurate than Ruyan.

"I... never expected to marry her!" A bitter smile curled up on the corner of Ruyan's mouth, not to mention his identity, but just talking about what happened to him in the past nine years, he was unwilling to tarnish her.

(End of this chapter)

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