Chapter 272

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, they are just performing juggling, they won't hurt you!" Mo Han said with a light smile, patting his little hand.

Only then did Zijin poke a small head out of Mo Hanyue's gaps. It was the first time he had seen this kind of juggling since he was a child, and he was a little scared and curious at the same time.

But I saw a four or five-year-old doll standing on three stacked chairs, raising one leg unsteadily, with a bowl on his head, performing all kinds of dangerous cloud masterpieces. Jin looked at the child nervously, for fear that he would fall, and couldn't help holding Mo Han's arm tightly with both hands.

"Mo Han, tell me...if I hadn't met the Liu family back then, would I have been like this child, desperately trying to make a living." Zijin murmured, her eye sockets already moist.

"Zijin, those things are in the past. The past follows the wind, and we have to look forward. No one can predict the vicissitudes of life. This is fate. If this child can live, he is already stronger than many people!" Mo Han Sighing, he broke Zijin's little head and said seriously.

He knew that Zijin had always been soft-hearted, and because he had suffered a lot before, he didn't want to see children suffer.However, there are more than tens of thousands of people in this world who are more miserable than this child, and he still has a skill to make a living, like Ruyan... Wouldn't it be more miserable for a man who enters such a place? Other options were chosen.

"But, seeing him like heart hurts so much!" Zijin turned his face and choked up, he couldn't bear to see that child again, he was afraid that he would not be able to help crying, and at such a young age, he had to come out to make a living ...

"Then why don't you give him more rewards later?" Mo Han couldn't bear to see him sad, so he said calmly, she didn't know why the child suddenly became so sensitive, maybe it reminded him of being a beggar Live the hard days!
"Okay!" Zijin replied with red eyes, and felt more and more that Mo Han was the best woman in the world, and she treated him with care. Thinking of this, he felt much better.

The child was sweating profusely when he was picked up from the chair by a thick woman. The people onlookers kept cheering and applauding, and a smile appeared on the child's rosy face.

"Look, how happy this kid must be! He is proud that he can help his family make money at such a young age, so don't feel sorry for him anymore." Seeing the kid standing on the ground, Mo Han said Supporting Zijin's body made him turn back.

Zijin watched the child walk up to the crowd with a small tray, and bowed to the guest every time he received a copper coin, but the smile on his face was so bright.

Mo Han quietly stuffed a piece of silver into Zijin's hand, and Zijin clenched the silver in his hand with his lips pursed, but he was very happy in his heart. Not only did she not tire of him for such a willful mischief, but she even helped him Make a wish.

Zijin watched the child getting closer and closer to him, thinking that if he could have met a kind person when he was a child, or his father's old servant would not have died of illness on the way to the capital, and the three of them would not have met again. Begging and being beaten, almost died in a ruined temple outside the capital...

The little baby stood in front of Mo Han and Zijin with a tray, raised his head, looked at Zijin blankly, then looked at Mo Han, then grinned, revealing two small canine teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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