Chapter 235
"That's what everyone said. They said that I grew up in the countryside since I was a child. I couldn't get into the elegant hall, and I couldn't be favored by His Highness the Eighth Prince. I was seized by a young man of the Red Mansion. There will be no place for me in the Eighth Prince's Mansion in the future..." Zi What Jin said was not groundless, not to mention people outside, even the servants in Li Xiangfu said the same.

"Then you believed it? Then you tortured yourself like this to get revenge on me, a 'wretched person'?" Mo Han couldn't help laughing when he heard the absurd words that came out of his mouth.

"You can still laugh!" Zijin cast a sidelong glance at Mo Han, but his men hugged her waist even tighter.He was disturbed by lovesickness every day, and felt that he was going crazy.Although he didn't believe those rumors, they still hurt his heart so much!
"Don't laugh, don't laugh... Will a man as smart as you believe those 'heard'?" Mo Han stretched out his hand to stroke the hair on the top of his head, and asked a little bit impatiently.

This child has been thoughtful since he was a child, and she shouldn't let him bear it alone.

"But I thought, you really don't want me anymore..." Zijin buried her face in Mo Han's shoulder, and after a while, the clothes were soaked with tears, and the cold entered Mo Han's heart.

"Didn't I promise to take care of you all the time? You see, didn't I visit you secretly? How could I not want you!" Mo Han hurriedly explained, "Zijin, we have grown up, and there are many things It's all involuntary, you have to believe that no matter what I do, it is to protect you!"

"I can't see you, I'm very sad..." Zijin felt better after hearing her explanation.

"Zijin, you are one of the few concerns I have. Take care of yourself for me. Don't worry me anymore, okay?" Mo Han still couldn't bear to see him sad after all. I don't want to see him look sad.Although she still doesn't understand what her feelings for Zijin are, she understands in her heart that it is totally different from her feelings for other men.

"Hmm..." Zijin was shocked by Mo Han's words for a long time, and finally smiled through tears, and nodded emphatically.She said she cared about him, but it turned out that she also cared about him!
"Hey! Don't cry, look, I'm crying like a little cat, tears and snot all over my body!" Mo Han reached out to wipe the tears on his face, then took out a wooden box from the front of his shirt, and handed it to him. In Zijin's hand, "This is a gift I carefully prepared for you. I wanted to give it to you on May Festival, but I heard that you were sick, so I brought it to you in advance. Do you like it?"

"Did you prepare it for me yourself?" Zijin wiped her eyes vigorously, and looked at Mo Han happily. It turned out that she was so busy, she didn't forget herself.

Mo Han nodded, and helped Zijin open the wooden box together. Inside lay a lifelike jade carving. Zijin was a little puzzled, why did she give him this gift?

"This is an extremely rare warm jade. I specially found it to warm your body. You suffered from cold when you were a child, and your body was afraid of the cold. In the future, this jade carving will be placed on the bed, and you will not feel cold anymore if you hold it when you sleep! "Mo Han put the box in his hand on the table beside him, stuffed it into the bed together with the Zijin and the jade carving, wrapped him in a quilt, and stood up, "It's almost dawn, so I'll go back. Zijin, take care of yourself!"

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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  happy weekend!

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(End of this chapter)

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