Chapter 261
"Your Highness, hurry up and take Mr. Li in! It's windy in the evening, so be careful of catching a cold." It's cold in the summer resort, and wearing summer clothes is indeed not suitable for staying outside for a long time.Jiahe opened the curtain and sent the two of them in, and then he saluted and left to wait. Empress Feng had already explained that this was their family feast and they didn't need anyone to wait on them, for fear that Mr. Li would feel uncomfortable.

When Jiahe heard Empress Feng's order, she still smiled and sighed in her heart. Empress Feng loved Mo Han so much that she even took care of her pair Zijin. That's what the so-called Aiwujiwu is like!He saw that the child was also a good one, not only sensible but also loving and loving, he would definitely be able to take good care of His Highness the Eighth Prince in the future!

Seeing that His Highness the Eighth Highness treats this son of the Li family with great care, he has met that Mr. Li many times before, but he has never seen His Highness get so close to him before. Fate is such a thing. Wonderful!His Royal Highness chose Mr. Li at the beginning, but now he is more in line with her than others, this must be the fate preordained by God long ago!In Jiahe's heart, His Royal Highness is the best woman in the world, and Mr. Li is also a lucky child!

"My son has met the mother and the queen!" Seeing that no outsiders were there, Mo Han didn't bow down, but just bowed and cupped his hands.

"Zijin has seen the emperor and queen!" Zijin also bowed his head and blessed his body, his heart was still beating.

"Come and sit quickly, we are all from our own family, so we don't need so many formalities." Empress Feng hurriedly called the two of them to come over and sit down, she refused to let go of Zijin's hand, and kept saying "Good boy".

"Sit down!" Seeing that the emperor didn't speak, Zi Jin didn't dare to move, but stood beside Queen Feng, until she heard the two words from the emperor's mouth, then carefully sat down beside Queen Feng.

Mo Han sat next to the emperor, looked helplessly at Queen Feng's hand holding Zijin, and then nuzzled at his mother, the queen, signaling her to let Queen Feng let go quickly. The emperor clenched one hand into a half fist and placed it on the There was a dry cough on his lips.

"Cough! Let's eat quickly, the children are hungry too!" The emperor gently tugged on Queen Lafeng's sleeve and said softly.

"Yes, yes, yes. What the Holy One said is, look at me, I fell in love with this child so much when I saw it, I forgot the time. Zijin, eat more, don't be cautious, we will be a family in the future Yes!" After Feng Hou withdrew her hand, she began to pick up food for Zijin with chopsticks, and Zijin thanked with a smile, then secretly glanced at Mo Han, seeing that she was also looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help feeling ashamed blushing.

"Father, eat more too, don't take care of us!" Mo Han also put a chopstick of meat on the plate for Queen Feng. She knew that Queen Feng was always self-disciplined and rarely ate meat, but as she got older Long, but his body is becoming thinner and thinner. Every time Mo Han eats with him, he will let him eat more meat. Queen Feng couldn't bear to appease the children's filial piety, and finally agreed, but she was still afraid of growing up. fat!

It is said that Queen Feng has been favored by the Holy Grace for decades, but apart from the fact that Queen Feng came from the Lin family, who knows his hardships?There are more and more young princes and servants in the palace. If he doesn't make himself more elegant, he will not be able to compare with those young people just because of his age.The emperor also felt sorry for him always like this, and said that no matter what he became, she would treat him as before. The two of them were childhood sweethearts who grew up together since childhood, and their relationship is naturally incomparable to those little boys.But Empress Feng still went her own way, he said that he didn't want to lose the face of the Holy Majesty and the royal family, if Empress Feng was an old fat man, he was afraid that he would not be able to sit in this seat before others said anything.

"You child, you always let your father eat these things, be careful to make your father a big fat man!" Feng Hou looked at the meat on the plate and complained with some dissatisfaction. Mo Han just knew that she couldn't bear to let her down. I ate them all, that's why I did it on purpose!

"Father's queen is too thin, and everyone says that weak willows Fufeng are the most beautiful, but if the willow is blown by the wind and it falls down, then there is no good talk about it! Besides, the child thinks that if the father's queen grows again The meat must be ten years younger! At that time, won’t others say you are Han’er’s elder brother?” Mo Han continued to pick up vegetables for Queen Feng with a playful smile, and occasionally passed Zijin twice , Zijin also ate with his head down.

"Your Majesty... Look, this child has been spoiled by you, and he even joked with his father and queen in front of the future king!" Queen Feng called the emperor coquettishly, and the child became more and more angry. He has no serious appearance, but he still makes fun of his father!

"Han'er is not unreasonable, you are indeed too thin, you should eat more." The emperor said, and began to serve the Queen Feng with vegetables.

Queen Feng was holding one hand by the woman beside her, and she took a peek at the two children, seeing that the two were eating non-stop, and didn't see the small movements between them, so she blushed and withdrew her hand. hand, eat slowly.

"Zijin! You should eat more too, this body is thinner than when I was young!" Queen Feng secretly divided some of the meat that Mo Han gave him, and her mouth was still talking. Persuading Zijin to eat more, Zijin looked at the hills piled up on his plate and smiled helplessly.

"Zijin, are you still used to the days in the prime minister's mansion?" The emperor, who had never spoken to Zijin, suddenly opened his mouth, but Zijin was taken aback by fright, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and nodded obediently.

"If you come back to the Holy Master, everything will be fine for Zijin in Xiang's mansion!" Zijin said nervously, rubbing his hands constantly, he was afraid that he might say the wrong thing.

"Hehe... Are you afraid of me, kid?" The emperor asked with a smile, without using "Zhen", obviously treating Zijin as his own family.

"Zijin dare not. It's just that Zijin was excited when he saw Tianyan for the first time." Zijin hurriedly explained, which was beautiful.

"Hehe... Your mother and I have also known each other for many years. Since we decided on your marriage with Han'er, we recognized you as the son-in-law of my Mo family. You can just treat this place as your own home. Although Han'er sometimes She likes to mess around, but she is the most caring and sensible of my daughters. If you marry her in the future, you will not be wronged. I have heard about your previous incidents, but you have suffered a lot! Your mother It's not easy for her, so don't blame her!" The emperor finally sighed after talking so much in one breath.

She once heard Li Xiang mention that although this child has returned to the Xiangfu, he is not close to her, and she is probably still blaming her in her heart!She also never thought that Prime Minister Li, who has always been fair and strict, would be harmed by his side-husband like this. This man's viciousness is sometimes even worse than that of women!
(End of this chapter)

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