The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 255 "The Enemy" The Road is Narrow

Chapter 255 "The Enemy" The Road is Narrow

"Then how are you going to thank the hall?" Mo Han also asked while lying beside Mu Xi with a playful smile.

"Do you want to make a promise with your body?" Mu Xi leaned over to that dark face and smiled.

"Too dark, don't!" After Mo Han finished speaking, Lin Shuang couldn't help laughing.

"Your Highness, why are you exposing others again?" Mu Xi angrily threw himself at Mo Han, and for a moment, the three of them fought together.

Zijin and Muci were lying on the blanket beside them, and they were covered with the thin quilt specially brought by Mo Han for them. She was always so careful, it was hard to like it or not.Mu Ci looked enviously at Zi Jin who closed his eyes and pursed his lips, he was so happy!

"The days go by so fast!" Lin Shuang sighed suddenly.

Mo Han and Mu Xi also calmed down. The days passed really quickly. They had grown up in the blink of an eye. It felt like it was yesterday when Mu Xi bravely stood up and accused Zhang Run of bullying Li Zijin. The little girl full of justice is going to be a mother!
After lying down for a long time, Mo Han got up and took Zijin and Mu Ci to the river, let them play in the shallow water for a while, and they didn't go back until the sun was about to set. After a day's harvest, the big fish in the wooden barrel is still bouncing in the water, splashing pieces of water...

"Your Highness..." Lin Shuang was the first to see the person approaching, pulled Mo Han's sleeve behind her, and called softly.

Mo Han raised his head to look at the woman who had been staring at her, to be precise, it should be Mu Ci who had been staring at her side, Mo Han frowned displeasedly, Zijin took Mu Ci's arm and hid behind Mo Han , he really doesn't like the two imperial sisters, Mo Han!

Mo Bai withdrew his gaze, covered up the sadness in his eyes with a smirk, and looked at the passer-by: "The Eighth Emperor is enjoying herself more and more now, why don't you take your fiancé with you when you go out, but also other people's?" Woolen cloth?"

What Mo Bai said about other people's husbands naturally refers to Mu Ci behind Mo Han, and now Mo Bai can't wait to peel Lin Shuang's skin and pull her tendons!

"When will it be the Sixth Sister's turn to worry about things that the Queen Mother doesn't care about?" Mo Han sneered disdainfully, saying that grapes are sour if he can't eat grapes, is he trying to ruin Mu Ci's reputation now?

"The imperial sister is overthinking, the imperial sister is just caring about the imperial sister! To save myself from causing trouble for nothing, and I don't know it!" Mo Bai tightly clenched her fingers behind her back. I have never met Mu Ci before, he actually avoids her like a snake and a scorpion!
"Sister Liuhuang, please take care of yourself! Newlywed Yaner, it is better to spend more time with brother-in-law Liu, why do you still care about other people's affairs?" Mo Han pouted helplessly, Mo Bai looked behind, his own The so-called newlyweds were walking towards them, and his skin was white and tender in the rose red dress. Although they had been married for more than half a month, they had only spoken a few words, except for the intimacy that they had to pretend in front of others Well, the two of them basically had no communication.

"I have seen His Highness the Sixth Highness, I have seen His Highness the Eighth Highness!" Wen Ge gently blessed Fushen, and his tone no longer had the arrogance of the first meeting, leaving only the helplessness and vicissitudes of life. It's only been three months, but this boy seems to have grown up for three years.

"Liu Wangjun is so polite! But Mo Han hasn't congratulated Liu Wangjun on his happy wedding. Speaking of which, Mo Han should call you brother-in-law now." Mo Han didn't want to embarrass a poor man. Ah Jin, she has also cleared her innocence for Ah Jin, and now, he is just an innocent victim of political interests!
In fact, the gentleman that the emperor pointed out to the six emperors could not see anything on the surface, but in fact, if you think about it yourself, you can understand the holy meaning.The Holy Admiral gave Zhang Xiang's only legitimate son to the seventh emperor who was the weakest, but pointed out a grandson of a servant of the Ministry of Industry to the sixth emperor who was most likely to compete with the empress. With such a balance of power, the emperor clearly wanted to tell Everyone, her throne will belong to Her Majesty the Empress Dowager in the future, no one should think about it.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince is polite." After Wen Ge said this, he couldn't speak anymore.He thought about the scene when he saw her again countless times, but he never expected that now that he really saw her, the relationship between them has become like this, he has become her brother-in-law!
"There used to be a kind of flower person who always saw that the flowers in other people's houses were more beautiful, and wanted to look at them every day, until one day the flowers in his own house were blown off by the wind and rain. Looking at those flower bones that fell on the ground, the flower growers regret it. Why did I never appreciate these flowers at that time? It turns out that they are also beautiful. People can't always live in the past, they must learn to look forward and feel pity for the present People, don’t regret it when you lose it. There are flowers that can be broken straight, don’t wait for no flowers to break the branches. Sister Liuhuang, what do you think?” Mo Han reached out and picked a small red flower next to it and handed it to Zijin , seems to be talking to himself, so why didn't he say it to everyone?

Mo Bai glanced at Mu Ci behind Mo Han, and then at Wen Ge beside him, what does Lao Ba mean by that?Seeing Mo Bai's frown, Mo Han turned around and left with everyone.

Mu Ci thought about Mo Han's last words for a long time, and then looked at Lin Shuang beside him. She was always by his side, neither near nor far away. She was not a talkative woman, and she never showed much expression. Only when he met himself would he blush and stammer, or, if he couldn't be with Mo Han, it wouldn't be so bad to meet such a gentle and elegant woman for a lifetime.Although he can't love her, this marriage can satisfy everyone around him. Maybe, this is his fate!

Lin Shuang felt the gaze falling on her, and gave him a gentle smile when she looked over. If she looked carefully, she could see the blush behind her ears.

"I'll take this fish to the queen, you guys go back to the yard first. Zijin, just let Sanyue cook a few side dishes in the evening, don't work too hard." Mo Han told Zijin a few words, and let Mu Xi sent them back, and Lin Shuang accompanied her to Queen Feng's yard. After all, Queen Feng was Lin Shuang's uncle, so she should spend more time with him!

"Ouch! The Queen was just talking about His Highness with His Majesty, why didn't you just come? It's really a father-daughter bond!" Seeing Mo Han approaching, Jiahe immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Could it be that Uncle Jiahe came here to wait for Han'er?" Mo Han joked with a smile.

"You child, what are you talking about? Why are you still jumping!" The fish in the bucket splashed all over the water with a splash, which startled Jiahe.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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