Chapter 258



Mo Han raised his eyes, just as Zijin and Mu Ci walked in with trays, and couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard Mu Xi's words, the three of them were more fearful than anyone else.

"The two of you don't work any more, just sit down and eat together! It's just us, it's a waste to do so much..." Mo Han beckoned the two to sit down, not wanting them to work too hard .

"The things here are limited, so it can only be made like this. Please don't take offense, Your Highness!" Zijin sat down with a smile and said.

"It's already very rich, Zijin and Mu Ci have worked hard!" Compared with the palace feast, Mo Han enjoyed the happiness of this kind of homely meal more, with less restraint and more freedom.


"Why is the sixth emperor so sad? Why is she drinking alone?" The seventh emperor Mo Lin appeared in the sixth emperor's yard at the right time, with a happy face.She is much luckier than the sixth princess, at least married someone she likes, and now she can bring her husband and follow the emperor to this fairy-like place to escape the summer heat, which can be regarded as the pride of life!
"Hehe... The Seventh Sister's newly-married Yaner is very happy, how can we see the sadness of us heartbroken people?" Mo Bai took another sip of wine, and smiled wryly.

"Sister Liuhuang, what are you talking about? Didn't you, Sister Huang, just hug the beauty back?" Mo Lin covered his lips and smiled lightly, but the joy in his tone could not be concealed.

"Heh! The Seventh Imperial Sister knows what the Imperial Sister is thinking, so why bother to mock me here? In the entire Qi Kingdom, except for Mu Ci, no one can be regarded as a beauty in the eyes of this palace!" Mo Bai laughed loudly and roared, seeing you today Mu Ci made her heart ache even more, he didn't even want to see her!
"Since the Sixth Sister is reluctant to part with a beauty, then it must become a major event as soon as possible. At that time, the whole world will belong to the Royal Sister. What is a mere man? Who do you want? Isn't it easy to grab?" Mo Lin leaned close to Mo Bai's ear and whispered.

"Prince...what do you mean?" Mo Bai put down the jug, looked at Mo Lin puzzledly, and asked with his brows furrowed.

"Of course..." Mo Lin stretched out his hand and made a "kill" gesture under his neck, which made Mo Bai's eyes widen in fright.

"No! She is our mother, even if she has a biased heart, I will not hurt her!" Mo Bai directly refused, she could not do such an outrageous thing as killing her mother and seizing the throne, which has nothing to do with animals. What's the difference?At that time, even if she wins the world, but she is notorious, her father will be wronged with her, and she will not be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life.

"Sister Liu Huang misunderstood, how could the imperial sister have such rebellious thoughts, what the imperial sister means... Let's take a detour, start with the eighth, she is deeply loved by the empress and the empress dowager, if she does something wrong What an accident, do you think the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother still have the mood to govern the government? At that time, it will not be the world of you and my sister? The Royal Sister will definitely assist the Queen Sister loyally, and she will never give up..." Mo Lin stretched out his hand and gestured a " She has disliked Mo Han for a long time. If she can get rid of her with Mo Bai's hand, then she will get rid of her in one fell swoop if she presents the evidence of Mo Bai's murder of his sisters to the empress.At that time, there were only her and the empress dowager left, and the empress dowager was always soft-tempered, so she was the only one who could find a way out, so wouldn't the throne be his own?
Mo Lin has already made up her mind at this time, and she is waiting for Mo Bai to be the sharp sword in her hand. Whether she gains or loses now depends on how Mo Bai chooses.

"This... She is our half-sister after all. Although there are small fights on weekdays, which continue from time to time, they are not to the point of hurting her life. My father has also reminded me many times, don't To provoke her, that child is not as simple as we saw. Let’s wait for this matter and discuss it with my father and aunt before discussing it!” Mo Bai said hesitantly, although she couldn’t see it. Shang Mohan's spoiled temperament is indeed not to the point where she must be killed!
"Why is the Sixth Sister so indecisive? The Royal Sister is all for your own good. Then when your Mu Ci is married to her, will there be time for you to make trouble again?" Mo Lin said again without giving up, So he stared at Mo Bai carefully and stopped talking.

"No! Mu Ci can't marry someone else, Mu Ci belongs to me, no one can take him away from me!" Mo Bai slapped the flagon in his hand on the table, and said angrily, The splashed wine flew all over Mo Lin, a trace of impatience flashed in Mo Lin's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.Mu Ci is her Ni Lin, and now Mo Lin has seen through this point, so he used this matter to stimulate her!

As long as there is a fool like Mo Bai, she, Mo Lin, will just sit back and reap the benefits.Now the most troublesome of the sisters is the shrewd old eighth. It seems that nothing can escape her control. She doesn't look like a thirteen or fourteen girl doll at all. At a young age, she looks like the queen mother. Like middle-aged and elderly people who have experienced the vicissitudes of life, they seem to be able to see everything.Let's not mention Lao Jiu for the time being, but he is just a milk baby, and his father is not favored, and his status is low, so naturally he can't make a fortune.Although the princess is somewhat talented, she is soft-hearted. How can a ruler of a country have such a weak and kind heart?The sixth child is dull and has always been a no-brainer. He listens to wind and rain, and dares to do any stupid thing when others instigate him, regardless of right or wrong.Such a comparison, as long as there is no Mo Han, the throne must belong to her, Mo Lin, without a doubt!
"Sixth Sister Huang wants to be beautiful, but also doesn't want to hurt the sisterhood. How can there be such a good combination in this world? Now, Mr. Muci is the son-in-law of their Lin family. If Sister Huang continues to be so indecisive , I’m afraid there will really be no more chances!” Mo Lin continued to fan the flames, coming up with bad ideas.

"I..." Mo Bai's hand on the table slowly tightened, and her nails pierced deeply into her palm, but she didn't seem to feel any pain. At this time, her heart was still conflicted, and she didn't know what she should do. How to choose, "Let me think about it!"

After all, Mo Bai can only say this sentence, her nature is not bad enough to harm her siblings, but she is thinking about Mu Ci!If he doesn't do that, Mu Ci will become someone else's husband, and there is no possibility of being with her anymore!She can't bear to...

"The imperial sister will leave first. Since ancient times, you can't have both, the sixth imperial sister should make a plan early, so as not to end up with nothing in the end!" Mo Lin stood up and cupped his hands at Mo Bai, Before leaving, he did not forget to give Mo Bai another fire.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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(End of this chapter)

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