Chapter 263
Zijin felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, but the trembling hands holding the chopsticks and the tasteless food were telling him how sad he was at this moment.

After all, Empress Feng is someone who came here, so how can she not see what this child is thinking?He is also a man, so why didn't he ever think that he would be the only one to accompany the Holy Majesty until he died, but he knew that the person he fell in love with was the lord of a country, and no matter whether it was the rules of the ancestors or the court officials, he would not allow the Holy Majesty to only marry him alone.Balancing the power of the court and spreading the branches and leaves for the royal family are not something he can do alone.The same goes for Mo Han, she is the eighth emperor's daughter of Qiguo, the youngest daughter of the current emperor, and the direct sister of the future empress. No matter what, it is impossible for her to marry only Zijin.

"Good boy, come, eat more. This daughter's family always has a lot of involuntary things, and a gentleman must always learn to be considerate. Han'er... is not the daughter of an ordinary family after all, but I have wronged you , good boy!" Empress Feng took some food for Zijin with some distress, then patted his hand lightly and said.

"Zijin knows." Zijin nodded lightly and said, he understood that although the words of the Holy Majesty and Fenghou today were blunt, they were all for his own good. Let him make preparations in advance. There is room for remorse.However, how could he be willing to leave her?

"Mother, father, the child is still young, and the marriage is still early! You don't have to worry about it, Zijin comes here once in a while, you will scare him like this!" Mo Han served Zijin a bowl of soup Handed it over, and then looked at her parents dissatisfied and said, saying this so bluntly, her face became a little feverish, let alone such a shy little boy like Zijin!
"It's too early! During this period of time, there is an endless stream of lords from various families who have come to your father to say goodbye to you, and the threshold of Fengyi Palace will be stepped down. In less than half a year, you will be full." At the age of 14, it's time to find two princes to wait on you first. You can see for yourself which son can get in, and it's good to marry two side princes first. If not, let your father and queen be with you. It’s fine for your brother-in-law to make arrangements for you. My daughter’s family always puts the overall situation first!” The Holy Majesty glanced at Mo Han and said, she purposely said this in front of Zijin, and she was also giving him a chance—— He chose the chance to marry Mo Han or not.The situation in the court is not that simple. The marriage of the princesses is not only for the reproduction of offspring, but also for the balance of the court, and Mo Han's adulthood is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Zijin bit his lip and bowed his head in silence. He didn't dare to think that Mo Han would marry someone else soon, or that there would be no place for him by her side in the future. If that was the case, what should he do?
Thinking like this, the chopsticks in his hand seemed to have an idea, and they landed on Zijin's skirt. Zijin picked up the chopsticks in a panic and kept apologizing. It was too impolite for him to do this I'm afraid that the Holy One and the Queen Feng feel that they can't get on the stage, so they want to find some masters for Mo Han?Thinking of this, Zijin's eyes turned red.

"Aren't you hurt?" Mo Han hurriedly stood up and walked to Zijin's side and asked.

Zijin shook his head lightly. Mo Han wanted to take him away, but Empress Feng called Jiahe first to bring Zijin to change clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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