Chapter 280
Before meeting Mo Han, mother was the best person in the world to him. Every time mother came back from the darts, she would bring him here with his father and younger brother to eat a bowl of warm egg noodles. Be happy, have fun...

But now, the noodles are still the same bowl of noodles, but people can never come back...

"Eat while it's hot..." Seeing Zijin bowed his head and didn't move, Mo Han reached out to take off his veil, handed the chopsticks to him and said softly.

Zijin sniffed his small nose, forced a smile on Mo Han, and then lowered his head to take a sip. It was still the familiar taste in his memory, which really made people have endless aftertaste.

The aunt was an honest person, she didn't dare to look at Mo Han's table anymore, she just lowered her head and went about her own business, but Mo Han put down his chopsticks first, and started chatting with the aunt first.

"Ma'am, there is a Zhenyuan Escort Bureau nearby, do you know how to get there?" Mo Han had already heard Zijin mention the name of the Escort Bureau his mother opened before, and remembered it in his heart.

Zijin's chopsticks, which were stuffing noodles into his mouth, also stopped, and he listened carefully to the old lady's answer with his ears pricked up.

"Guest officer, are you talking about the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau five years ago, and the Liu Mansion today?" the aunt wiped her hands and asked with a smile.

"Liu Mansion? Is Liu Mansion the Liu family of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau?" Mo Han frowned and asked.

"That's right! The Liu family is doing well now! After the head of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau passed away, her younger sister took over the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. Later, the new head of the family didn't want to live this bloody life anymore, so he Disbanded the bodyguard bureau, turned it into a silk business, and became in-laws with the magistrate, and now we are one of the best families in the south of the Yangtze River, and they are in the limelight!" The aunt couldn't help being amazed when she mentioned the Liu family in the south of the Yangtze River. It's really not easy for a concubine to develop the Liu family into such a state.

"So that's how it is..." Mo Han nodded clearly, and glanced lightly at Zijin beside him, seeing that he was lowering his head and wondering what he was thinking, so he reached out and patted his cheeks, pursing his lips. smile.

"Miss, aren't you a relative of the Liu family?" The aunt only thought that the lady was approachable, so she couldn't help but ask.

"We are relatives of the former head of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's husband's family. Because we took our newlyweds out to play and passed by Jiangnan, we wanted to see our cousin who hadn't seen him for a long time." Mo Han was not annoyed by the aunt's talkativeness, Instead, he said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that disappointed the lady! I heard... the husband of the head of the family ran away with other women with his two sons not long after he died in the head of the house. It has been more than four years since he left. There is no news." The aunt whispered, and just after she finished speaking, she felt that she had done something wrong and shouldn't criticize her cousin in front of her husband and family.

The aunt looked at Mo Han with a blushing face nervously, and was relieved when she saw that she didn't show any displeasure.

"Run away with another woman? Did the news come from Liu's house?" Mo Han also pretended to be shocked and asked, but the hand under the table held Zijin's hand tightly, fearing that he would be too angry and lose his mind .

"That's right! The Liu Mansion sent many people to look for it back then, but they couldn't find it for more than a month. I don't know where a man with two sons can go with others..." The aunt thought that maybe this young lady He dared to say these words because he was not that close to the Liu family's husband.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading!

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(End of this chapter)

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