The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 273 You Shouldn't Expose Your Money

Chapter 273 You Shouldn't Expose Your Money

"Sister, this brother is so beautiful!" the little baby said childishly, and everyone around looked at Zijin, who couldn't help but blushed, and put the silver ingot in his hand to the child. After placing it on the tray, he lowered his head, but Mo Han smiled heartily.

"You baby's mouth is so sweet, haha..." Mo Han was so happy, and he threw a big silver coin to the baby, which made the baby's mother run over immediately and dragged the baby to kneel down to Mo Han. In front of Han, he kept saying thank you.

"Get up! It's my husband who is destined to be with your child. The child is so young, and he is still playing at home. It is indeed dangerous to climb up and down like this all day long." Mo Han pulled the child up from the ground , said to the woman.

Zijin was stunned by the phrase "husband" in her mouth, she——even said that he is her husband, does that mean that she also likes him a little bit, and would marry him willingly?

"Thank you benefactor, you two saved our lives!" The woman on the ground kowtowed in gratitude to Mo Han and Zijin, and suddenly lay down on the ground and cried loudly.

"Mother, mother..." the little baby called out with her mouth curled up, tears also in her eyes.

"Bao'er, your sister is saved, your sister—she is finally saved! Come and thank your benefactor, and kowtow to your benefactor!" The woman pulled the child back, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Mo Han and the others.

"My eldest sister, please hurry up. If this money can save your child's life, it is also your good fortune. It is nothing more than a small effort for my wife and husband. Since the child in the family is sick, the elder sister should go home quickly. Go!" Mo Han didn't expect that this little boy came out to perform as a performer to treat his sister's illness. Seeing that although the clothes on his mother and son were patched and patched, they were washed clean. Thinking about it, there were also some at home. The man took care of him, and he was afraid that the family couldn't do without people, so the woman brought the child out to perform as a performer to survive.

"Yes, yes. Bao'er, hurry up and pack your things, let's go home and see your sister!" After hearing what Mo Han said, the woman immediately nodded and said yes, and then went to clean up her business, all tied together on an old wreck.

The people around were all lamenting that this family had met a nobleman, repeatedly calling the young couple good people, Zijin's blushing little face was so sweet that his heart melted when he heard everyone calling him "Little Langjun"!

"Husband, do you want to go further?" Mo Han couldn't help teasing the little man with his head bowed and blushing face.

" can you bully me!" Zijin stomped her foot lightly, turned her back and said coquettishly.

"When did I bully you? Aren't you my rightful fiancée? Oh... don't tell me you want to go back on your word and not marry me?" Mo Han sighed deliberately with a long tone, his tone full of disappointment.

"No, you know I'm the one who won't marry you!" Zijin immediately turned around and said hastily.

It can be seen that the person who should have been disappointed was looking at him narrowly and laughing at this time, only then did he realize that he was cheated by her.Zijin became furious and raised his small fist to beat Mo Han's arm, but Mo Han held his hand.

"I gave you a chance, you don't want it, now it's impossible for you to leave me, then you can marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, follow me!" Mo Han laughed and pulled Zijin Walking forward, she is in a rare good mood today. Thinking about it, this is the feeling of being in love!
"Then are you a chicken or a dog?" Zijin couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Then what do you think? The mother of this hall is Feng..." Mo Han leaned into Zijin's ear and whispered, her mother is Fenghuang, she has no chance to be a chicken or a dog!

"You're bullying me again!" Zijin pouted, and walked forward. Mo Han rubbed his nose and followed closely behind. It's hard to guess what this little boy is thinking, and he took it seriously even if he was joking!

"Hand over the money, and I will spare you!" Zijin was walking forward with a dull head when he suddenly heard someone calling for help in the alley next to him.

"Big sisters, that money is my daughter's life-saving money! Please let us go!" The voice begging for mercy is very familiar, could it be...

Zijin suddenly pulled Mo Han's arm, and pointed to her in the direction of the voice, Mo Han also put away his smile and listened seriously.

"Hmph! You met a nobleman today. The sisters can see clearly. Is it over for you to get so much money?" The laughter of several women was heard, mixed with the sobs of children.

"I beg my elder sisters, that is really my daughter's life-saving money. When my daughter recovers from her illness, we will use all the money we earn to honor the elder sisters in the future."

"Haha... just a joke, how much money will you earn in the future without such a noble person coming to our small town for hundreds of years? Hmph! I'm afraid you won't be able to earn so much money until you die!" the woman's voice Full of sarcasm, "If you don't hand over the silver today, we will sell your son to the red building for a few coins, haha..."

Mo Han finally understood what had happened. It turned out that their good intentions harmed the mother and son. She just thought that the folk customs here were simple and simple, but she didn't expect that there were local ruffians and bullies. They were not thoughtful enough!
"No! Please don't...I'll give it, I'll give it..." Just as the woman was about to take out the money and hand it to the bullies, the little baby cried out not to.

"Mother, that's my sister's life-saving money! You can't give it to them, you can't give it to them..."

"Hey! You are a tough kid, so don't blame me for beating you to death, just take the money and leave!" Before the voice of the speaker could fall, he was kicked away and hit the wall behind him.

Everyone saw a woman falling in front of them like a banished fairy. Who is this noble person who just gave money to the mother and child?

"Benefactor, benefactor... I beg you to save the child! Cough cough..." The juggling girl was lying on the ground covered in blood, but she was still crying for Mo Han to save her son. Mo Han is now The last straw for their mother and son!

"Sorry! It was my lack of thoughtfulness that caused you trouble." Mo Han stepped forward to help the child, handed him to Zi Jin behind him, and then went to pull the wounded woman lying on the ground.

"Miss, we think you are also a noble person, so don't bother with this matter, otherwise...hehe...our sisters are not easy to mess with!" The leading woman among the group of bullies got up from the ground and held her hands The aching chest said, Mo Han only used two parts of his kick, and the leading woman was not injured at all.

(End of this chapter)

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