The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 260 Holding hands for the first time

Chapter 260 Holding hands for the first time

In the end, Mo Han's hands that were at a loss landed on Zijin's trembling hands, and he held them tightly, saying, "Don't be afraid, I have everything!"

Zijin looked at the pair of slender and white hands that fell on his own, and suddenly felt his face was hot, and the tension that had been there all along disappeared, leaving only joy and shyness in his heart.

He has been by Mo Han's side for many years, and the two of them occasionally have some intimate behaviors unintentionally, but it is really the first time for them to hold hands in such a serious way.

"Tell me, the emperor...wouldn't she like me?" Zijin lowered his head and asked a bit tangled up. He had the impression that the emperor was serious, and even when he was smiling, the expression on his face was not too rich. A look that is always unpredictable.

"No, Zijin is so good, both the emperor and the queen will like you! Do you know why I am their favorite child?" Mo Han asked Zijin looking up.

"Everyone in the world says that His Highness the Eighth Highness is intelligent. Because you are the first-born daughter of the Empress Feng, she suffered from a serious illness when she was young, and almost...almost died. Since then, the Empress Feng and the Holy One have loved you very much... Zijin said seriously the gossip he had heard.

"Haha... This can be said. However, it's not all... We all know that the empress is in a high position, and everyone respects her, but they also alienate her, and even... are a little afraid of her, but I It's different, I didn't regard her as the master of the world or a symbol of power, but I only regarded her as my mother, a mother who would love her children, it had nothing to do with power and status, or anything else." Mo Han smiled She explained that there was another part of the reason why she couldn't say it, but this reason should be enough to comfort the nervous Zijin!
"It turns out that's the case. Come to think of it, the Holy Majesty is used to being alone, and she should also need family affection, and you just gave her what she wanted, Your Highness. Therefore, in the eyes of the Holy Majesty, you are truly her daughter, and The others can only be called the princess!" Zijin nodded in understanding and murmured.

"So, Zijin, don't worry about what you have and what you don't have. The Queen Mother prefers us to be more casual. With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything, just let things take their course!" Mo Han said for the first time He held Zijin's hand tightly and walked out. I don't know if it was the warmth in that hand that drove away his nervousness, or if Mo Han's words had an effect just now. In short, Zijin is much calmer now. He believes that Mo Han Han, since she said that His Majesty doesn't like others to alienate her, then just be an outspoken junior with a heartless heart.

"The Eighth Highness is here with Young Master Li! Please come in, the Holy One and the Queen are already waiting for you two inside, if you don't come again, this old slave is going to make a trip too!" Jiahe was at the door Looking around, seeing the two finally rushing over, he immediately went up to meet them and said with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Jiahe, Han'er has brought Zijin here, Uncle Jiahe should go and rest, be careful!" Mo Han also said with a smile, Zijin saw Jiahe, and wanted to remove his hand Mo Han pulled out his hand, but unexpectedly Mo Han held it tighter. Jia He couldn't help pursing his lips and chuckling when he saw the small movements between the two of them. It seems that His Highness is more satisfied with this Mr. Li what!Hearing Jiahe's laughter, Zijin's ears turned red with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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