Chapter 249 Sisterhood
Even if others don't want to, they still have to live with their face.This new couple is incompatible with each other, and they don't even bother to pretend. This is the tragedy of political marriage!No matter how unwilling Wen Ge was, he had to marry for the sake of his family!
"Ge'er, the Sixth Highness is here, my sister will carry you out!" Wen Ge's elder sister, Wen Xiao, opened the door and came in, leaning over and saying.

Wen Ge nodded slightly, and lay on her sister's back.Since then, he has been really alone!

Mo Bai picked up Wen Ge and headed back home. The onlookers along the way wanted to say a few auspicious words to ask for a reward, but when they saw the dark and long face of the sixth emperor, they all held back Go back, let's go to the gate of the Seventh Prince's Mansion!It is said that it is more lively and joyful there...

Mo Fan brought Mo Han to the Sixth Prince's Mansion first. After all, the elders and younger ones are orderly. Regardless of their father's status or age, the Sixth Prince's daughter is in front. Therefore, there is no doubt that at this time The six princes' mansion is already full of guests and friends.

"His Royal Highness is here..."

"His Royal Highness is here..."

Mo Han followed behind Mo Bai, accepting everyone's gift like this, but didn't notice the clasped hands and trembling body of the newlywed standing there...

"I have seen His Majesty the Empress Dowager Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose..."

"I've seen the Eighth Prince, Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose..."

"My lords, you don't need to be too polite. Today is the wedding day of the Sixth Imperial Sister. The Queen Mother of the Palace is here to watch the ceremony. Just enjoy yourself!" the princess said gently.

"I've seen the imperial sister!" Mo Bai stepped forward and bowed to Mo Fan, seeing his "relative" Mo Bai looked a little better.If it wasn't for the throne, she would have to admit that Mo Fan is really a good sister!
"The sixth imperial sister is very happy today, and the imperial sister is here to congratulate the imperial sister!" Mo Fan congratulated with a smile.

"Emperor sister, please take a seat!" Mo Bai led Mo Fan to the main seat, and Mo Han went to find an empty seat and sat down. The surrounding officials got up one after another, and Mo Han immediately asked them to sit down, and then went for a stroll. , this is the last thing she wants to see, everyone seems to be afraid of them, this is also the sorrow of the superior!

It wasn't until he saw the cousin of the Lin family and the three daughters of Li Xiangfu in the crowd that Mo Han turned around. He was an acquaintance anyway, so he wouldn't be too restrained sitting there.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"


Everyone got up to salute one after another, Mo Han nodded, and said hello to the eldest cousin of the Lin family before sitting down first.

"Cousin Lin Shuang didn't come with her cousin?" Mo Han asked after looking around.

"My mother asked me to come to the Sixth Palace, and Shuang'er went to the Seventh Palace with Miss Mu!" Lin Yu nodded and said with a smile.

"No wonder I didn't see them!" Mo Han thought that he would go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion later, so he went directly to Mu Xi and Lin Shuang, so as to save himself from being with these boring people.

With the arrival of His Royal Highness, the Sixth Princess and the Sixth Prince saluted, Xi Gong sent the newlywed man into the new house, and the Sixth Princess stayed behind to chat with everyone, listening to everyone's congratulations tirelessly, drinking the cup The cup symbolizes the wedding wine of happiness.

Mo Han watched Mo Bai drink the wine offered by everyone one after another, and he would not refuse anyone who came, and he felt a little pity for her in his heart. Although they had different positions, their love was innocent.Mo Bai hadn't mentioned the matter of marrying Zhengjun for many years. She was afraid that she had been waiting for Muci to grow up, but now she married a grandson of the servant of the Ministry of Industry by accident. Two people who are strangers are bound together in this lifetime!She only wanted to save Mu Ci that day, and she had no intention of ruining Mo Bai's life.

"Sister Liuhuang, happy wedding!" Mo Bai had already arrived at the table where Mo Han was, and Mo Han stood up with a wine glass and said with a smile. After looking at it, I put it in my mouth. What comes into my mouth is not the pungentness of the wine, but the bitterness of the tea. Mo Bai couldn't help frowning and looked at Mo Han. What does she mean?

"Too much wine will hurt your body, Sixth Sister, take care of your health." Mo Han also drank the wine in his hand, showed the empty wine glass to Mo Bai, left such a sentence, and left with the princess.

Mo Bai stared at the direction where they disappeared for a long time, is this the sisterhood?Although Mo Bai was three points drunk, his mind was still sober. When everyone was pouring her alcohol, only this younger sister who never got along with him on weekdays could pour her a cup of sober tea, and the one who fought hard for her The elder sister who wanted to replace her had been laughing and dealing with everyone for her, and her newly firm heart to win the throne was suddenly shaken again!

Mo Bai was suddenly a little confused, what exactly was he pursuing in his life?love?No.Family?No.Chasing and chasing, but eventually ended up with nothing.

Mo Bai shook his head, then continued to take the handed wine glasses, drinking one after another.

Hehe... that's all!That's all!It must be because he drank too much alcohol. What kind of sisterhood belongs to others, and I have nothing...

Most of the people from Mo Lin's place were young officials. Generally, the elders of the family went to the Sixth Prince's Mansion, and sent their daughters or younger sisters to the Seventh Prince's Mansion. After all, the biological father of the Sixth Queen's daughter is the current virtuous monarch.

When the princess brought Mo Han over, everyone stood up to greet them, and Mo Lin still welcomed them in with a simple and honest look.Mo Han rolled her eyes with disdain in her heart, she would rather believe that the stupid sixth son would have sincerity than this sinister and cunning seventh elder sister. Simple!
Mo Lin also invited Mo Han to sit with Mo Fan, but Mo Han shook his head and refused, and stepped directly to Lin Shuang and Mu Xi, the princess smiled and said: "This child is still so playful, see Those two little friends will forget about their own sisters!"

That tone was full of pampering, and Mo Lin felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. As expected, the one who came out of the belly was a lot closer. She had never seen this elder sister treat her so well.But Mo Lin had to pretend to be magnanimous, and was busy letting the princess sit down.

"Eighth Emperor Sister is still a child, it's normal to be playful, today I have Lao Huangjie!" Mo Lin said personally pouring wine for the Crown Princess.

"The imperial sister is married, the imperial sister must be there, congratulations to the imperial sister for embracing a beautiful woman!" The princess raised her glass and said to Mo Lin.

A few polite words, how many people are so worldly?Family affection seems to be worthless in front of these.

After a few glasses of wine, the princess was a little drunk, Mo Lin asked his servants to take the princess down to rest, but the sharp-eyed Mo Han saw it, and immediately went to hold Mo Fan's arm.

 Thank you book friend W3034453873 for the monthly pass!
  Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and Dahongdou and Xiaohongdou!

  I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!Lovers get married!

(End of this chapter)

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