Chapter 279
But I don't know if there will be other men who will lean on this position like him in the future, and will be treated tenderly by her.Every time I think of this, Zijin's heart feels like a knife is being twisted, and the pain is so painful.

"Zijin, I said I would treat you well, do you trust me?" Mo Han's voice came from behind Zijin's ear, Zijin trembled, but he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I believe..." As long as it is what you say, I will believe it!Even if it's cheating, let her lie to him for a little longer.

"Sleep for a while!" Mo Han gently rubbed the crescent of his chin with one hand, but held his body tightly with the other hand, and closed his eyes and said.

Zijin hummed lightly, his fingers slipped inch by inch, and finally he boldly stuffed his little hands into those big ones, only to feel that the back of his hands tightened, and the person behind him got closer to him.

Zijin raised the corners of his lips, he didn't care much in this world, besides Mo Han, what else did he care about?Or friendship, or family affection, but compared to Mo Han, they are nothing!
As everyone knows, everything has already been predestined, and the cold and lonely bamboo is only willing to bow his head in front of her, even if it is just a glimpse, it is better than thousands of others...

The two of them slept until the early morning of the next day. Mo Han was woken up by the bustling business outside. The peddlers on the street had already started to walk around the streets with their burdens, looking at the little man who was sleeping soundly in his arms. , Mo Han couldn't bear to wake him up, so he simply closed his eyes again, adjusted his breath and concentrated, sensing the movement around him.

After a while, he felt that the breath of the people around him changed. Mo Han opened his eyes, and what he saw was a pair of eyes that were as deep as the sea. He actually caressed those sparkling eyes, and the little man was so startled that he didn't dare to move.

"Do you want to get up?" Mo Han's voice was still hoarse after waking up. Hearing Zi Jin's ears was like a kind of poison. He was so fascinated that he couldn't tell what night it was!

"'s still early, how about lying down for a while?" Zijin seemed to be possessed, and said what he was thinking. He didn't want to get up so early, and wanted to stay with her for a while longer.

"Okay, it's all up to you! Does it still hurt?" Zijin couldn't help shivering from the temperature coming from the moon, and when he heard Mo Han's question, he shook his head lightly, but buried his face deeper some...

After breakfast, Zijin pulled Mo Han's sleeves and walked towards the street he was familiar with. Five years have passed, and the street has undergone many changes. Newly built large tile-roofed houses replaced the previous low wooden houses, and new street corners were opened. Lots of paving.

"Ah! That's the noodle shop that my mother used to bring me to eat when I was young. His noodles are delicious! Let's go and try them?" Zijin pointed to a small noodle shop and said.

There are only six small tables in the shop. Although the shop is small, it is clean. There are already four tables of people sitting inside. Judging from the clothes, there are common people farming, scholars studying, and businessmen passing by. Fu, it seems that this store has been able to maintain its business for so many years and is still thriving. Even Zijin can't forget it. The taste should be good.

Mo Han nodded, and was about to open the door curtain and walk in, but his arm was pulled by the quilt, Mo Han looked at him puzzled, didn't he just said that the noodles here are delicious, did he want to come in and have a taste?
"It's still...forget it!" After Zijin said it, he regretted it too much. How could he bring His Highness to such a place for dinner?What is His Highness's identity, why does he always forget his duty, because His Highness treats him well, he gets carried away with pride.

"What's the matter? Didn't you just say that the noodles here are delicious?" Mo Han thought that Zijin was not feeling well, so he immediately turned around and asked.

"This place is too lowly and unworthy of His Royal Highness's status. Let's change to another one!" Zijin said in a low voice with his head lowered, his tone full of nervousness and uneasiness. He was afraid that she would dislike him and blame him for forgetting his identity. Insatiable.

"In the world, there is only delicious food that can't be let down. It's all about eating, so there's no distinction between high and low. Besides, as long as it's what you want to do, I will accompany you." Mo Han chuckled lightly, leaning towards his son Jin whispered in his ear, and before Zijin could react, he dragged him into the noodle shop.

When the noodle maker saw the person coming, she couldn't help being shocked and speechless, and she didn't care about the noodles she was still making.She had never seen such a beautiful lady before!Looking at the clothes, they are not ordinary people's. How could they come to her small noodle shop?

The surrounding guests also looked up at the two of them, maybe this young lady came to the wrong place because she was hungry?
"Little... miss, you two... want... what do you want to eat?" The aunt was so nervous that she couldn't even speak. She actually saw a little girl blushing, which is really amazing.

"Husband, what shall we eat?" Mo Han smiled at everyone, then turned to look at Zijin and asked.

Mo Han's "husband" made everyone's eyes shift from her to Zi Jin's body. Such a young man who is as weak as a willow supporting the wind is probably very much loved by his wife!

Zijin blushed with embarrassment when Mo Han called her husband, and didn't dare to look up at her again, so she just said "egg noodles" in a low voice.

"Then please ask me to make two bowls of egg noodles for us. We just had breakfast, and we just came here just because of the reputation. Let's try the aunt's handicrafts. The portion should be smaller!" Mo Han said to the aunt, and pulled Zijin found the innermost table and sat down.

"Okay! Wait a moment!" The aunt immediately put away her dazed mind and went to make a face for them, but secretly admired in her heart, she didn't know whose family's youngest son was so lucky to marry such a beautiful wife. Still hurting people so much, I really have accumulated great virtue in my previous life.

Zijin turned his back to everyone, because considering that he would take off his veil when eating noodles later, Mo Han unconsciously put him in the corner where he was least likely to be noticed.

Mo Han looked at Zijin, but Zijin kept staring at the surroundings of the store. This child must be recalling the days when he and his adoptive mother came to eat noodles together!

The aunt quickly prepared two bowls of noodles, and the bowls for Mo Han and the two of them looked new. I think this aunt is also a real person, and she must be afraid that the nobles who are dressed in extraordinary clothes will despise them!In fact, she guessed right on this point. Although Mo Han is informal, he is very picky when it comes to eating. If something looks unclean, she will not take a bite.

Zijin looked at the big bowl that the aunt put in front of him, and couldn't help being dazed, his eyes became more and more blurry...

Things are people and nothing is done, and tears shed first.

(End of this chapter)

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