The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 289 Ask the world what love is

Chapter 289 Ask the world what love is

Mo Han did not refuse anyone who came, but Zijin became a little anxious watching from the sidelines. He had never seen Mo Han drink so much wine before!Zijin finally snatched the wine glass from Mo Han's hand and forbade her to drink any more. Mo Han raised his eyebrows at Liu Xiuzhu helplessly, expressing that he had nothing to do with him.

Perhaps because Liu Xiuzhu was happy, she also drank a few more glasses, and then said without restraint: "Miss Lin! This husband should be pampered when he should be pampered, and he should not be too spoiled when he should not be pampered! "The implication is that Zijin was a little rude by Mo Han's habit. How can there be a husband who takes care of his wife like this? It's not decent!

After Zijin heard Liu Xiuzhu's words, she immediately changed her face. What did she mean?Does it mean that it is good for Mo Han not to treat himself so well?Or that he shouldn't stop Mo Han from drinking, but he loves her so much!

Seeing Zijin's aggrieved appearance and everyone's gossip-like appearance waiting to see a joke, Mo Han smiled: "I just like Zijin's temperament. When I ask what love is in the world, it's just one thing. Lin is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid that Zijin will be unhappy. As long as Zijin is happy, no matter what, everything is fine..."

Mo Han's tone was full of drunkenness, but the words he said moved the hearts of all the men present. How could Zijin have such a good wife!
It is said that Mo Han utters the truth after drinking, but Mo Han's "drunk talk" made Zi Jin almost cry, she treated him so well, she was not afraid of people saying that he was disobedient and lost her face, and she was not afraid of others saying that she Fear of being unmanly, but in everything he does, he does not forget to protect him, allowing him to show off in front of the Liu family.

Zijin understood that Mo Han was venting his anger for the grievances he suffered back then!She wants them to know that Zijin is no longer the poor man who lived under the fence of others. Now he is pampered and protected by someone, and he has her!

"Brother Zijin is so lucky!" Liu Yu'er murmured, and his words really came from the heart. If he liked Mo Han before because of her family background and appearance, then he really wants her now. Snatched her away from Zijin, he liked the doting in her eyes...

"Mo... Cousin Lin is drunk. I'll help her go back to rest. Aunt and sister, take your time!" Zijin didn't want to hang out with them anymore. He was worried that Mo Han was really drunk, so he wanted to go back and give her a drink. Make some hangover soup, and I don't want to see these people staring at Mo Han like wolves and tigers again!

Zijin tugged gently, and Mo Han stood up with him. He was only a little drunk at first, but was blown by the cold wind outside, and it was all gone.

Mo Hanxu leaned on this thin boy, watching him strenuously supporting himself to walk out step by step, no matter how difficult it was, he would not hand her over to others, so he couldn't help but want to laugh, what a little fool .

Mo Han has seen the faces of the Liu family today, and he can imagine how Zijin grew up when he was young. With the temperament of the Liu family who favored the high and trampled the low, he must have bullied Zijin a lot back then, thanks to him being a Boys, if they are women, they probably won't even live to be nine years old!

Looking at it now, Zijin's adoptive mother may not have died in an accident. If those robbers really only wanted to rob money, why did they kill people for no reason?If both wealth and human life were to be robbed, why did Liu Xiuzhu come back alive, but only Zijin's adoptive mother lost her life?I'm afraid it's not that simple!
…………… Off-topic………… (free)

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  The author has posted the blocked chapters to the group, and also shared with you some female statue articles that I think are more beautiful. The group number is 283787165 (one thought is like dust)
(End of this chapter)

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