Chapter 277 Fiefdom
However, Zijin frowned again, what kind of thief could make Mo Han dismiss the other room regardless of the difference between men and women?Zijin was very aware of Mo Han's behavior. If it wasn't very dangerous, she would not agree to live with him. She always looked serious.

But this time, Zijin was very smart and didn't talk too much, as long as he can stay with her, he can do whatever he wants.

"But are you tired? Otherwise, you should lie down for a while..." Seeing Zijin's haggard face, Mo Han couldn't help but care.

Zijin nodded, did not shirk, but directly took off his shoes and lay down on the bed. He was indeed very tired. After sitting on the horse for so many days, his bones seemed to be falling apart.

Mo Han sat on the edge of the bed, carefully covered him with the quilt, patted his little head distressedly, watched him slowly close his eyes, breathe evenly, and then walked to the window lightly.

Open the window, the room they live in is just facing the street, there are people coming and going, although it is lively, but if you look carefully, it is easy to find that there are indeed few men appearing, I am afraid that they are all very afraid of the flower picker Bar!
She once heard the elder sister say that the magistrate of Jiangnan, a rich and prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River, belongs to the empress dowager. I don't know who the magistrate of Yunzhou belongs to. If it belongs to her elder sister, she can help a group. , she just took the opportunity to get rid of her for her sister.

Jiangnan is a piece of fat, and it must be under the control of the empress dowager. If it is bought by the sixth and seventh, it will definitely become a big disaster in the future.

Not to mention the important location here, but to say that the annual tax and grain payment are more than ten times that of other places. Once the empress father also revealed that the mother emperor intends to designate Jiangnan as a fiefdom for herself. When she gets old, she She could bring her husband here to live up to her old age, but was rejected by Queen Feng.

Mo Han understands Queen Feng's painstaking efforts. If this place becomes Mo Han's fiefdom, the ministers of the court will probably speculate on the holy will again and start a new team. Not to mention that Mo Han will become a thorn in the side of the sisters, just say, All the courtiers in the harem are about to fall apart, the emperor has not yet issued an order, but according to Mohan's understanding of the emperor, even though she does not issue an order now, after she is passed on to the crown daughter, I am afraid that she will also give it to her !

It is said that there are beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, and the beautiful scenery is waiting for you. I don’t know if it’s my bad luck or what. As soon as I came here, I caught up with the flower pickers and the incense thieves. But the beauties can’t be seen, so I can only take time to take a look at the beautiful scenery. son!
"Dong dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Er's voice came from outside the door: "Guest officer, your food is here!"

Mo Han opened the door and took the tray from the second hand. The second saw that the second hand was well-trained. Seeing that the guest didn't let her in, he closed the door for Mo Han and said with a smile, "Guest officer, slow down." Use", then bowed and left.

Mo Han placed the dishes on the tray on the dining table one by one, and then came to the inner room. Seeing that Zijin was still asleep, he couldn't bear to wake him up, and was afraid that he would starve to death, so he finally moved forward slowly.

"Zijin, Zijin...wake up..." Mo Han gently patted Zijin's exposed little hand and said.

"Hmm... Mo Han... Mo Han..." Zijin started calling Mo Han's name before opening his eyes.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Mo Han said softly, holding Zijin's little hand.The gentleness and pampering in the tone are almost deaf, if Zijin is still sober, he is probably already drunk!
 Book friends, have a great weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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