Chapter 264

Zijin felt guilty and sad at the same time, he really lost his sense of proportion when he met Mo Han, and today he was so ashamed in front of Mo Han's most important elders, thinking about it, Zijin couldn't cheer up anymore up.

"Empress, this matter is not urgent. The child has never thought of getting married so early, so naturally he can't miss someone else's son." The corner of her mouth curled up with a hint of helplessness, and she could see Zijin's sadness in her eyes. Although she is not as affectionate as Zijin treats herself, she can't bear to see him feel embarrassed. Since he is destined to be her husband, and she happens to not reject him, then she only wants to treat him well!But this can't be said in front of the emperor and Queen Feng, lest they might misunderstand Zijin, besides, she is not sure about her future with Zijin.

Although Mo Han couldn't claim to have General Mu's affection for Mu Zhengjun, he never thought that there would be a second man in the future!
"What are you talking about! This palace's daughter is so good, so many men want to marry her, so it's a delay to others!" Feng Hou was not happy when he heard Mo Han say that. No one can say that his daughter is not good, no one can!
"Okay, okay! What kind of anger are you doing? Since Han'er doesn't want to get married so early, just rely on her. It's worth your trouble. The child has to live a life of his own. It's okay to talk about it after Zijin and Ji pass through the door next year." The emperor smiled and comforted Feng Hou and said, she knew that she, Feng Hou, was a protective character, so she couldn't help laughing, she is a gentle and virtuous Feng Hou!When you meet a child, you lose your sense of proportion.

"Could it be that the mother and the queen called the boy and Zijin here just to talk about these things? The boy can't eat these delicacies!" Mo Han said deliberately pouted, she didn't want to continue talking about this topic, She knew the rules of the family, before marrying the main king, two side kings or servants had to be established first, her father and queen mother and queen mother also obeyed the rules, no wonder they did so.

"However, the rules of the ancestors..." Empress Feng muttered a little aggrieved, but was interrupted by the empress' disapproving eyes, and did not continue.

"Han'er doesn't mind if she doesn't want to, we're not that pedantic family, why bother to worry about it for nothing?" The emperor patted the back of Queen Feng's hand comfortingly, thinking of Zijin's gaffe , I can't help but worry even more about Mo Han's backyard. It's difficult for this royal child to love or not to love, and this degree is really difficult to grasp.

"What the mother said is that the children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Father, you can relax your mind, the child will definitely let you hold your grandchildren and grandchildren, isn't it okay!" Mo Han walked to Queen Feng and said coquettishly. When they talked about this in front of Zijin again, the child was very thoughtful, and he was afraid that he would be sad for a long time.

"You should hurry up and give birth to one for me to hold!" Empress Feng was amused by Mo Han's words, and couldn't help but twitched her lips and said with a smile.

"Father, aren't you embarrassing the child? The child is still a child! Isn't my sister already having Xiao Yan'er, and my brother-in-law is pregnant again? What is there to be dissatisfied with, Father? You are now a daughter and grandson. The house is full, but he is the happiest person in the world!" Seeing that Empress Feng looked better, Mo Han hurriedly said a lot of good things about not needing money, he, the empress father, is the most coaxable!

"Your sister's is your sister's, and yours is yours. The father always feels that there is something wrong with your child. I think Zijin is a good child, but after all, he is still too strong." If he's weaker, I'm afraid it's not easy to give birth to, so you give him more supplements on weekdays, if... then, I can't rely on you, I must choose more side lords for you!" Fenghou cryptically said Expressed his own meaning, if Zijin's heirs were weak, he, as a father, would not sit idly by. Whether Mo Han wanted to or not, he would bring her some more people into the mansion.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! It's all according to the father." Mo Han nodded helplessly, and then continued after seeing the Queen Feng finally smiled, "The Queen Mother and the Queen Father have also seen Zijin's feelings for the child, so don't give up. Let’s talk about the matter of Nacianjun for the baby in front of him again. He has suffered a lot since he was a child, and he is most afraid of being abandoned. Since he agrees to this marriage, there is no need for us to test him and break his heart. !"

"The mother is also for your own good, afraid that he will be wronged, and also afraid that your marriage will be unlucky!" The emperor explained with a sigh.

"My child understands the painstaking efforts of the Queen Mother and the Queen Father, and I believe Zijin will also understand that your two elders are doing it for his own good!" Mo Han said affectionately, their love for her was absolutely unadulterated, Now that her birthday is approaching, the marriage is naturally taken into consideration by the two elders, so it's no wonder they brought it up today.

"Hmph! You do know how to love your husband, but you hurt the empress's heart like this." When Empress Feng thought that the daughter she had raised was already full of others and had no place for her, she felt sour and a little sweet. , his most beloved daughter has finally grown up!
"No matter where Han'er is or what he looks like, the father's queen is the child's father, and the person the child cares about most!" Mo Han quickly coaxed Queen Feng and said, seeing Queen Feng pursed her lips and gave her a glance, Only then did he say something else with a hippie smile.

When Zijin came over again, Empress Feng had already reheated the dishes, looking at Zijin's smiling face, she was always so kind.

"Zijin has been rude, please punish the Holy One and Queen Feng." Zijin Fu bowed his head and said.

"You child, there are so many rules in the family, Han'er, quickly help Zijin up." Fenghou hurriedly asked Mo Han to bring Zijin over. He is not the kind of evil father-in-law who treats his son-in-law like that Harsh, he treats the children of the younger generation very well!
"It's not worth apologizing for such a trivial matter. Eat some more. This is the black chicken soup that the queen specially ordered the dining room to cook for you. It has been simmered slowly for a day and a night!" Mo Han immediately pulled Zi Jin over. Sitting down, he poured another bowl of chicken soup for him, with a few pieces of chicken in it, Zijin pursed his lips without saying a word, but his heart was warm.

"Come on, Zijin, eat more. When you have time in the future, come and sit with Han'er with us. We will all become a family in the future, and you don't have to be too born." Feng Later, he said gently while holding the vegetables for Zijin.

"Yes." Zijin nodded obediently, but he was curious in his heart. What did Mo Han say to the Holy Master and Queen Feng, and they stopped mentioning the matter of being her servant?
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  Because the author has something to do at home in the past few months, many relatives live here, and it is very noisy every day, so there can only be one big watch and two small watch every day.If it calms down in the later period, it will start to explode. After the finale of this article, the new article will meet with you immediately.Thank you for your continued support to the author!

(End of this chapter)

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