Chapter 250

"I'm afraid my sister is drunk, so the imperial sister will send her back to the mansion first. Don't send her away on the day of the Seventh Sister's great joy!" Mo Han said, and helped the princess out of the Seventh Palace. Looking at the thin figure from behind, he frowned.

I have never mentioned my thoughts to anyone. Mo Lin asked himself that he had never provoked Mo Han for many years. Why did he feel that the child's eyes seemed to be able to see through her thoughts, and he was always more wary of her? Is it because you are too eager for success?

"Your child is too wary. Could it be that she dared to openly murder me on her wedding day?" Mo Fan sat on the carriage, nodded Mo Han's nose and said with a smile.

"My sister always thinks of people so kindly. According to Han'er, this Mo Lin is much better than Mo Bai. It is likely that she is going to be that oriole!" Mo Han said seriously.

Mo Fan never expected that the child he had been protecting could see through so many things. She really has grown up!Mo Fan nodded lightly. If she hadn't been worried about Mo Han's safety before, and secretly sent someone to protect Mo Han, she found that the sixth child had conflicts with Mo Han many times because of the instigation of the honest seventh child. Ci, she couldn't believe that this old seven still had such thoughts!
"Han'er has to protect herself in the future, I'm afraid it's going to change..." Mo Fan sighed and said, the royal family has been like this since ancient times, how can sisters' family love compete with the imperial power and wealth, fortunately she still has A good sister!

"Han'er has grown up. Not only can he protect himself, but he can also protect his elder sister and queen father!" Mo Han's earnestness surprised Mo Fan. I am afraid that this child is not as simple as he thought. She can protect herself from harm, and she can worry less.

"Father and sister both want you to be happy!" Mo Fan stretched out his finger and gently touched her head, which is full of wisdom!
"Father, mother, emperor and elder sister are all well, and Han'er is the happiest. Elder sister, in Han'er's mind, nothing is as important as you!" Mo Han once again revealed to Mo Fan that he had no intention of taking the throne. mean.

"How could my sister not believe you? To my sister, Han'er is the most important..." The two looked at each other and smiled, as long as they trust each other, no matter how bad they are behind the scenes, their relationship will not be shaken .

All the sorrows in this world start from mistrust!

After Mo Han sent Mo Fan back, he left directly. She still has important things to do. This summer is coming soon. The emperor's body can no longer bear the severe cold and heat. He called Mo Han into the palace to ask her before. , and asked her to accompany her to live in the summer resort for a while, Mo Han readily agreed.The time is set at the end of this month, and she has to hurry up to inform Zijin and take him out to relax, so that the two of them can cultivate and cultivate their relationship. At least they can't be like Lao Liu and Wen Ge when they get married. How bitter!
"Go to Li Xiang's mansion!" Mo Han hadn't come to Li's mansion so ostentatiously for a long time, but now that he said this, Wen Xin and Nuan Feng were very surprised.

Mo Han came to Zijin's yard familiarly, and when he heard the sound of the piano from inside, he couldn't help but raise his lips. Since the last time she met him, he has become much more cheerful.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door...

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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