Chapter 259
Mo Bai waved his hand at Mo Lin without raising his head, her inner struggle made her unable to think, she just wanted to be alone and quiet.

On one side are her sisters with the same blood, and on the other side is the young man she has admired for many years. She doesn't know how to choose.

After Mo Lin left, Mo Bai locked himself in the room all the time, but he didn't know that the conversation between the two of them today had been overheard by Wen Ge who accidentally passed the door.

Although Wen Ge is impatient and a little willful, he has not yet reached the point of harming his relatives. When he first heard his cousin, the Seventh Emperor, put forward this idea, he was also very surprised. To be honest, my easy-going cousin is actually such a ruthless person.On the contrary, the Sixth Princess whom he had always looked down upon had some humanity left.

No, he can't let the sixth prince and the others kill the eighth prince. Although he can't marry her, he can't just watch her die. He wants to help the eighth prince, and he can't let her be killed by his two older sisters. .

But how can I help her?She didn't trust him, and he didn't have enough evidence to prove that the sixth and seventh princesses conspired to kill her.Then the only thing he can do is to keep a close eye on the movements of these two people, and at critical moments, he can also get someone to inform Mo Han and report a letter.

Ever since he made up his mind, Wen Ge's eyes began to fall on Mo Bai day by day. Sometimes Mo Bai was frightened by him, and he checked his whole body. When he felt that there was nothing wrong, he began to avoid Wen Ge. She doesn't think that her newlywed husband is in love with her. The two of them haven't even touched their hands since they got married!
And Mo Han, who didn't know it, took his friends to play around all day long, going up the mountain and down to the sea, so happy!She is also intentionally developing a relationship with Zijin slowly. The more she gets in touch with Zijin, the more she feels that he is different from other men in this world. Except for the messy things that happen to him, he behaves calmly and rationally in other things , without the pretentiousness of ordinary men, and without any flamboyance, he has a more straightforward temper, and loves to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions, which makes Mo Han admire three points.

"Zijin, today the emperor and the empress asked us to come over for a common meal, so you don't need to be nervous." Mo Han looked at Zijin and comforted him. Since the child received the emperor and empress Feng, he has been asking him to have dinner together. After receiving the news, his body trembled nervously, turning around in front of Mo Han without stopping for a moment.

Zijin had a lot of contacts with Empress Feng, but she had never met the emperor alone.I've seen it a few times from a distance before, and it was always on top of palace banquets, where there were many officials, so he was inconspicuous sitting below.Now that he was going to have dinner face to face with the emperor, he was very nervous. He was afraid that what he said would ruin his marriage with Mo Han, and he was also afraid that what he said would hurt his entire Li family.Although Zijin is a man, he also understands the truth that being with a king is like being with a tiger.

"But, but I'm afraid..." Zijin looked at Mo Han with tears in his eyes. After all, he still expressed his inner panic. He had to tell Mo Han that he couldn't overcome the obstacles in his heart alone.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that the empress will eat you?" Mo Han let out a "puchi" laugh, and habitually stretched out his hand to touch Zijin's head, seeing Zijin's watery eyes and then He took it back with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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