Chapter 256
"Hehe... Don't be afraid, Uncle Jiahe, this is a live fish that Han'er caught in the river this afternoon, and it was specially sent here to make up for my father and mother!" Mo Han stepped forward, holding Jiahe's arm and smiling Said.

"It really shocked the old slave." Jiahe patted Yuexiong Yuefu, and said with some fear, "The Eighth Highness is still the most filial! No wonder the Holy One and the Queen love you the most!"

Jiahe led the warm and warm wind to the small kitchen to stock the fish, while Mo Han brought Lin Shuang into the house.

"Baby pay respects to mother and queen!" Mo Han lifted the hem of his clothes and knelt down on one knee.

"Lin Shuang has met the emperor and the queen." Lin Shuang also saluted.

"Get up quickly, we are all a family, why do we need so many vain gifts?" The emperor nodded with a smile on the side, but Empress Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help the two of them, let them sit down, and took the pastries herself Come.

"Is the mother's health better?" Mo Han leaned up to the emperor and asked.

"It's a good thing you had a good time, and you still don't forget about the Queen Mother. After a few days out, no matter what is right and wrong in the court, I feel much better." The emperor reached out and took off a fish scale on Mo Han's shoulder, squinting. Eyes smiled.

"The mother's body is fine, it's just that she has worked too much for the country and the people! The child stays here with the mother and father for a few more days, so you can take care of your body, right?" Mo Han leaned on the emperor's body. On the shoulder, he said coquettishly.

"Our Han'er is still filial!" The emperor lovingly touched Mo Han's little head. Among her many children, only Mo Han dared to be so close to her, and would never alienate her because of her supreme status. Just like a mother and daughter in an ordinary family, that's why she favors Mo Han alone.

"Your Majesty, don't spoil her." Empress Feng said so, but the pampering in her smile couldn't be concealed.

"Han'er is naturally filial, but it's my sister who has worked the hardest. Our family enjoys family happiness here, and my sister is still in the capital thinking about the common people!" The princess of the capital said a few words.

Empress Feng looked at her little daughter with relief, and he knew that this child was the most sensible and would never break his heart.

"Then you know your sister is working hard, why don't you help her?" The emperor looked at the daughter in his arms with a smile and asked deliberately.

"Emperor Mother, you know my boy. He is the laziest and least ambitious of the sisters. In the future, you will make him a king of leisure and leisure, so that he can live freely for the rest of his life!" Mo Han was extremely serious. Looking directly into the emperor's eyes, he said, as soon as the words came out, Empress Feng's eyes turned red, and she almost burst into tears.

He felt sorry for the little girl, and he also knew that the emperor intended to pass on the throne to this child. It was he who advised her many times to put family affection first, not to hurt Fan'er's life, it was he who ruined this child's future.But the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, so there's nothing he can do about it!
"You child!" The queen sighed, holding Queen Feng's hand from behind Mo Han, comforting her silently, she understood what Queen Feng was feeling.In fact, this is no wonder to him, what father would like to see his daughters kill each other!Although the princess is not as intelligent as Mo Han, she is also upright and benevolent. After several years of hard work, she is also suitable to be an emperor.

"Let's stay and have dinner together later!" Queen Feng sniffed and said to Mo Han and Lin Shuang with a smile.

 Thank you book friend Liangbo Youth for your monthly pass!

  thanks for your support!
  happy mid-Autumn Festival!Remember to eat mooncakes!

(End of this chapter)

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