The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 254 Grilled Fish

Chapter 254 Grilled Fish
With a broad vision, many things can be seen clearly!Look at the sky, the sun and the moon, still and silent; green mountains and long rivers, stretching from generation to generation; just like in my heart, you have never left and never changed

If you can't be together as a lover, then stay by her side as a friend. Suddenly, even the air becomes sweeter.

"Oh! Hei Muxi, you're actually playing tricks behind your back..." Mo Han was poured with water from behind by Mu Xi, and he pounced towards Mu Xi.

"Your Highness, you don't slap someone in the face, and you don't expose someone's shortcomings. How can you call me black?" Mu Xi was not happy anymore, and the two of them fisted and kicked in the water. There was a splash of water, and the fish around them had already He ran away without a trace.

Everyone was laughing and watching the two of them splashing water all over the sky, and occasionally splashing two handfuls of water beside them.Even Lin Shuang, who has always been serious, would play tricks from time to time. Zijin and Muci couldn't help laughing while watching them play around on the bank.

How wonderful it would be if time could stay here!

Mo Han and Mu Xi had a hearty fight. When they came out of the water, they both caught two fish. Wen Xin and Nuan Feng took the fish and found a place to clean it up. Once she wrapped herself up, her clothes were all dry when she got in front of Zijin. Zijin touched Mo Han's sleeve curiously, really wondering how she did it.

Mo Han came to the fire that Sanyue and Xiaoyan had set up, reached out to take the skewered fish handed over by Wenxin, rubbed rows of seasonings on the fish one by one, and stuffed the fish belly with Zijin watched curiously after removing the Houttuynia cordata, and saw Mo Han grilling the fish while sprinkling seasonings.

"With so many seasonings, will the taste be too strong?" Zijin asked with her small face up.

"No, because the fish meat has not been marinated in advance, so it will not only remove the fishy smell, but also make the meat inside more delicious." Mo Han explained softly to the curious baby.

"It turns out that there are so many details about grilled fish, but I'm ignorant!" Zijin pursed her lips and laughed softly.

"Learning is everywhere in life." Mo Han raised his head proudly and said solemnly.

"It turns out that His Highness is such an immodest person..." Zi Jin secretly smiled while covering his lips.

"Stupid..." Mo Han wiped the black charcoal on his hand on the tip of Zijin's nose, Zijin puffed out his cheeks in anger, like a little squirrel.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Mu Ci felt more and more that others could not intervene. After all, he showed up too late. No one can understand this untimely pain...

"Xiao Ci, do you want to try it with Zijin?" Mo Han greeted Mu Ci who was beside him. She didn't want to bring up the incident of that day again, so they just went on as usual, and she was still the one who was willing to protect her. His eighth princess, he is still the most gentle Muci in her heart.

"Okay!" Mu Ci's voice was as gentle as ever, and he nervously took the fish handed over by Mo Han. Mo Han then taught the two how to smear it and how to roast it. Lin Shuang and Mu Xi also ate game meat at the right time. Come here and tidy up aside.Several people talked and laughed loudly, and ate all kinds of roasted meat with big mouthfuls, which also had a special taste.

"No wonder others say that leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade. We leaned against the big tree of His Highness Eighth Prince, not only enjoying the shade, but also eating meat!" Mu Xi laid down on the blanket under the tree while touching his plump belly. Said with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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