Chapter 278
Zijin opened his dim sleepy eyes, looked at the woman in front of him, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly blushed, he thought he was at his own home!

"Get up and eat before going to sleep!" Mo Han gently lifted Zijin up, and said with a smile, the child must have fallen asleep!
When the two came to the table, Mo Han first served Zijin a bowl of soup and put it in front of him. Zijin blushed a little helplessly and said, "I... I will do it myself!"

How dare he ask Mo Han to serve him!She is the aloof Eighth Prince, and he is also his future wife and head. Besides, she is taking care of herself along the way, but she can't help her in anything.

"But you are very tired?" Mo Han asked with a smile.

Zijin nodded in agreement. He had never ridden a horse for such a long time, and his whole body was in severe pain.

"It's because I didn't think carefully. After leaving the villa, I should prepare a carriage for you!" Mo Han said with some guilt, she completely forgot how delicate the man's body is here, after traveling for so long Lu, she is a little tired even for a martial arts practitioner, let alone a boudoir like Zijin!
"No, no, I dragged you down." Zijin hurriedly shook his head and said, secretly thinking that his body was not up to date.

"Hurry up and eat! We're not going anywhere this afternoon, just rest here, and you can take me out for a walk tomorrow." Mo Han said, holding a chopstick of green vegetables for Zijin.

"Yeah." Zijin nodded lightly, but she was looking forward to seeing the place where she lived since she was a child. I don't know if my mother's bodyguard is still there, and whether the peach tree in my yard will bear fruit this year... …

"Ah..." Zijin was just lying on the bed with his sore bones, when he was startled by a big hand covering him.

"But it hurts so badly? Why didn't you tell me before?" Mo Han complained a little in his voice, but his subordinates helped Zijin press the painful Houyue key gently, and poured some genuine energy.

"Well... yes... I'm too useless!" Zijin buried his head in the pillow with a blushing little face, but he couldn't tell how hard he pressed her.

"You are always so stubborn, how can you look like a man!" Mo Han sighed helplessly, if it was the boy next to him, he would have shouted.

"Then do you prefer that kind of delicate man?" Zijin asked aggrievedly with her mouth pouted.He just didn't want to cause trouble for her. Could it be that she prefers the kind who loves to act like a baby?
"I like you better!" Mo Han leaned into Zijin's ear and whispered, there was a bit of a joke in his tone, but also a bit of sincerity, which made it hard to figure out.

After hearing her words, Zijin's face turned even redder, like an overripe apple.The ears are warm, and the heart is also warm.Did she mean... Did she mean that she liked him?Happiness came so suddenly that Zijin was flattered.

When Zijin looked up at the woman who made his heart ecstasy full of expectations, he saw that she was narrow-minded at this time, and when he heard her laughter, he felt disappointed again. It turned out that she was joking with him!
Seeing that Zijin suddenly withdrew his smile and his face turned pale, Mo Han was afraid that his laughter might have misunderstood him, so he kicked off his boots and lay down on the bed.

Zijin just felt that the position beside him had sunk into a pit, and he fell into a warm embrace. It was still the familiar smell that made him nostalgic...

 Thank you, book friend, who only has a monthly pass for your coffee without sugar!

  thanks for your support!
  happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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