Chapter 234
"She is the sky and I am the earth. The difference between us is nothing more than cloud and mud. Since I care about her, how can I let her be criticized by the world? I am not willing to let others talk behind her back that she married a young lady from a red building." ... I am content to be able to look at her like this!" Yun Yan continued.

"My lord, you are so stupid!" Xiao Yu said distressedly.His son is obviously innocent, no different from that good man's son, it's just that the poor son is stuck in the quagmire!

"Is there any man in this world who is not stupid?" When they meet love, they are like moths to a flame, knowing that death is ahead, but they still have no hesitation.

"Xiao Yu doesn't understand the young master's mind, but Xiao Yu hopes that the young master is well!" Xiao Yu helped Ru Yan stand up and smoothed the wrinkles on his body.

"Thank you, Xiao Yu!" Ru Yan turned around and took Xiao Yu's hand to the table. The food on the table was simple but warm.

"My lord, this is the black-bone chicken porridge that His Highness ordered the kitchen to make for you yesterday. It has been simmered all night! It is delicious... Your Highness said, Young Master is too thin, so I want you to eat more." Xiao Yu said in A bowl of porridge was served for Ruyan at the side, and she kept muttering, and a smile appeared on Ruyan's face.

That's enough!He is very contented!

"Xiaoyu, you can use it too!" Ruyan said, pointing to the opposite stool.

"I'd better use it after serving the young master!" Xiao Yu shyly refused.

"There are no outsiders here, why do you still feel uncomfortable in front of me? We will depend on each other for life in the future, and I have always regarded you as a brother!" Ru Yan looked at Xiao Yu dissatisfied and said.

"My mean..." Xiao Yu couldn't believe her ears. What does the lord mean to take him away?
Ruyan nodded at him...

"But, the Eighth Prince, she..." Xiao Yu was still a little shocked by the news, but, would the Eighth Prince agree?
"Your Highness said it! You sit down and eat it! It will be cold in a while. This porridge is really delicious. There is so much that I can't finish it by myself. If you don't accompany me, then Isn't it all a waste? Are you willing?" Ru Yan knew that Xiao Yu was always frugal, so she said so, and then sat down with a blushing face.

After Ruyan finished her meal, she took Xiao Yu to walk around the yard. It was the season of warm spring and flowers blooming, and Mo Han's yard was also extremely beautiful!The entire green area is full of flowers, willows and willows, but bamboos are planted all over the ground, which makes people feel refreshed and happy when they look at it.

"Your Highness, she has a special liking for bamboo!" Ruyan approached a bamboo plant, squatted down and looked at the bamboo shoots that broke out of the ground, and couldn't help smiling, she was just like the bamboo shoots that broke the ground, and regained It's new!

"Well, this big piece of green is really beautiful!" Xiao Yu also praised from the side. When he came here yesterday, his mind was full of smoke, and he hadn't had time to take a good look at the scenery here!I heard that bamboo is also so green in winter. Come to think of it, it will look even better when there is a heavy snowfall!
"Ya Zhai is lying listening to Xiao Xiaozhu, I suspect it is the suffering of the people. I am afraid that Her Highness cares about the people, and she is not as unruly as the world sees!" Ru Yan murmured.


"Cough cough...cough..." Before dawn, there was a coughing sound from the small courtyard of Xiangfu.

"My lord, my lord... are you feeling better?" Sanyue asked anxiously looking at Zijin who was lying on the bed and coughing non-stop.

Spring is a season that is easy to get sick, and Zijin was very sad and happy during this time, so he made himself sick after tossing around like this.San Yue has taken care of him by the bedside for two days and two nights, and she is very tired, but she still persists and stays by his bedside at night, never leaving her.

"I'm fine, you should go and rest quickly! You've worked hard for you these two days!" Zijin said while holding Sanyue's hand with some distress. He took good care of him, he knew it in his heart.

"San Yue is here to guard the young master, not going anywhere. When he left the palace, His Highness entrusted the young master to take care of the young master in San Yue, but San Yue made the young master sick. It's all bad in March, it's all in March It's useless... woo woo..." Sanyue couldn't help blaming herself when she saw that the little flesh that her young master had just raised had lost weight again.

"Fool, don't cry. People eat whole grains, how can they not get sick? Besides, I have taken these medicines, and I am much better. You go and rest, don't toss your body to death, who is the time?" Are you still here to take care of me?" Zijin stretched out her cold fingers and lightly touched the dark circles under Sanyue's eyes, and said distressedly.

"Then...then Sanyue squinted on the small couch in the outer room for a while. If you need anything, young master, you must remember to call Sanyue!" Seeing Zijin nod in Sanyue, she walked away step by step.

"Ah!" Seeing that Sanyue had just left for a while, Zijin yelled in fright when a person entered the house, but was covered by the man in black, preventing the yell that was about to exit.

"Zijin, it's me, don't be afraid!" the man in black said, tearing off the veil on his face, Zijin pouted when he saw the person coming, and immediately threw himself into her arms crying, looking aggrieved Extremely!

"Don't cry! Be good..." Mo Han gently followed his back, then pulled the quilt up and wrapped Zijin's body completely, "Why are you so sick? But the people from the Xiangfu Treat you badly?"

Mo Han looked at the little person in his arms with some distress. She hadn't seen him for a long time, and she was thinner than when she first saw him.

"No..." Zijin shook his head lightly, feeling aggrieved in his heart, the people in the prime minister's mansion treated him very well, but it was the person in front of him who treated him badly, yet he still had the nerve to talk about others?
"Then why are you so thin?" Mo Han stretched out his hand and shook his little arm, so thin that only skin and bones remained.

"You don't want me anymore..." Zijin sobbed aggrievedly as she spoke.

"Who did you hear this from? When did I say that I don't want you?" Mo Han asked a little confused.

"You promised me to visit you in the palace every day, but you kept avoiding me. I... I also heard that you didn't want to see me, but you fell in love with an oiran in the Red Chamber. , You also redeemed him to the mansion, and you will raise him to be your master in the future!" The more Zi Jin talked, the more she felt wronged, she didn't have time to see herself, but she had time to spend time with other men.

"It's all nonsense! Where did you hear this?" Mo Han curled his lips helplessly. The kid really believed the gossip and rumors outside. It seemed that he used this trick of stealing Chen Cang very well.

(End of this chapter)

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