Chapter 248

"Yan'er is also very envious." Mo Yan actually didn't know what Mo Han was talking about, but he just felt that as long as the little aunt said it, it must be right!

"You kid is also making a fuss!" The queen gave Mo Yan a doting look, and muttered softly.

"Let's go quickly! lest you teach my daughter badly!" The princess took Mo Han's arm and walked out. Mo Han still didn't forget to turn her head and say to the prince, "Brother-in-law, eat slowly!"

"Little aunt, remember to come and see Yan'er next time!" Mo Yan hadn't swallowed the food in his mouth, and he was in a hurry to say goodbye to Mo Han, and the words he said were not clear.

Mo Han waved his hand at Mo Yan, then followed the princess and left.The princess asked her servants to load the gifts into the carriage, and when Mo Han saw this, he immediately curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Sister, why bother to spend so much? They want our sisters' lives wholeheartedly, and my sister treats them so sincerely!" When Mo Han thought that the sixth and seventh only wanted the throne, and wanted to kill her sister regardless of the sisters' affection, she They are full of anger, such a good sister and they have the heart to hurt them, in their hearts, power and status are so important!
"After all, they are sisters of you and me. Although they intend to seize the throne, they have not yet reached the point of hurting our lives. Han'er, the empress is getting older, we shouldn't let her worry about these things anymore!" Mo Fan patted Mo Han's shoulder lightly and said.How could she not understand what Mo Han meant, but after all, this was the wedding of Mo Bai and Mo Lin. Unlike in the past, Mo Fan represented not only herself, but also their queen mother and their royal face.

"My sister is always so considerate, but Han'er can't see them hurting you!" Mo Han held Mo Bai's hand, rubbing the calluses on her palm, her sister is only 20 years old!
"Didn't you protect my sister?" Mo Fan said with a smile, and then got into Mo Han's carriage first.

Mo Han followed closely behind, but secretly decided in his heart that in the future, he would send some people from Anbu to protect his sister, and not let her have any accidents, she is just such a sister!

Here, Mo Lin happily went to Zhang Xiangfu to pick up Zhang Ze, with a happy smile all the way, no matter because of Zhang Xiang's power or because of her love for Zhang Ze, today is her past It was the happiest day in my life, there were constant congratulations along the way, and the people in the Seventh Palace were not stingy, but anyone who said a few nice words got a bunch of copper plates tied with red strings, and suddenly, the crowd on the street The place is even more lively!
On the other hand, Mo Bai was completely on the contrary. She rode a horse to Wenfu. Wen Zhao had already brought his family and waited at the door in person. With an expression of indifference, he didn't even bother to say what to deal with.

"The Sixth Highness is here to pick up the newlywed..." Xigong shouted excitedly from the side, and the whole crowd suddenly boiled up. Mo Bai just followed the crowd inside, as if the excitement had nothing to do with her!

Wen Ge sat on the bed with a hipa covering his head, covering his sad eyes.Holding the red handkerchief tightly with both hands, he never imagined that his life would be ruined today. He hasn't caught up with the person he likes yet. He would rather be the side lord of the Eighth Prince's Mansion than Willing to marry the sixth emperor's daughter as the lord, everyone envies him to become a phoenix once he flies on a branch, but who knows, he doesn't care about the sixth emperor at all!
(End of this chapter)

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