The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 253 Take You to Catch Fish

Chapter 253 Take You to Catch Fish

Lin Shuang looked at the little man with some bitterness. She was not sad that she couldn't get the love of a beautiful woman, but she was distressed that he couldn't get happiness.If Mo Han agreed to marry Mu Ci, Lin Shuang would definitely clap her hands and bless him. She liked him to the point where she would be happy seeing him happy.

However, looking at his wry smile now, her heart is like a knife. The feelings in this world are always so wonderful. They come first and come first, and they are always very important in the long river of time. Once someone enters the heart first, it is difficult for others to see it .

It wasn't until he arrived at the Summer Resort that Zijin reluctantly got out of Mo Han's arms and entered the small courtyard that Mo Han had arranged for him long ago.

The yard is not big, he and Mu Ci each have a bedroom, a small kitchen and two guest rooms, through the small door is Mo Han's yard.There is only one door leading to their courtyard. If you want to enter, you have to pass through Mo Han's courtyard. Yu Zijin and Mu Ci said that this place couldn't be safer.

"Young master, Sanyue is truly blessed to be with you. This is the first time that Sanyue has come to such a beautiful place!" Sanyue chirped excitedly from the side.

"It's my first time here too!" Zijin pursed his lips happily and said, he was very content to come here with Mo Han.

"My lord, the Eighth Highness asked you to pack up your things and go there!" A servant ran over with small steps and said at the door.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Mo Han looked at Zijin and asked.

They went to the summer resort yesterday, and after making arrangements, they each rested. This morning, Mo Han thought about taking fish with him, and then made a pot of fish soup for Queen Feng and the emperor to nourish their bodies, and roasted Zijin by the way. The last two, that child really likes to eat baked things!

"Yeah. It's still a little cold here at night!" Zijin nodded lightly. He didn't dare to cover the quilt at night in the house on weekdays. It was so hot that he couldn't sleep. It's a bit cold here at night, so he slept under the quilt until daybreak.

"It will be cold here sooner or later. You need to add more clothes. After breakfast, I will take you to catch fish..." Mo Han beckoned Zijin to sit down and have dinner together. When Zijin heard that Mo Han was going to take him to catch fish , his little face flushed with excitement, he has been waiting for this day for a long time!
The five of Mo Han walked slowly to a small river. The river was crystal clear, reflecting the deep blue sky, not to mention how beautiful it is!

"Zijin, Xiao Ci, my son is cool in water right now, you two sit here first, we'll go catch fish, and when the sun heats up the water in the afternoon, you can come and play for a while." After Mo Han explained, he brought Follow Lin Shuang and Mu Xi to walk towards the water's edge.

The warmth and warm wind spread the blankets that Mo Han asked them to prepare in advance on the ground, and placed snacks and melons and fruits, set up a small stove on the side, boiled hot water, and then jumped into the water with Mo Han impatiently up.How can there be a girl doll at this age who is not playful?

Sanyue hurriedly took Xiaoyan to pick up some dry branches around. His Highness can say that if he catches fish later, he will bake them for them first. In the afternoon, everyone will catch some fish and bring them back to make soup.

Zijin and Mu Ci were talking in a low voice, and Mu Ci's mood finally improved, and he stopped thinking about what was there and what was missing when he was with someone. Seeing Mo Han and the others having fun in the water, he suddenly I thought of the debates that the Master asked them to debate when they were in school, "You are not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?" and "You are not me, how do you know that I don't know the joy of fish?"

 Thanks to book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for waiting for the monthly ticket to bloom!
  Thank you for your votes and red beans!

(End of this chapter)

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